

【作者】 曹海亮

【导师】 董其伍; 刘敏珊; 郭茶秀;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 化工过程机械, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 CAD、CAE在现代产品开发设计中起着非常重要的作用,CAD主要是用来加快设计速度、改进产品造型和提高绘图质量,而真正能够改善性能、缩短产品开发周期则需要依靠CAE技术。在CAD设计的同时,运用CAE对产品的几何模型进行数值模拟,对产品的性能和结构进行评估,从而达到改善设计结构,提高产品性能、缩短设计开发周期的目的。CAE有强大的有限元分析功能,但是在创建几何模型方面功能很弱,分析师用于几何建模的时间几乎占整个分析过程的一半。CAD在几何建模方面具有强大的功能,因此,实现CAD与CAE的集成,使CAD创建的几何模型能被CAE分析使用,这将大大减小CAE建模的困难,提高分析设计效率。CAD/CAE集成是现代产品分析设计的重要发展方向。 新型纵流壳程换热设备作为一种新一代节能降耗设备,具有优良的防流体诱导振动性能、传热性能好、传热效率高、流体流动阻力小、抗结垢能力强、重量轻等优点,是郑州大学“热能工程研究中心”专利产品,为了加快该设备的推广,“中心”研发了HECAD软件系统,实现了新型换热设备工艺设计、机械设计、零部件,图及总装图绘制一体的CAD软件化。HECAD系统在零部件二维图形和总装图的自动化绘制上取得了很大成就,但随着计算机软硬件技术的发展和设计理念的演变,在对换热设备零部件进行二维设计的同时,需要机械产品的三维实体模型,而且在零部件三维模型基础之上,设计者可以对设计模型进行工程有限元分析,得到其工况下的真实温度场和应力场的分布,以便使设计者能及时对零部件模型的设计缺陷进行修改和优化,最终设计出性能合格、重量较轻的理想产品。因此,如果能利用现代先进CAD技术和CAE技术,在实现二维绘图基础上,生成零部件的三维实体模型,并对零部件在实体工况条件下进行有限元分析,使用户可以实时对产品的设计缺陷进行修改优化,这无疑是对HECAD系统的有益的扩充和升级。 本论文研究课题来源于河南省重大科技攻关项目“重大过程装备智能化CAD/CAE集成技术的研究与开发”,旨在设计并实现一个集成系统,该系统利用CAD技术,在生成换热设备零部件二维图形的同时,能创建其相应的三维实体模型,实现二维绘图与三维实体模型的互动;并实现CAD与CAE系统的集成,使用户可对生成的几何模型进行有限元分析,得出零部件模型在实际工况下的温度场和应力场,实现零部件的优化设计。该系统在提高重大过程装备的设计制造水平,提高零部件的设计和分析效率,缩短产品设计开发周期,优化产品结构、降低成本等方面都有重要意义。本文主要在以下几个方面作了研究和创新: 1)介绍了工程数据库技术的功能和用途,论证了零部件三维造型系统中数据部州大学硕士学位抢文第H页库技术的必要性。参数化实体建模技术是运用几何参数驱动的方法来创建模型,因此,几何参数数据则是三维造型系统的基础。运用Access创建了换热设备零部件的几何参数数据源hedata.mdb;分析了ODBC数据库互联技术的工作原理和编程过程,在VC++6.0和ObjectARX 2000环境下,开发了三维造型系统对几何参数数据源hedata.mdb的访问接口,通过该接口首次实现了换热设备零部件三维造型系统对数据源hedata.mdb的访问,三维造型系统能从数据库中方便快捷的读取数据,从而为零部件的系列化建模奠定了数据基础。2)在VC一6.0和ObjeetARX 2000编程环境下,运用AutoCAD二次开发技术和参数化建模技术,编写了换热设备零部件的ARX应用程序,开发了换热设备零部件三维造型系统。运用布尔操作、克隆和矩阵变换等方法,完成了换热设备零部件的三维实体造型模块,包括管板、封头、管箱、筒体、膨胀节、法兰、折流圈、折流栅装置以及整台纵流壳程换热设备的参数化三维实体造型。完成了用于CAE分析的换热设备一些部件的三维模型模块,包括延长部分兼作法兰的管板、延长部分不兼作法兰的管板的三维模型模块。3)探讨了CAD、CAE系统的集成模式,将Windows多进程编程思想运用于换热设备零部件CAD/CAE集成系统,实现了换热设备零部件CAD系统与CAE系统的弱祸合集成。研究开发了该系统的三个功能模块,即新型换热设备零部件三维造型模块、三维分析模型模块和有限元软件的调用模块。CAD/ CAE集成有紧祸合和弱祸合两种集成方式。紧祸合是在CAD系统内部开发CAE分析模块,是真正意义上的集成,但需要进行CAE软件的重新开发,难度很大。弱祸合CAD/C AE集成是一种CAD、CAE系统松散的集成,不需要进行CAE软件的开发,系统间通过标准数据传输接口进行数据传输,实现了CAD、CAE的几何模型共享。运用多进程编程思想,将换热设备零部件CAD三维造型系统和CAE有限元软件系统作为两个进程,通过创建子进程,CAD系统自动调用CAE系统并将CAD几何模型导入CAE系统。4)运用换热设备CAD/C AE集成系统对纵流壳程换热设备的管板进行了热分析,得到了管板在实际工况下的三维温度场和应力场。通过对不同厚度的管板进行热应力分析,得出了热应力与管板厚度的基本关系,为工程上薄管板的选用提供了有价值的参考。

