

The Theory of the Corporation Personality Denying System and Its Application

【作者】 张建军

【导师】 沈贵明;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 经济法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在支撑现代市场经济的法律制度中,公司法人制度无疑是中流砥柱,因为公司法人制度的三大支柱:公司财产与股东财产分离、公司独立人格和股东承担有限责任,有力地保证了产权流转的增值和富有效率地进行,使产品最终变成财富,社会扩大再生产的循环得以继续进行。但是,当人们在充分追求经济价值的同时,在产权流转过程中的公平、正义等伦理价值会被不同程度地受到忽视。虚假出资、抽逃注册资本、转移公司财产、逃避法定公司义务等滥用公司法人制度的现象随之出现。这种现象尤其是在市场经济不完善的地区或国家居多。为防范这一现象带来的危害,公司法人人格否认制度应运而生。其目的在于:在特定情形下为保护债权人及社会公共利益不受损害而否认公司法人成员的有限责任,责令法人背后的成员对法人的债务直接负责,以实现公平与正义。公司法人人格否认制度不同于法人否认说也不同于法人的强制解散,它只适用于法人人格被滥用以致给债权人和社会造成损害的个案中,而不能任意适用。公司法人人格否认制度只是对法人制度的一项补充制度,在美国、英国以及大陆法系的日本等国这一制度得到较好的运用。我国市场经济还不发达,法人制度尚不完善。也不存在公司法人人格否认制度,但公司法人人格否认法理对我国的立法实践和司法实践具有重要的现实意义。我们应在坚持法人制度的前提下,对恶意运用法人成员的有限责任而损害他人及社会利益的个案,运用公司法人人格否认法理调整纠纷者的经济利益,以维护社会经济秩序的有序,健康发展。

【Abstract】 The corporation personality system is undoubtedly the basis in the legal system that supports the modern market economy, because its three pillars, that is the separation of company’s property and shareholder’s property, corporation independent personality and limited responsibility assumed by shareholder, assure the addition and efficiency of property rights flow, help the products turn to the wealth and make the circle of expansive reproduce continue smoothly. However, fairness and just in the process have been ignored when people pursue economic value. The phenomena of abusing the corporation system spring out, such as false capital, escaping register capital, moving the company’s property and shifting the responsibility, especially in the countries that market economies are incomplete. As a result, the corporation personality denying system comes out so as to safeguard the negatives of the phenomena. The aim is to protect common interests of creditors and the society under special circumstances by denying the limited responsibility of corporation members and to realize fairness and just by ordering the members to assume their liabilities directly. The system that only applies to particular case owing to the abuse of corporation personality isdifferent from the corporation denying theory and corporation compulsive dismiss. The system is only compensation of the corporation system, which runs successively in the USA, UK, Japan andso on. The market economy is less developed and the corporation system is incomplete in China. Although the corporation personality denying system hasn’t been made, its theory is significant to our legislative and justice practice. We should take advantage of the theory of t he system to adjustthe economic interests among disputes in order to safeguard the orderly and healthy developmentof economic order.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【下载频次】126

