

Research on the Auto-Focusing Technology for Space Camera

【作者】 张洪文

【导师】 丁亚林;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(长春光学精密机械与物理研究所) , 光学工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 调焦技术是空间相机研制的关键技术之一,调焦系统是空间相机的重要组成部分,是决定空间相机成像质量好坏的关键组件。空间相机所处的运载和运行环境条件(如冲击、过载、振动、压力及温度等)非常复杂,为使在上述的环境条件下,保证相机的成像质量,要求相机不但具备良好的力学环境下的稳定性,而且还要具有良好的对温度、压力变化的适应性。空间相机在轨工作环境温度变化范围很大,相机对环境变化,特别是温度波动的影响比较敏感。由于环境条件的变化,相机的焦面将产生不同程度的偏移,即离焦,为保证相机在比较复杂的环境条件下的成像质量,需对相机变化的像面加以校正,因此设计一套调整空间相机像面位置的系统,即调焦系统是十分必要的。 本文主要对空间相机调焦机构进行研究,借鉴国内外相机调焦机构研制的成功经验,在充分分析影响相机离焦的各种因素以及相机常用的各种调焦方案利弊的基础上提出了本文的调焦机构方案,并对本调焦机构的原理进行简要的介绍;对调焦机构具体的结构、材料的选择、调焦电机的选择、编码器的选择等进行了详细的分析、计算;在电设计中,在简单介绍调焦系统工作原理的基础上,详细介绍了调焦功率级的设计、限位电路设计;在误差分析中,在对调焦机构的传动部件的传动误差、空回进行分析、计算的基础上,对本调焦机构的精度进行了评估;最后,通过试验(调焦试验、相机野外照像试验、力学环境试验、热循环试验、热真空试验)验证调焦机构满足相机成像使用要求。

【Abstract】 Auto-focusing technique is one of the space camera’s key technologies auto-focusing system is an important part of the space camera and a key module to ensure the imaging quality of the space camera. The conditions around the space camera are very complicated, such as impact, vibration, space temperature and air pressure. The space camera needs not only have excellent mechanical capability, but also have superior the capability of adapting surroundings capability, especially the adaptive capability to space temperature and air pressure. When the space camera works in orbit, the temperature fluctuates in a great range. The space camera has a thin skin to the change of the circumstances, especially to the change of temperature. Because of the changes of the surroundings, the camera’s focusing plane will offset in different degree. In order to ensure the imaging quality of the space camera in complicated environment, the camera’s focusing plane needs be modulated. So it is necessary to devise a system to adjust the place of the space camera’s focusing plane .In this paper, auto-focusing mechanism the space camera been reach on.The project of focusing mechanism has been put forward on the basis of analyzing several factors departing from focus and contrasting different projects. In this article, the mostly contents are these: Introducing the principle of focusing mechanism, choosing materials, motor and coder, devising on focusing power and restricting place circuit, analyzing driving errors and clearance, computing the precision of the focusing mechanism. Lastly, experiments show that the focusing mechanism fits to the needs of the camera gaining good imaging quality.

  • 【分类号】P237
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】1165

