

To Discuss the Evolving Process of Chinese Foreign Policy Toward Peninsula Unification

【作者】 陶常梅

【导师】 孟庆义;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 专门史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 朝鲜半岛统一问题一直以来成为国际社会关注的焦点,他早已超越当事双方而成为一个重要的国际问题,中国不仅在历史上与其有着深厚的渊源关系,而且在地缘政治上与中国也有着密切的联系。作为周边的重要大国之一,中国对朝鲜半岛采取何种方针、对策,也引起世人的关注。本文主要分三个时期介绍了中国外交政策的形成背景、内容及具体的对朝鲜半岛统一问题的态度及其外交实践。第一个时期主要是在五十年代,建国初的“一边倒”外交政策的形成,即支持半岛人民通过排除外力,自主选举、和平的方式实现统一;第二个时期主要是从六十年代初至八十年代初,在此阶段,中国的外交政策发生了重大的变化,“一条线”外交政策取代了“一边倒”外交政策,但是由于受冷战思维的影响,尽管外交政策发生了改变,但是对半岛统一问题基本上是延续其旧有政策,只是和朝韩之间的关系略有变化;第三时期主要是1982年以后,随着中国外交政策发生了重大转变,中国政府和中国领导人改变了对半岛统一问题的态度,支持双方通过协商实现自主和平统一。本文试图从历史的角度探讨中国政府在不同历史时期根据当时的国际国内形势,对朝鲜半岛的统一问题采取的不同的方针和对策。揭示了中国外交政策及其对半岛统一政策变化的脉络层次。本文在研究和总结前人的研究成果的基础上,提出了一些自己的浅薄的看法。首先,本文系统地阐述了中国政府在半岛统一问题上所持的观点、态度、方法及其与中国外交政策的内在联系。其次,本文把博弈论理论作为一种解决双边或多边问题的方法运用在国际关系领域,促使人们思考和想出新的方法解决问题。最后,本文通过总结研究不同历史时期中国政府对半岛统一问题的政策、观点、态度和方法,提出了今后中国政府对半岛统一问题所应坚持的四项原则。

【Abstract】 The question of Korean peninsula unification is the focus which has been receiving many attentions by international society.It is an important international issue which has not limited in both sides.China is a neighboring country to South Korea and North Korea ,not only has a long profound historical relationship but also has a close geopolitical relationship .As one of neighboring significant great power ,Chinese policy about Korean peninsula unification arouse the human beings’ interest and specialist or scholar’s study .This dissertation mainly divides Chinese post-foundation history into three stages and introduces formation and background of Chinese foreign policy opinion as well as foreign deed toward Korean peninsular unification .The first stage from the beginning of PRC foundation to the late of 1950s ,Chinese administration regulated the foreign policy of "yibiandao" and stood up for peninsular view of unification by peaceable methods and voted by the whole nationality .At the same time ,peninsular unification should remove foreign countries interference.The second stage lasted from 1960’s to 1982.At this stage ,Chinese foreign policy has been changed great replacing "yibiandao"foreign policy with "yitiaoxian"foreign policy ,since cold thought has been prevalent in the world,Chinese foreign policy about peninsular unification has been not altered,only relationship with both sides has a little alteration.The third stage began from 1982.Chinese foreign policy having been adjusted essentially,Chinese administration accordingly have changed their foreign policy towards Korean peninsular unification and upheld both sides to fulfill Korean peninsular unification by peaceable method and<WP=4>dialogue without force.By this essay I make an attempt to discuss Chinese different foreign policy about Korean peninsula unification at the different stages according to the changing of international and internal situation in order to disclose changing orbit of Chinese foreign policy about Korean peninsula unification.After researching and summing up the former’s achievements,I have put forward my immature opinion.First Chinese foreign policy attitude as well as foreign deed has been expounded systematically.Second I have made an attempt to use game theory in international relationship to analyse international question and make people think out a new method to resolve the peninsula problem.Third after researching and summing up Chinese different foreign policy about Korean peninsula unification,I have posed that Chinese administration should persist in four principle.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D829
  • 【下载频次】514

