

Research on Marketing Strategy of Yanbian Enterprises

【作者】 朴杰

【导师】 崔龙鹤;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 现代竞争并不在于企业在其工厂中生产什么,而在于它们能为产品增加些什么内容,诸如包装、产品品牌、服务、广告、客户咨询、融资、送货、仓储、以及顾客所重视的其他价值。相比西方发达国家,中国市场营销的发育程度不高,企业驾驭市场的能力、对市场营销的规律和策略知识的认识不够。延边企业要会运用市场营销原理,结合市场与自身的特点,精心策划,不断开拓壮大。 本论文拟对市场营销策略的理论的分析,研究延吉卷烟厂和延边国贸连锁超市的成功经验,并提出几点建议。论文的叙述次序是:绪论提出课题背景和本文主要研究内容;第一章是关于市场营销的理论。市场营销的研究对象、市场营销的概念、市场营销的传统理念与现代理念、市场营销策略的演进;第二章是延吉卷烟厂的大品牌战略。烟草工业企业品牌培育的现状、品牌创新、全力打造“大品牌”、长盛不衰的品牌;第三章是延边国贸连锁超市。延边国贸连锁超市的发展状况、营销方式、社会效益;第四章是市场营销发展的新趋势与开拓延边企业市场营销的几点建议。

【Abstract】 It’s not what the enterprise produces in the factory but the contents it attaches to the product such as pack, brand, service, advertisement, consultation, financing, delivery, storage and other values the customer lays importance on that modern competition does consist in. Compared with the western developed countries, the development degree of China’s marketing is not high, much less the knowledge in marketing rules and strategy. Harnessing the marking principles and combining its own characteristics with the market, Yanbian enterprises are supposed to plan elaborately and strengthen the deploitation constantly.This thesis studies the making of Yanji Cigarette Mill and chain supermarkets of Yanbian International Trade Group on the basis of analyzing the theories of marketing strategy and puts forward some suggestions. The narration order of the thesis is: at the exordium viz. subject background and principal research contents; at Chapter One viz such marketing theories as marketing research object, marketing concept, traditional and modern notion of marketing and evolutional process of marketing strategy; at Chapter Two viz. famous brand strategy of the Yanji Cigarette Mill such as status quo of nurturing brands of tobacco industry and enterprises and the innovation and making famous brand and everlasting brand with all strength; at Chapter Three viz. the development status quo, marketing means, social benefits of chain supermarkets of Yanbian International Trade Group, at Chapter Four viz. latest development trend of marketing and some suggestions of opening up marketing of Yanbian enterprises.

【关键词】 市场营销的研究对象品牌零售
【Key words】 research object of marketingbrandretail
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】F279.27
  • 【下载频次】250

