

【作者】 王丽

【导师】 吴为善;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要从语言事实出发,从结构助词、体、貌助词两方面对福建莆仙方言助词体系的基本面貌作一概要说明,并对其中所涉及的某些用法作一初步分析探讨。 本文包括两个方面:一、结构助词;二、体、貌助词。第一部分结构助词分为三个部分来写:(一)与普通话结构助词“的”“地”(“的1”“的2 ”“的3”)相对应的莆仙方言助词,主要列举其标记,描述其一般用法及与普通话的比较并探究其助词标记“诶”的来源;(二)与普通话结构助词“得”相对应的莆仙方言的结构助词,主要从普通话结构助词“得”出现的可能补语和状态补语句入手,描述莆仙方言可能补语和状态补语的标记与普通话的不同,并具体描述莆仙方言带可能补语的述补结构的格式及用法和莆仙方言带状态补语的句式及标记的探源。(三)归纳出莆仙方言结构助词与闽东、闽南方言的异同。第二部分体、貌助词谈了三个方面:(一)关于体、貌和体、貌助词标记的说明;(二)描述莆仙方言九种体、貌(完成体、进行体、持续体、经历体、起始体、继续体、已然体、短时貌、尝试貌)助词标记及其用法和标记的探源。(三)归纳出莆仙方言各种体、貌标记特点及与闽东、闽南方言的异同。通过对莆仙方言助词体系的描述,发现莆仙方言的助词系统有着与不同于普通话助词系统的极其丰富的表现形式与内涵;同时也发现其助词系统和其语音系统一样都处于闽东方言与闽南方言的过渡阶段。

【Abstract】 Based on the linguistic facts, the dissertation offers a general explanation to the auxiliary words system of FuJian PuXian dialect, focusing on the structural auxiliary words and aspectual auxiliary words. It also tries to discuss the usage of the related words.The dissertation constructs with two parts: the structural auxiliary words and aspectual auxiliary words.The author discusses the first part from three sides. First, the PuXian dialect auxiliary words, corresponding to the structural auxiliary words in Mandarin "de(的)" "di(地)" ("de1" "de2" "de3"), are introduced by raising its tags. The original of the tag---[E](诶) in the structural auxiliary words, is discovered by comparing its usage of the PuXian dialect auxiliary words with Mandarin. Secondly, it mainly concerns with the structural auxiliary words in PuXian dialect, corresponding to the structural auxiliary words---"de"(得) in Mandarin. The different tags in the capable complement and state complement are exemplified between the PuXian dialect and Mandarin by introducing "de" which appeared with them. The article describes the form and usage of narrative structure in the capable complement in PuXian dialect. It also explores the tags and its origin of the state complement structure in PuXian dialect. Thirdly, the essay concludes the similarities and differences between PuXian structural auxiliary words and the dialect of MingDong and MingNan.Likely, The second part discusses the aspectual auxiliary words from three sides. First, the explanation of the aspectual auxiliary words and its tags are presented. Secondly, auxiliary tags of the nine aspects (present perfect, continuous, perfect continuous, experienced, starting, future continuous, past perfect, instantaneous present, attempted present) in PuXian dialect are introduced from its usage to the original. Thirdly, the conclusion reaches in the similarities and differences of the tags between PuXian aspectual auxiliary words and the dialect of MingDong and MingNan.The dissertation discovers there are some differences in the auxiliary system between the PuXian dialect and Mandarin. The PuXian dialect has the rich performances and meaning. Simultaneously, PuXian auxiliary system, as its phonetic system, is in the transitional period of the dialect of MingDong and MingNan.

  • 【分类号】H177
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】362

