

Relationships Review between China and Korea’s North Policy

【作者】 侯中军

【导师】 孟庆义;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 专门史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 韩国北方政策是韩国政府采取的一项力求改善与中国、苏联等社会主义国家关系的外交政策,目的就是创造一个有利于朝鲜半岛和平统一的外部环境,从而为统一铺平道路。本文就是把中国与韩国北方政策的关系作为一个个案进行研究。本文第一章要解决的是韩国北方政策出台的时间问题。文章指出,朴正熙总统的“6·23宣言”是韩国北方政策开始的标志,因为此时的韩国政府已经迈出了具有历史意义的外交步伐,而不再是仅仅发表外交声明,不但有口号,而且有行动。在确定了韩国北方政策出台的时间之后,本章把重点放在探究中国在韩国北方政策出台过程中的作用上。中国是韩国北方政策出台过程中客观上的推动者,同时又是主观上的反对者。第二章主要是就中韩两国在韩国北方政策中的互动作用进行详细说明,以一些典型的事件为例子具体讨论两国的外交走向以及各自背后的原因。尤其详于中国方面态度转变的原因。根据韩国北方政策实施过程中的特点,可以把它划分为三个阶段。1973~1983年是第一阶段,这时的中国对韩国北方政策基本上是坚决反对的。1983~1988年是第二阶段,由于中国国内路线的转变和外交方针的调整,中国开始对韩国北方政策作出积极回应。1988~1992年是第三阶段,通过汉城奥运会和北京亚运会,中韩之间进一步加深了了解,韩国北方政策终于在中国取得成功。“政经分离共识”也是本章要解决的内容之一,文章根据史实对“政经分离”的“有无问题”和“功效问题”进行了实事求是的分析。在韩国向中国推行北方政策的过程中,经济上的来往为政治上的交流铺平了道路,应该说在中韩关系史上的确存在这么一个“政经分离”的默契。第三章涉及的是韩国北方政策的终结及其评价问题。首先讨论的是韩国北方政策的目标。韩国北方政策就是希望通过改善与苏联、中国等社会主义国家的关系,创造一个有利于半岛和平的环境,为半岛的统一铺平道路。本文特别指出,<WP=3>韩国北方政策的直接目的不是立刻实现统一,它只是走向统一道路上的一个具体环节。文章指出,中韩外交关系的建立标志着韩国北方政策历史使命的终结。韩国的北方政策是一项基本成功的外交政策,他帮助韩国实现了同绝大多数社会主义国家关系的正常化,尤其是实现了同中国和苏联关系的正常化,向朝鲜半岛统一的方向迈进了一大步。但北方政策并没有改变韩国外交战略的基石,美韩同盟仍然是韩国外交政策的依托。本文还就中国在韩国北方政策中的地位问题进行了探讨,指出中国在韩国北方政策中处于一种核心地位。而且这种地位并不是谁给不给或承不承认的问题,它是由地缘政治和中国自身的国际地位决定的。

【Abstract】 The aim of Korea`s North Policy is to improve the relationships with socialism countries such as China and Soviet ,so that there will be a good situation for unity of Korea peninsular and pave the way for unity .The relationships between China and Korea`s North Policy is studied as a case in this dissertation.The section one is to solve the problem of birth time of North Policy.It pointed out that "6·23 declaration" by president Piao ZhengXi is the birth sign of Korea`s North Policy .The Korea administration had walked out a historical diplomacy step after "6·23 declaration" and put her plan into practice .What role Cina had played in the birth of North Policy is the focus after we knew the birth time of it. China is a objective supporter during the birth of North Policy ,meanwhile a subjective object. The section two gave a detailed research on mutual-action of China and Korea, which also discussed the diplomacy trend and the reason behind it , especially the reason of attitude translation of China. According to the characteristic of North Policy , it can be separated into three phases. It can be regarded as the first phases from 1973 to 1983. China objected North Policy by and large in this phase. The second phase , from 1983 to 1988. China began to response to Korea`s North Policy positively under the background that the government adjusted the civil plan . The third phase , from 1988 to 1992.China and Korea deepened their understanding with each other through Seoul Olympics and Bei king Asian Games . Korea`s North Policy made it succeed in China . "Common sense of separating politics from economics" is one of the task that this section need to finish . This paper gave a practical and realistic anylasis to "yes or no" and "well or bad" based on the facts . Economic exchange<WP=5>paved the way for politic reconcile , and frankly such is the case.The section three majors in the end and appraise of North Policy.The aim of North Policy is the first problem . We believed that North Policy wants to creat a good situation for unity by improving the relationship with China and Soviet . The paper pointed out that unity was not the aim of North Policy , which was only a stage for the unity .The North Policy ended with the diplomacy relationship setting up between China and Korea , which is a succeed policy by and large . Especially it helped Korea reconciled with China and Soviet . Korea went on a further step to the unity .However , North Policy did not change the foundation of Korea`s diplomacy strategy . And the federal with American is still the basis of Korea . The paper also studied China`s position in North Policy .China`s crucial position was decided by territory-politics and his own strengh , not given by some one .

【关键词】 中国韩国北方政策关系
【Key words】 ChinaKorea relationshipnorth policy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D829
  • 【下载频次】307

