

【作者】 陈岑

【导师】 田土城;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 民商法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先考察了罗马法、大陆法系诸国及英美两国的居住权制度。先是分析了居住权产生发展的历史原因,总结了罗马法上居住权的特点。对大陆法系诸国居住权制度的考察,主要立足于各国居住权的特色,尽力寻求居住权制度发展变化的轨迹,努力把握其内在规律性。对英美两国居住权制度的介绍主要关注居住权的具体规定。通过上述比较分析,得出国外居住权制度的四点发展趋势:将以住房为标的的人役权统一规定为居住权的趋势明显;居住权功能呈现多元化趋势;居住权的可转让性逐步得到部分承认;法定居住权受到较多的重视。以此作为我国居住权制度构建的理论基础。 在第二部分,依据居住权的发展趋势,结合我国实际需要,对居住权的概念进行了界定。论述了居住权的三点特征,强化了对居住权的物权属性的认识。为了适应居住权功能多元化的需要,对居住权进行了分类,以便对不同类型的居住权提供不同的法律规则。依据严格区分物权与债权的观念,对居住权与房屋租赁权进行了比较研究,彰显了居住权的独立意义。提出建立居住权与租赁使用权二元房屋利用体系的设想。 构建我国居住权法律制度是第三部分内容,也是本文的核心任务。在居住权取得部分,确立了依当事人的意愿取得居住权的基本规则,对居住权的登记与豁免登记进行了介绍。详细阐述了规定法定居住权与裁定居住权的意义及法定居住权与裁定居住权的具体情形。在居住权的效力部分着重列举了居住权人的九项权利义务和所有人的五项权利义务。关于居住权的出租与转让本文主张:居住权人可以出租标的物,但当事人另有规定或者法律另有规定的除外。法定居住权和裁定居住权均不得出租。参考国外立法与司法实践,本文列举了十二种居住权消灭的原因。 居住权的立法建议部分是本文的落脚点。对西学东渐中居住权丧失的原因进行分析后认为,日本民国民法典没有规定居住权是因为当时缺少居住权功能发挥的社会环境。社会状况的变迁,促使我们重新审视居住权在中国的命运。本文从房屋重要性的增加;适应夫妻分产制,保护妇女利益的需要;保护老年人利益,应对人口老龄化的需要;保护社会弱者的基本人权的需要以及司法实践的需要五个方面论证了物权法规定居住权的必要性。 本文对《物权法征求意见稿》关于居住权的规定进行了评析,指出《征求意见稿》明显的将居住权的功能限定在基本生存保障上,对居住权的多元功能认识不够;该稿最大的一个缺陷是居住权取得方式规定得太少,特别是没有规定法定居住权,影响到居住权功能的发挥;关于居住权的规定过于简单,一些重要的规则被遗漏,无法适应现实的复杂需要。 本文认为:对居住权应当采取《民法典物权编》与《民法典亲属编》及特别法相结合的立法体例。赞成《物权法征求意见稿》将居住权单列一章规定在用益物权部分的做法。文章认为《物权法征求意见稿》关于居住权的规定过于粗糙,对 《物权法》中关于居住权应规定的内容提出了详细的建议,作为本文的总结。

【Abstract】 In this article, the author inspected the system of habitio in Roman law, the countries of continent law family and England, American law firstly. In the beginning the author analyse the reason of arise and development of habitio, conclude the characteristic of habitio in Roman law. The inspection to the continent law family is mainly based on the characteristic of every countries’ habitio. The aim is to seek the trace of development of habitio and grasp it’ s inner law. The introduce to the habitio in English and America is mainly the specific provision. Through the comparison and analyses we can conclude four trends in foreign habitio in foreign habitio system: there is an obvious trend that the servitus personarum whose object is house is provided habitio; the role of habitio arise in many fields step by step; the alienable of habitio is accepted step by step; the habitio provided by law is paid to more attention. These trend is the basis of construction of our habitio in theory.In second part, the habitio is defined through the development trend o habitio connected the practical need in our country. The author discussed the three characteristic of habitio, strengthen the recognition of it’ s essence of jur in rem. According to the need of increase of role, the habitio is divided into different type to apply to different provision. To demonstrate the independent meaning of habito, the author compare the habitio ad the right of house rent in the conception to distinguish the jur in rem and jur in personam strictly. The author believed the trend that jur hi personam possess some specially of jur in rem not only can’ t meet the need of party to get the protection of jur in rem, but also may confuse the system of system of jur hi rem and jur hi personam and damage the transaction safety. The habitio and the right of rent should been established independently.The third part is how to establish the system of habitio hi our country, the core of this article. The rule is established that the habitio should been secured according to the will of the party. The author introduce the register and exempt register system of habitio.Then the author discussed the meaning of habitio provided by law and by court in some specific situation. In the effect part the author cite the party of habitio’ s nine items of right and owners’ s five items of right and obligation, the author argue that the party of habitio has the right to rent the house with exception of the different agreementor different provision. The house can’ t been rent when the habitio is provided by law or by court. There are two reason that the habitio disappear according to foreign legislation and judicial practice.The aim of this article is to produce the suggestions to legislation.The reason that there is no habito in Japan civil code is lack of society surroundings. The change of society promote us to think the fate of habitio in China again.The author prove the necessity to provide the habitio through five aspects: the increase of importance of habitio; the need to protect the benefit of woman; to protect the old men’s benefit to adapt the need of the trend that the increase of old men; the need to protect to weak party and practical need. The author comments on the provision of habitio in <<The Draft to Seek Suggestion of Jur in Rem Law>>, point out that the role of habitio is limited to living safeguard obviously, lack of the recognizition of increase of role of habitio.The biggest drawback is lack of the method to secure the habitio hi the draft. This drawback will influence the employment of habitio’ s role; the provision is too simple to suit the practical complex need due to missing some important rule.The habitio should adopt the legislation that provided in law of jur in rem and law of kin and some special law. The author agree that habitio is provided in real right for use and profits parts as an independent chapter in the daft. However, the provision in the draft is too gross. The specific suggestion to the habitio in the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】366

