

【作者】 李梅香

【导师】 成先平;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 反倾销问题历来是GATT(关税与贸易总协定)和WTO(世界贸易组织)谈判中的重要内容,缔约国为此达成了一系列协议,最终于1994年达成了极具代表性的《反倾销协定》。WTO反倾销规则基本上包括四个方面的内容:第一,关于出口产品倾销、国内产业损害、损害与倾销之间的因果关系确定以及应采取的反倾销措施等实体性问题的规定;第二,关于反倾销案件调查、裁决和司法审查等程序方面的规定;第三,关于各缔约方争议解决的规定;第四,关于追溯效力、发展中国家等其他若干主要问题的规定。该协定将世界范围内的反倾销立法与实践统一起来,大体上改变了各国各行其事的做法。WTO《反倾销协定》的内容基本上是恰当的,但仍存在不足。比如,非市场经济问题,它使包括我国在内的一些国家的产品在出口时遭受到不公平的歧视待遇。这也是我国目前成为世界上遭受反倾销损害最大国家的主要原因。 近年来,我国正经受着倾销与反倾销的双重冲击与考验,一方面,我国正成为国际反倾销的主要目标;另一方面,我国也正在经受国外倾销产品的猛烈冲击。我国对外贸易及相关产业因此遭受了巨大损失。我国成为WTO成员后,这种局面不会得到根本改善。而我国现行的反倾销法还很不成熟,如立法层次低、效力差;有些规定过于笼统、不利于操作;缺少公共利益条款;司法审查制度有待建立与完善等等。因此,以WTO反倾销规则为原则,借鉴美国、欧盟等国家的先进立法经验并结合我国国情来修改和完善我国的反倾销法是摆在我们面前的一项紧迫任务。首先,我国应有一部全国人大或其常委会制定的反倾销法律;其次,应完善反倾销实体法及程序法方面的内容,如引进“公共利益条款”、完善反规避规则等等;还有,完善配套法律、法规及构建我国的反倾销司法审查制度也是十分必要的。 最后,我国企业应积极应对反倾销,掌握反倾销的技巧与策略。只有勇敢拿起反倾销这把保护民族产业的利剑,才能为民族产业的发展和腾飞创造良好的环境。

【Abstract】 The problems of anti-dumping always are the most important matter in the negotiation of GATT and WTO. The countries signed a serious of agreements that made of special anti-dumping legislation. At last, the Anti-dumping Agreement that unifies the anti-dumping legislation and practice hi the world was born in 1994. It is made of by four parts mainly ,including the determination of dumping ,the determination of injury ,the settlement of disputes ,the developing countries and so on .On the whole, Anti-Dumping Agreement is appropriate , yet it has shortcomings , for example, the question of nonmarket economy .Many countries’products including China’ are confronted unfair trentment. Chinese products now are the main targets of anti-dumping in the world. The main reason is that China is regarded as nonmarket economy country.In recent years ,both the dumping and anti-dumping have led to muck loss hi China’ foreign trade. China, on the hand ,is now becoming the chief target of international anti-dumping ,and on the other hand ,it has received a violent attack from foreign dumped products. Researching on WTO ’anti-dumping rules and perfecting China’s anti-dumping legislation is an imperative task , we are confronted with on the very tune that China have been the member of WTO. However , we still have to face the pressing situation . There are some defects in China’ anti-dumping law-making ,suck as the low legislature level ,the unconfined nature of some provisions ,the lack of judiciary investigation system . It is necessary to improve all these defects. We can learn form some countries’ advanced experience, such as America’ and European Community’ . The first, we should have the anti-dumping law that is made by people’ congress. The second , both theentity law and the procedure law should be improved.The anti-dumping law should have the public interest clause and the anticircumvention clause. It is essential to consummate the related laws and to set up the judiciary investigation system.At last , the corporations in our country should reply the anti-dumping actively , mastering the skills and the policies.What we need earnestly now is that we should promulgate an improved anti-dumping law as soon as possible. Under suck circumstances , we should engage ourselves in the perfection of China’law of anti-dumping in order to more effectively accomplish the task of anti-dumping.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D996.1;D922.295
  • 【下载频次】140

