

A Research on Luxun’s Periodical Editing Orientation

【作者】 朱燕萍

【导师】 张如法;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 新闻学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国现代文学史上,鲁迅是一代文学巨匠。然而,鲁迅作为小说家生涯的时间并不长,而作为翻译家、杂文家、编辑和期刊创办人方面的工作,却不仅贯穿一生,而且已被证明是他对中国文学最主要的贡献之一。对于鲁迅先生来说,编辑工作并不是一件单纯的技术性的劳动,而是一种体现自己文学思想和精神力量的创造性的工作。由于期刊在传播价值观念,介绍知识,引导读者,培养青年作者方面具有独特的作用,鲁迅先生的一生与期刊有着密切的联系,他把创办、编辑文艺期刊作为启蒙国民思想、培养文艺新人,推动中国新文艺发展的最佳选择。他后半生的大量精力都投入到期刊的编辑工作中,亲自创办、编辑十几种期刊。在期刊林立的二三十年代,他所编辑的期刊以独特的魅力,在读者中产生重要的影响。在他长期的办刊实践中,积累了十分丰富的办刊经验,对刊物编辑和装帧设计都有着独特而深刻的见解,形成系统的办刊思想,这些对我们今天的办刊实践仍有着重要的启迪和现实意义。基于此,本文详细考察了鲁迅的办刊实践,在已有研究的基础上,对其办刊思想作以系统的梳理,透过表面现象,以大量史实为依据,彰显其主要的编辑特色,归纳其办刊的成功经验;并尝试以编辑学、传播学的有关理论探析其编辑理念。全文从五个方面进行论述:一 鲁迅所创办及参与编辑的期刊一览 本世纪二十年代至三十年代,鲁迅创办、编辑了《莽原》、《语丝》、《奔流》、《朝花》、《萌芽》、《译文》等十几种期刊。它们有以发表杂文,及其它散文为主的;有以发表创作为主的;有以介绍外国进步文艺理论和作品为主的;有以创作和翻译并重的。期刊形式多样,多姿多彩。在我国现代期刊史上有着独特的地位和影响。二 重视期刊的社会传播功能,充分发挥期刊的战斗作用 以大量的史实论述:(1)鲁迅办刊有着明确的办刊宗旨,主张期刊要贴近现实,反映现实;(2)根据社会文化发展和读者的需要进行办刊策划,(3)他所编辑的期刊具有独特的<WP=4>战斗的风格等三个方面,阐释鲁迅期刊编辑思想的重要特征之一:重视期刊的社会传播功能,充分发挥期刊的战斗作用。三 把期刊作为培养文艺新生力量的阵地 在鲁迅先生看来,培养作家是期刊的一个重要职能,利用期刊的优势培养青年作者是期刊编辑的责任之一。培养文艺新生力量是鲁迅期刊编辑思想的一个重要方面。鲁迅尊重青年作者,充分挖掘他们的创作个性,以无私的奉献精神,通过创办、编辑期刊扶植培养了大批的青年作者,也使他所编辑的期刊能面目常新,内容丰富、充实,具有鲜明、独特的个性。四 鲁迅办刊独特的美学追求 鲁迅对期刊的编辑工作极为重视,对期刊从内容到形式,每一个细节都极为考究。他以认真、全面负责的办刊精神,使他编辑的期刊从内容的选择到插图、版式、封面设计等都搭配得很和谐、适宜,把整本期刊配成一个和谐的整体,编一期刊物就像完成一件完美的作品。尤其是其封面设计具有十分独特的特色。这一部分主要从期刊的形式方面,论述鲁迅办刊独特的美学追求及其独特的期刊装帧思想。五 鲁迅办刊实践与思想的现实意义 归纳概括鲁迅办刊的成功经验及主要编辑特色:重视期刊的社会效益;严谨认真的编辑态度;独特新颖的编辑风格以及鲁迅对我国期刊装帧设计中的独特贡献。高度概括鲁迅办刊实践与思想的现实意义

【Abstract】 In the history of the Chinese contemporary literature, Luxun is a great literary master. Yet, his career as a novelist didn’ t last as long as that in being a translator, an essayist, an editor and a periodic founder. It ran through all his life and was considered his major contributions to the Chinese literature. To him, editing was not a pure skill but a creative work embodying his literary thoughts and his spirit power. Owing to its unique effects on the dissemination of the sense of value, spreading knowledge, leading readers, cultivating young authors, Luxun was closely related to periodicals all his life. He considered it the best way to enlighten people’s thoughts, train new literary and art workers, motivate the development of new literature and art in China. He devoted the most part of his later life to the periodical edition, and in person established and edited dozens of periodicals which, with their unique charm, produced important effects on the readers. After years of practice, he had acquired rich experiences in editing periodicals, profound perception of binding and lay out, and then developed systematic editing thoughts which greatly inspired today’s practice with practical and immediate significance. This paper tends to make a systematic survey of his editing conception based on previous researches. It is roughly divided into 5 parts:I. Luxun’s achievements in periodical editing: From the 1920’s to the 1930’s, Luxun founded and edited dozens of periodicals as ....." torrent".... Among them some centered upon essays and particals,II. Luxun’s emphasis on its social dissemination, bringing its militancy into full play. The essay, based on hosts of historical facts, displays:1. Lu’s clear purpose of pressing close to and giving expression to social reality in the way of running the periodicals.<WP=6>2. planning the periodicals to meet the need of the readers as well as the development of social culture.3. one of the striking characteristics of Lu’s editing thoughts, that is, laying special emphasis on its social dissemination, bringing its militancy into full play.III. Luxun’s efforts to make periodicals a base of training new literary and art workers. In his opinion, it’s an important function and one of the responsibilities of periodical editing to train new writers. He paid special respect to them, fully tapped their individualities, propped up large numbers of young writers to make his periodicals novel in style, rich in contents, and unique in character.IV. Luxun’s pursue in aesthetics Lu’s very serious in periodical editing exquisite in every possible detail from content to form, making every issue a harmonious creation of art.V. Influence and immediate significance of Lu’s editing thought and practice. This is the concluding part of the essay. It sums up Luxun’s successful experiences in periodical editing, and its main unique characteristics. His emphasis on social effects, his conscientious attitude, his creative editing style and his contribution to periodical bounding and designing will be of great significance

【关键词】 鲁迅期刊编辑
【Key words】 luxunjournaledit
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】I210.9;G239.29
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】407

