

【作者】 向兵

【导师】 冯冬青;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在铁道电气化牵引区段,牵引供电网采用单相工频交流电供电方式。为使电力系统三相负荷平衡和提高电网的利用率,要求电气化铁路接触网分相供电。为防止相间短路,各相间用空气或绝缘物分割,称为电分相。在准高速、高速线路上,机车每小时要通过十几个分相点,频繁通过分相区时,手动操作不仅耗费司机精力,而且过多地分散了司机行车的注意力,对行车安全极为不利。因此,传统的手动切换方式已无法适应我国电气化铁路的发展,尤其无法满足提速和高速电气化铁路的需要。 目前世界上仅有少数国家研究和采用自动过分相装置。本文在分析、熟悉了韶山8型电力机车的有关电路,了解了国内外自动过分相技术的发展现状的基础上,提出并设计了这套适合我国国情的基于GPS系统与CONFIDENT自动识别系统组合定位的机车自动过分相系统。在这套系统中增加了诸如自动判断行驶路线、自动判断行驶方向、自动调整机车轮径等以往自动过分相装置所没有的新的功能,并根据列车行车安全的要求,制定了本系统的可靠性设计原则,重点加强了系统的可靠性设计。 本系统由CONFIDENT定位系统、GPS定位系统和主控制器系统组成。其中每一系统又由相应的硬件和软件组成。文中首先介绍了韶山8型电力机车的主要控制电路以及可靠性设计的基本理论和基本方法。依据这一理论,我们可以看出哪些部分可能会出现故障,从而指引我们加强这部分的可靠性设计。 然后,又详细介绍了系统各部分硬件的选型以及和韶山8型电力机车的有关电路接口的设计以及介绍了系统各部分的软件设计。 最后介绍了系统所采用的可靠性设计。又分析了机车内的主要干扰源,并提出了设计中应用到的一些抗干扰措施,如良好接地,信号光电隔离,电容滤波,隔离电源等以增加了系统的工作可靠性。论文最后介绍有本系统的主要试验项目和试验结果。

【Abstract】 On the railway of electrization, power supply mode is requested to be the single-phase alternating current. In order to keep balance of electric power system and enhance the using rate of electric power, the locomotive is requested to pass over of neutral section. In order to prevent short current, there are insulators between electric phase. On the high-speed railways, these are many neutral sections, chauffeurs are very exhaustion in manual mode. So the mode of manual passing over of neutral section has not fit the development of railway.These are a few of countries in the world are studying and adopting the automatic passing over of neutral section device now. On the basis of analyzing the circuit of SS-8 electrical locomotive, realizing the overseas modes of automatic passing over of neutral section, the paper proposes and designs this locomotive automatic passing over of neutral section system which on basis of GPS and CONFIDENT build-up orientation. In this system, we designed some new functions , for example, automatic judge running line, automatic judge running direction, automatic adjust the radius of locomotive wheel. And according to the requirement of the locomotive’s moving safety, the principle of system reliability design is given, strongly strengthen the system’s reliability design.This system is composed of GPS orientation system and CONFIDENT orientation system and main controller system. Firstly, the paper recommends the locomotive’s principal circuit and basic method of reliability design. Then, the paper introduces the hardware and software of system. Secondly, we recommend the system’s overall structure. At last, we analyze the primary disturbance, we adopted some measures to obtain high stability and to enhance the system’s anti-jamming ability. At the end of the thesis, there are some test results of the system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】U262
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】330

