

【作者】 张进

【导师】 陈雰霞;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 郑州市早在1996年就已进入老龄化城市的行列。随着郑州市老龄化程度的日益加剧,郑州市的家庭规模日趋小型化(2001年底,户均人口:3.5人),空巢家庭和核心家庭日渐增多,使家庭养老无论在经济支撑还是生活照料方面都大大削弱了。青年人不堪重负,迫切需要社会养老设施的支持。 老年公寓是社会养老设施中的一个重要的组成部分,它既可使老年人拥有独立的居住单元,保持家庭气氛,又可获得各种较好的服务与照料,受到了老年人的青睐。郑州市目前已有老年公寓13家。但是笔者通过实态调查发现由于目前郑州市的社会养老设施缺乏相应的行业标准,郑州市的老年公寓存在的问题颇多,主要包括以下五点:1.名不副实;2.不符合《老年人建筑设计规范》(JGJ 122—99);3.私密性差;4.无特色;5.缺乏多层次的交往空间。最重要的是,郑州市老年公寓的设计思路仍旧沿袭着传统养老院的模式,难以满足当代老年人对于老年公寓高质量、多样化的需求。因此对于郑州市老年公寓的设计研究便显得必要而又紧迫。 本文在对郑州市老年公寓实态调查的基础上,通过对郑州市老年人居住生活基本状况的研究与分析,依据相关规范,借鉴国内外老年公寓设计的相关经验,对郑州市老年公寓的设计原则、类型、套型、布局方式、内部空间设计及提升郑州市老年公寓品质的相关对策等方面作了较为详细的探讨。希望能够对今后郑州市老年公寓的建设有所启示,为郑州市老年公寓的发展尽一点微薄之力。

【Abstract】 As early as 1996,ZhengZhou had already ranked among the aging cities. With the aging degree gradually intensified, the family scale is becoming smaller and smaller(by the end of 2001, there had been 3.5 people per family in ZhengZhou), the number of the empty-net family and the nuclear family is continuously rising, an average family’s economy and energy on supporting the aged at home are being weakened. As the result, the younger generation can’t bear the heavy burden any longer, they are eager to get helps from the social facilities for the aged.As an important component of these facilities, apartment for the aged is in their good graces, because in which they can independently enjoy the habitable space , more good service , more good care and the family atmosphere. There have been 13 apartments in ZhengZhou. However,owing to lack of appropriate trade standards, there are many problems discovered by author during the investigation on the spot, mainly including:1. Their names fall short of their realities;2. They can’t accord with Code for design of buildings for elderly persons(JGJ122-99) in some degree;3. Few of them can guarantee the aged’s privacy;4. They are short of distinguishing features;5. They lack variety of social contact space for the aged. Especially , because the design train of thought is still followingthe conventional pattern of home for the aged, these apartments can’t meet the aged’s need for high quality and diversity. Therefore,the design research on apartments for the aged in ZhengZhou seems necessary and urgent.On the base of on-the-spot investigation , study and analysis of the aged’s present housing and living condition in ZhengZhou,thisthesis is in accordance with some codes concerned , uses the related experience of other counties for reference and delves into the design principle ,type,space arrangement,dwelling size and indoor space design of apartment for the aged. The author has a good hope of giving it’s construction and development in ZhengZhou some enlightenment and assistance in future.

【关键词】 郑州老年公寓设计原则对策
【Key words】 Zhengzhouapartment for the ageddesign principlecountermeasure
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU241.9
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】887