【Abstract】 CAD and CAE play very important roles in developing and designing modern production. CAD is mainly used to promote the speed and quality of drawing, but improvement of production’s capacity and quality, reduction of production’ cost and cut-down of design period depend indeed on the help of CAE. In the course of design with CAD, CAE can be applied to improve design structure and capacity, reduce production’s cost by numerical simulating of models and evaluating of production’s capacity. Though CAE has very strong function in finite element analysis (FEA), it has so many difficulties in modeling that the time spent on modeling almost occupy a half of the one of whole analysis process. In order to overcome these difficulties, the integration of CAD/CAE is the best choice. Modeling created with CAD can be used to analyzing of CAE, it will reduce the difficult_ ties of modeling and improve efficiency of analysis and design. CAD/ CAE integration is an important trend in analysis and design of modern production.As a new type of energy-saving equipment, the Tubular Heat Exchanger with Longitudinal Flow of the Shellside fluid (THELFSF) has many remarkable advantages. It betters anti-vibration and anti-smudge performance, enhances heat transfer efficiency, and decreases the shellside pressure loss. It also prolongs service lifetime, reduces the weight and saves material. In order to promote the population of the new technology, HECAD software was developed by Thermal Energy Research Center of Zhengzhou University. As a 2D CAD drawing software, it realized the automatic design of process design, mechanic_ al design, components design and assembly drawing design of THELFSF. However, along with the development of software and hardware and the evolvement of design thought, not only 2D drawing but also 3D solid modeling is needed in modern design of heat exchang_ er’s parts. Moreover, FEA of modeling can be processed on the basis of 3D modeling of parts and 3D temperature field and stress field can be obtained on the condition of operati_ ve status. Designer can modify the design and optimize the structure of parts modeling. Ideal productions with better capacity and lighter weight can be designed at last. Hence, if 3D solid modeling of parts can be created with advanced modern CAD and CAE technology and designer can modify design defect and optimize structure on the basis of 2D drawing, HECAD software will be upgraded and expandedThe subject of the dissertation stems from the Research and Development of CAD/ CAE Intelligent Integration technology of Important Process Equipments which is one ofmagnitude Science and Technology of Henan province. CAD/CAE integration system is designed and realized, and it can not only create 2D drawing but also corresponding 3D solid model. 3D solid modeling can be imported into ANSYS software and FEA can be processed on the 3D solid modeling. CAD/CAE integration system plays a significant role in improving the design and manufacture level of heat exchanger’s parts, promoting the efficient of design and analysis of parts, and reducing the developmental period and cost. Main research and innovative work of this dissertation is as follows:1) Project database technology is proved necessary in 3D modeling system by introducing the uses and function of project database. Parameterized modeling technology is used to create the 3D solid modeling at the driving of geometrical parameter, hence, the data source including geometrical parameter of part’s structure is the basis of 3D modeling system. Geometrical parameter database named after hedata.mdb of heat exchanger’s parts is created with Access, and operating principle and programming of Open Database Connectivity(ODBC) technology is analyzed. On the environment of Visual C++ 6.0 and ObjectARX 2000, an interface between 3D modeling system and geometrical parameter database headta.mdb is developed with the application of ODBC technology. Through the interface, 3D modeling system can firstly visit the database and obtain the da

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TK172
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】232

