

【作者】 周君明

【导师】 俞时权;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 物流管理学是近二十年来在国外兴起的一门新学科,它是系统管理科学新的重要分支。物流,比较常用的是美国物流管理协会的定义:物流是为满足消费者需要而进行从起点到终点间的原材料、中间过程库存、最后产品和相关信息有效流动和储存的计划、实施和控制管理过程。物流、商流、信息流被称为现代经济的三大支柱。长期以来,人们都习惯把关注成本的焦点放在生产领域;但随着现代化大生产的发展,这个焦点已经逐步转移到流通领域[1]。我们可以看到物流在企业经营管理中的重要地位,经济学家彼·特卡拉甚至把物流被称为企业的“第三利润源泉”。第三方物流在国外也称契约物流,近几年才传到我国,简单理解就是指由与货物有关的发货人和收货人之外的专业企业,即第三方来承担企业物流活动的一种物流形态。第三方物流有别于传统的企业物流,第三方物流相比较传统的企业物流而言,具有独立性、专业化、系统化等特点[2]。第三方物流也不是凭空产生的,现代高新技术的发展,为第三方物流既提供了挑战,也提供了发展机遇。第三方物流要真正运作起来需要很好的信息流在支持,没有一个完善的现代化信息系统的支持,第三方物流很难实现其初衷。在第三方物流企业的业务和管理信息化过程中,物流仓储系统也是很重要的一个子系统。本论文所要完成的工作是,运用物流理论规范,完成一个简单实用的第三方物流管理系统设计及其实现,并在本文中,就如何实现仓库库位的形象化表示进行详细的探讨,以期找到一种能形象表示仓库货物存放状态的方法。本论文依托了本学院的项目《上海经贸国际货运有限公司信息管理系统》。

【Abstract】 Logistics Management, a new branch of system management, is a new subject that has appeared in the West in the past twenty years. Logistics, as the definition of the Council of Logistics Management, is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements.Logistics, commodity stream and information stream are regarded as the three pillars of modern economy. With the development of socialized mass production, people have changed their focus of cost from the productive areas to currency areas. The economist Bay Terkara even considers the logistics as "third profit source", and we have also realized the importance of logistics in enterprise management.Third Party Logistic (3PL) called indentured logistic in the West, appears in our country these years. We can consider the 3PL as a logistics form, namely, special enterprise neither consigner nor consignee carries on the enterprise logistics.3PL is different from tradition logistics, because it has some characteristics such as independency, specialization and systematization. It profits from the development of high technology which gives not only challenge but also opportunity. 3PL needs the support of an excellent information stream, because it is hard to reach its original intention without it.Logistic Storage System is also an important part of MIS of 3PL enterprises. This paper designs and implements a practical MIS for 3PL following logistic criterion, and describes a visual representation of storage unit in detail. Using this representation, we expect to find a more efficient way to show the status of the goods in a warehouse. And this paper is based on the project named SHANGHAI E&T INTL-TRANS MIS, which is cooperated by our college and Shanghai E&T Intl-Trans Co, Ltd.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】619

