

【作者】 严花淑

【导师】 陈艳秋; 曲柏宏;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 果树学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以过氧化物酶同工酶技术和孢粉学为研究方法,对梨属种质资源的秋子梨、砂梨、白梨、西洋梨四个系统的品种及类型进行了分类研究,并对苹果梨的分类地位进行了探讨。 过氧化物酶同工酶分析结果表明,苹果梨与白梨系统的多数品种聚类在一起,表明其与白梨的亲缘关系更近,因此,苹果梨应归属于白梨系统。关于苹果梨的孢粉学分类地位,苹果梨从花粉粒大小和形状上看性状独特,但纹饰特征上还是与白梨系统的鸭梨更相似,因此,将苹果梨归入白梨系统也是合理的。 对梨属植物56个品种及类型进行过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱特征的分析认为,梨属植物过氧化物酶可以分为三个酶区。第Ⅰ酶区Rf为0.1348-0.3146,有4条酶带;第Ⅱ酶区Rf为0.5056-0.5392,有2条酶带;第Ⅲ酶区Rf为0.5843-0.8427,有5条酶带。三个酶区共有11条酶带。 梨属植物56个品种及类型有共同的特征酶谱带,栽培种间同工酶谱型均有一定的差异,其中东方梨与西洋梨酶谱差异较大,种内品种间也有一定的差异。根据相似系数进行的聚类分析,能将起源于欧洲的西洋梨与起源于中国的3个种明显区分开,起源于中国的3个种虽未完全各自聚类,但各材料间都有不同的遗传距离,56个品种可分成8类,绝大多数与传统的分类结果一致。证明同工酶技术可作为梨种质分类鉴定的依据。 梨属植物花粉形态有其共同特征,而不同种和品种间在花粉粒的形状、大小和纹饰等方面存在着程度不同的差异。其中东方梨的花粉形态特征差异较小,而西洋梨与东方梨之间差异较大。根据花粉数量性状进行的系统聚类分析,能将起源于欧洲的西洋梨与起源于中国的3个种明显区分开。因此,孢粉学可以作为鉴别供试种和品种的参考。 孢粉学分析进一步证实朝鲜洋梨具有洋梨系统和砂梨系统的血缘;身不知梨在很大程度上继承了洋梨系统的血缘;南果梨具有秋子梨系统的血缘。 梨属植物过氧化物酶同工酶提取酶液最适条件为鲜重(g):H2O(ml)=1:2、分离速度5000转/分、分离时间为15分钟;隔层胶的浓度为3.75%;分离胶的浓度为10%;梨属植物同工酶分析的适宜取样部位是成熟叶片的叶柄与主脉。

【Abstract】 Classification of varieties and types, including p.ussriensis Max.. p.pyrifolia Nak. P.bretscheideri Rehd. P.communis L. was studied based on peroxidase isozymes analysis and palynology and the position of classification of apple pear was discussed.The results of peroxidase isozymes analysis showed apple pear clustered with most of varieties. It’s showed that the relationship between apple pear and p.bretschneideri Rehd. was relatively close. It is believed that apple pear belonged to p.bretschneideri Rehd. The characters of apple pear were unusual in the size and shape of pollen grains, but the characteristic of stripe ornamentation showed more similar to Yali of p.bretschneideri Rehd. It was reasonable that apple pear belonged to p.bretschneideri Rehd.The characteristics of peroxidase isozymic patterns analysis for 56 varieties of pyrus believed that the peroxidase isozymes of pyrus could be divided into three isozymic sections. There were four isozymic bands in the first isozymic section and the Rf value was from 0.1348 to 0.3146; There were two isozymic bands in the second isozymic section and the Rf value was from 0.5056 to 0.5392; There were five isozymic bands in the third isozymic section and the Rf value was from 0.5843 to 0.8427; The three isozymic sections added up to eleven isozymic bands.There were the same characteristic pattern bands among 56 pear varieties and types of pyrus. The isozyme pattern type of among cultivars has significant differences. Among them the difference of between p.communis L. and oriental pears was greater. There was different among varieties as well. Based on the clustering analysis with the coefficient of similarity p.communis L. derived from Europe and three species derived from China didn’t respectively cluster, but there was different genetic distance among each of materials. The 56 varieties could be divided into eight kinds, which had the same results with the traditional classification. It’s showed that peroxidase isozyme analysis provided the basis for the classification and identification of germplasm resources of pyrus.There were the same characters in the pollen morphology of pyrus. The significant differences existed in the size and shape of pollen grains and stripe ornamentation of different species and between varieties. The differences of characteristic of pollen morphology among oriental pears were relatively small and between p.communis L. and oriental pears were relatively great. Based on the systemic clustering analysis with pollen quantitative character derived from Europe and 3 species derived from China could be classified evidently. It’s believed that palynology provided the reference for the identification of species and varieties.The analysis of palynology confirmed further that Chaoxianyangli has the relationship of p.communis L. and p.pyrifolia Nak. Shenbuzhi inherited the relationship of p.communis L. Nanguoli has the relationship of p.ussriensis Max..The optimum condition of the distilled isozymic solution of peroxidase isozyme in pyrus was that: (1) the ratio of fresh weight to water equaled to the ratio of one to two; (2) the separated speed was 5000 rpm; (3) the separated time was 15 minutes; The concentration of interlayer pastern was percent of 3.75:; The concentration of separated pastern was percent of 10; The fitting sampling part of peroxidase isozyme analysis in pyrus was the footstalk and center nerve of mature leaves.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】S661
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】285

