

【作者】 金燕

【导师】 周中之;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 伦理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 青年是社会消费的一个特殊群体,有着旺盛的消费需求,而且往往领消费新潮之先。青年消费不仅仅是为了生存,追求自身发展和生活享受的消费也将成为他们消费的主流。因此,关注、分析、研究青年的消费现象、消费行为、消费特点和方式及消费理念,对于如何构建青年道德消费观及进行消费道德教育,具有重要的意义。我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立与发展,标志着中国社会的重大转型,即由传统社会向现代社会的有序转变,在这个转型时期,构建青年的消费道德观并进行正确引导,在当代青年中建立与现代社会相适应的消费道德价值体系及消费观念,是当今青年道德教育的一个极为重要的研究课题。本文主要从四个部分展开论述:第一部分,当代青年消费行为及其伦理分析。通过当代青年消费行为、特点和消费理念的阐述,对当代青年特有的消费方式及消费理念进行伦理分析:肯定其积极的方面,同时对于当今青年中出现的偏误消费及产生根源进行浅析。第二部分,历史上关于道德消费的观点及其伦理分析。这部分主要从中西传统道德消费的观点加以阐述,古代中国儒家代表人物孔子和先秦思想家墨子都“崇俭黜奢”,大多数思想家都将节俭归之于善,将奢侈归之于恶,西方早在古希腊时期,亚里士多德就对消费问题作过许多精辟的论述。通过中西消费伦理观的比较及分析,我们应该看到:吸取历史上传统道德消费观的精华对构建现代道德消费观有着积极的意义。第三部分,构建当代青年消费道德观的内容。它包括在社会主义市场经济条件下,消费行为的道德规范;建立什么样的消费观;如何重视消费过程中物质消费与精神消费关系的道德调节。也就是如何构建青年消费道德观的具体内容及如何注重对青年消费行为的正确引导:引导理性消费、引导健康消费、引导个性消费。变革消费伦理观念,在青年中构建“俭而有度,合理消费”的消费伦理新理念。第四部分,消费道德教育的意义及操作。青年消费教育的重点是观念的更新与行为的引导,从正确认识消费观念对扩大内需的积极作用到消费观念的更新与消费需求的升级。以此说明在新的历史条件下,传统的消费教育观念无论是其价值导向,内容体系还是方式方法都需要根据形势的发展加以改革的

【Abstract】 The youth is a special consumption group, which has strong consumption need and always at the leading place of fashion. They don’t only consume for survival but also for self-development and enjoyment, which will be the mainstream. So it can enhance the understanding of how to build their ethical consumption view and how to conduct consumption ethics education to notice, analyze and study the youth’s consumption phenomenon, consumption behavior, consumption characteristic ,mode and idea. The implementation of China’s socialist market economy is the landmark of its social transformation ,ie,an orderly transition from a traditional society to a modern one .In this transitional period, it’s a subject of significant importance to build the consumption ethics view among the youth and guide it in a right way in order to establish a consumption ethics system and concept which are consistant with the modern society among the contemporary youth.This article will conduct the discussion in 4 parts:The first part: consumption behavior, characteristc and ethical concept of the contemporary youth ,through elaboration of the consumption mode and consumption idea of the contemporary youth .The positive side is supported and the negative side is objected. The root and phenomenon of imbalanced and improper consumption behavior is also analyzed.The second part :ethical consumption in the history and its ethical analysis. This discussion is mainly about the Chinese and western traditional consumption ethics in Chinese history ,both the Confucius and Mo-tse demonstrate "encouragement of simplicity and discouragement of extravagance" Most of the philosophers consider simplicity as good and extravagance as evil. In the west, Aristotle of ancient Greece made lots of splendid address on the issue of consumption. Through comparison and analysis of Chinese and Western consumption ethics, it can be concluded that it has positive value to the construction of modern ethical consumption view to observe the traditional ethical consumption view in the history.The third part :to build the consumption ethics view of the contemporary youth. In the context of socialist market economy , it is worth discussing on the ethical rules of consumption behavior ,what kind of consumption view td build and how to highlight the ethical cordination of material consumption and mental consumption in the consumption process.To say the contents of youth consumption ethics view and emphasize the guiding of youth consumption behavior in the right direction :to encourage rational consumption, healthy consumption and consumption of individual characteriraitis It is suggested to reform the consumption ethics concept and to build "a new ethics view "simplicity and reasonable consumption. The fourth part:significance of consumption education and its operation.It’s the emphasis of youth consumption education to update their concept and guide their behavior.Based accurate understanding of the positive influence on expansion of internal demand of consumption view, the consumption concept is updated and consumption demand is upgraded. It is evidenced that in the new historial context,the traditional consumption education concept is biased in content system and in methodology

【关键词】 青年消费道德教育
【Key words】 youthconsumptionconsumption education
  • 【分类号】D648
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】335

