

Newspapers Redaction Ideologies Encounter the Network

【作者】 张祖乔

【导师】 王振铎;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 新闻学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 编辑在我国新闻工作中占据主导地位,编辑活动广泛存在。研究编辑理念有现实的意义。本文以中美报纸编辑理念的发展为背景,联系当前编辑理念的网络邂遇,探讨、分析编辑理念的影响与作用。编辑理念提出是从马克思主义认识论出发的。编辑理念指的是编辑活动规律认识的理性升华,编辑理念是现实的,对编辑活动具有普遍的影响力和约束力。编辑理念在整个编创媒介、缔构文化的过程中处于核心地位,起着灵魂导向作用。我国的报纸编辑理念经历了“出纳、通达”的编辑理念;“救国、新民”的编辑理念;“民族、民权”的编辑理念;“公益、商业”的编辑理念;“党的喉舌”的编辑理念。在改革开放后对编辑理念进行了调整,在“大众传媒”的新理念下,报业重新起步发展繁荣。现在,报业发展机遇与挑战并存,编辑理念的确立就具有了更重要的意义。在美国,报纸的编辑理念发展有以下几个阶段:“独立自由”的编辑理念,“客观公正”的编辑理念及其内化,“整合营销”的编辑理念。因特网极速扩张,赛柏朋克一族的兴起,过时的知识产权,编辑方式的变化以及凸现出来的信息和知识的本质属性,为因特网时代的编辑理念提供了技术前提、现实条件和思想基础,促进了网络报刊编辑理念的发展。编辑在网络报纸时代的作用加强和转化了。<WP=4>通过以上论述,我们有以下结论:1.无论是中国或是美国的报纸编辑活动,都是在一定理念下进行的。编辑理念只能在把握时代前进脉搏的基础上,不断更新,才能不断创造出新媒体,缔构新的文化。2.编辑理念是现实的,不断发展变化的,决定这种发展变化的最终力量是社会的经济基础。政治斗争往往是编辑理念变化的直接推动力。而在商业化的报纸里,营利是编辑理念变化的一个经常性因素。3.编辑理念的发展变化并非总能推进媒体的发展,会有一些曲折现象,但总的趋势是新理念创生新媒体,新媒体催生新理念。4.编辑理念在不同的时期具有不同的时代特征,具有意识形态性。但是编辑理念下编辑活动及编辑规律不一定有阶级性,可以为人们所认识、把握和利用。

【Abstract】 Redacteurs play an important role in news and other communication activities, and redaction exists widely, which lay the base for the redaction ideology study.Under the background of the development of redaction ideology in Chinese and American newspapers, and the network encounter of redaction ideology, the dissertation discusses and analyzes the influences and effects of redaction ideology. Redaction ideology refers to the rational distillation of the thinking into the regularity of redaction. Redaction ideology is practical, which exerts wide influence and binding force on redaction. Redaction ideology exerts a spiritual impact in the process of redacting media and constructing culture.The redaction ideology changed on in China’s newspapers as the following: 1. Distribute, inform; 2. Save the nation, improve the people; 3. new nation, civil liberties; 4. public interest, business management; 5. the mouthpiece of CPC. With the carrying out of Reform and opening up to the outside world, the redaction ideology readjusted, newspapers in China regained their vigor and developed very fast. Now challenges and opportunities exit, which makes redaction ideology more important.The redaction ideology in America newspapers experienced the following periods: 1. independence and freedom, 2. objectivity and fairness, 3. the innerization of redaction ideology of objectivity and fairness, 4. total marketingThe internet expands extremely, the rise of the cyberpunk, the transformation of the redaction method, and the basic property of information and knowledge provide the technological prerequisite, practical conditions and ideological base for the redaction<WP=6>ideology in the internet world. Online newspapers redaction is more necessary than anytime ever. Redacteurs’ function was strengthenedFrom the statements above, we can draw the following conclusions:1. Whether in China or in the States, the redaction in newspapers are carried on under certain redaction ideology. Only regenerate the redaction ideology on the base of advancing with the time, can we create new media and construct new culture.2. Redaction ideology is practical, expanding and changeable, in which the social economic base is the final decisive force. Political struggles are often the direct force that changes redaction ideology. But in business newspapers, Seeking profit is the constant factor that changes redaction ideology.3. Not every advancement and change of redaction ideology can promote the advancing of media, the road of advcancing is tortuous. But the general trend is that new redaction ideology leads to new media, new media hasten parturition of new ideology.4. Different features appear in redaction ideology during different periods. The activities of redaction and the regularity of redaction can be understood, grasped and utilized.

【关键词】 编辑理念报刊网络练
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】G214.1
  • 【下载频次】272

