

Comparisons between the Ideology of ’Enlightenment’ as Seen by Youwei-Kang and Yukichi-Fukuzawa

【作者】 梁景松

【导师】 潘畅和;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 外国哲学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国,思想文化的比较研究,一直比较侧重于东与西,这是很自然的,也是很必要的。但我们不应该局限于此,也要关切同一文化圈或同一领域中不同国家和不同民族的思想文化比较。中国和日本是一个比较好的比较对象。中国和日本的思想文化可比较的领域非常广泛,本论文的主题是中日启蒙思想比较研究,论文通过对中国的康有为与日本的福泽谕吉这两位近代著名启蒙思想家的比较,进一步探讨中日两国近代启蒙思想的特色。本论文共分三大部分。第一部分主要探讨康有为与福泽谕吉的东西文化观。在这一部分首先简单叙述了二人成为启蒙思想家的文化背景,之后就对二人的东西文化观进行了论述。东西文化观是康有为、福泽谕吉启蒙思想的重要组成部分。康有为和福泽谕吉都生活在东西文化冲突与融合的时代,这种时代使他们有条件把东西文化放到自己的理论视野中去比较、总结,并提出自己对东西文化的基本看法。本论文从对西方文化的态度、对传统文化的态度等两方面进行了分析比较。第二部分主要探讨康有为与福泽谕吉的社会启蒙思想。这一部分可以说是康有为和福泽谕吉启蒙思想的主体部分。他们都接受和吸取了西方近代思想,但由于认识和了解不够全面,他们所提倡和宣扬的学说还不成熟,尚未达到体系化的程度,但毕竟是提出了一个新的世界观和理论学说,与传统的观念形成了鲜明的对比,使思想领域发生了一场变革。他们的社会启蒙思想领域非常广泛,可以说几乎涉及近代社会的各种重大问题,但由于本人水平的局限,本论文只从历史观、政治观、学问观和教育观等方面进行分析比较,以此来展现康有为和福泽谕吉的新世界观和他们在两国的思想变革中所起的重要作用。第三部分作为本论文的结论部分,从中日两国的社会历史环境和二人思想的根本性差异两个方面来总结造成康有为和福泽谕吉的启蒙思想不同点的原因。同时也附加了他们作为中日启蒙思想的两位杰出的代表所具有的历史意义。

【Abstract】 Our research typically focuses on the ideologies of the west and East, whilst drawing upon a comparison between the cultural ideologies. This method is comparitive and natural one to make, yet wholly essential. However, we should not be limited to such a broad comparison. We should heve focus also upon the comparison of cultures ideologies, between different countries and different ethnic groups. Within this, good subjects for comparison are Japan and China.It is possible to make broad comparisons between Chinese and Japanese cultural ideologies. Thus, the subject of this thesis is limited to the ideologies pertaining to enlightenment. In limiting the extent of the research between China and Japan a clearer and more accurate comparison of the characteristics can be made using the ideologies of Youwei-Kang and Yukichi-Fukuzawa, prominent ideologists of China and Japan respectively.This thesis consists of three sections. It will look at the East-West cultural ideologies from Youwei-kang and Yukichi-Fukuzawa’s perspectives in the first section. Firstly, the cultaral backgrounds, which encouraged the aforementioned people to become Enlightenment Ideologists will be described and then the cultures of the East and the West will be stated. The veiws of Eastern and Western cultures is one of the most important pats of Enlightenment ideology from Youwei-Kang and Yukichi-Fukuzawa in the first part. Youwei-Kang and Yukichi-Fukuzawa, had lived in a period of history in which the cultures of East and West initially collided, but subsequently united. The character of such a period enabled them to compare and make some summaries upon the cultures of East and West, based upon their own theoretical opinions. Also, it enabled them to present basic veiws towards these. For this field, it will be divided 2 parts; the attitude toward western culture and the attitude toward traditional culture.In the second part, I want to have a look at the ideology for social enlightenment of Youwei-Kang and Yukichi-Fukuzawa. This is the main part of enlightenmentideology. Even though, Youwei-Kang and Yukichi-Fukuzawa experienced the modern western ideology - because of their lack of entire understanding of it - their presented theory was not mature enough and couldn’t be systematised. Despite this fact they reformed the field of ideology, because they introduced a new view on the world and a theory which was contrastive with the traditional concept. Although the field of ideology for enlightenment is very wide and had great influence on almost every important subject in the modern society, I want to limit it’s field according to the following area; View of history, View of politics, View of studies and View of education. Analyzing and comparing in this area, I also want to make a new view on the world of Youwei-Kang and Yukichi-Fukuzawa and the precise effect which they brought in the ideological change in both counties.The third part will be for results. In this part I want to breifly have a look at the reasons which resulted in the field bet ween-social-historical environment of China and Japan and essentially the diffrences in their ideologies. At the same time, I want to add the significance which they have made as great representative Enlightenment ideologists in China -Japan to date.

【关键词】 康有为福泽谕吉启蒙思想
【Key words】 Youwei-KangYukichi-Fukuzawaideology of Enlightenment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D092
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】487

