

On the Reason and the Change of the Implication about the Trend of Poem-Making’s "Imitating Poems of the Tang Dynast and Reviving the Poem’s Style in Han and Wei Dynast" in the Former of Yuan Dynasty

【作者】 田耕

【导师】 张云鹏;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国古代文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以元代前期诗文作家群体为研究对象,运用文化――心理分析方法,以群体研究和个案分析相结合,以作者生平、作家作品为依据,结合宋金元易代之际特殊的社会文化背景,探索诗文作家群体复杂的心理世界,寻绎他们共同的审美心理和审美意识,揭示“宗唐得古”诗风形成的深层原因,对在这一诗风影响制约下诗歌内涵阶段性的嬗变,作出深入而富有哲理品位的分析阐述。文章认为:元代前期“宗唐得古”诗风的形成离不开三个必要条件:文人们兴复古道的潜在愿望为其提供了共同的社会心理基础;科举的废除,不期而然地促成了诗歌园地的重新繁荣,从而为其提供了客观保障;诗歌自身的发展、演化则是诗风形成必不可少的内驱力。同时,前期“宗唐得古”内涵的形成也经历了自身的发展演化过程,为中后期诗风的成熟与新变奠定了良好的基础,使得元诗在整个诗歌发展的历史长河中起着不可低估的作用。文章分为前言、前期元诗“宗唐得古”成因探讨、前期元诗“宗唐得古”的内涵嬗变 、余论四部分:前言部分简要解说了元初诗坛的状况及“宗唐得古”诗风之形成在整个诗歌发展长河中的历史地位。文章的主体围绕前期元诗“宗唐得古” 成因探讨与其内涵嬗变逐次展开论述:<WP=4>论文首先分析了“宗唐得古”诗风形成的原因,文章认为:上层文人在大一统局面出现后自发产生的以汉唐为楷模,渴求达于三代之治而雄视万代的宗(汉)唐心理、在野文人对汉唐治世的眷恋,对三皇时代淳朴古风的心仪,使朝野上下形成了一种浓郁的思治复古的社会心理氛围,这种社会心理氛围的出现,无疑为元代前期“宗唐得古”诗风的形成,提供了重要的心理契机;科举的废除,不期而然地促使了诗歌园地的重新繁荣,家国沦丧的惨剧和共同的文化背景,使不同身份、不同个性的士人都纳入了时代的大潮之中,以舒放自由的心性,取法前人,藉诗明志,为元代前期“宗唐得古”诗风的形成打造了适宜的创作空间和时代性的审美导向;诗歌自身的发展、演化则是诗风形成必不可少的内驱力。尔后,本文从内容和艺术形式两个方面,结合其产生的特殊社会时代背景,由社会心理学的角度切入,对前期元诗以复古求新变的内涵予以深入挖掘,并予以客观公正的分析论证,并对前期元诗“宗唐得古”内涵自身的发展、演化过程给以简笔描画,比较公允地认定其在元诗发展以及在整个诗歌发展的地位和作用。最后,余论部分扼要勾勒了元诗中后期发展的大致状况,并简要阐发了前期“宗唐得古”诗风之形成对封建社会后期诗歌发展所施予的积极影响。本文力图对前期元诗“宗唐得古”诗风形成的社会背景和文化机制予以具有时代感和理性色彩的探索与归纳,对“宗唐得古”的内涵进行深层次的发掘,为今后进一步考察中后期元诗诗风的成熟、新变,提供一种全新的视角和有益的参照。

【Abstract】 The trend of poem-making’s "imitating poems of the Tang Dynasty and reviving the poem’s style in Han and Wei Dynasty" appeared in Yuan Dynasty. To reveal how it came into being as well as philosophically analyze the Yuan Poem’s implication’s influenced by the trend step by step, this paper take the author’s lived in the former of Yuan Dynasty as the specimen, pursuing their common mental , aesthetic essence and concept by the culture-psychology analysis. On the basis of the authors and their works, the study combine the general character with individuality, at the same time, putting the study on the unique social and cultural background of the period of Jin and Yuan Dynasty. This paper shoes that the forming of the trend of poem-making’s "imitating poems of the Tang Dynasty and reviving the poem’s style in Han and Wei Dynasty" must have the following factors. Firstly, the common social-psychological basis is the potential idea of the literacy class reviving the classic doctrines. Secondly, the objective guarantee is the abolishing of imperial examination, it making the poem field prosper again. Thirdly, the necessary inner cause of the trend’s forming is the development and evolution of the poem itself. At the same time, based on the development and evolution of the former period’s style in Han and Wei Dynasty", the poem style of the middle and late period in Yuan Dynasty is changing again and ripe gradually, which makes the poems in Yuan Dynasty owning very<WP=6>important function in the whole classic poem’s history. This paper consists of preface, the reason and the implication of the trend of poem-making’s "imitating poem of the Tang Dynasty and reviving the poem’s style in Han and Wei Dynasty" in the former of Yuan Dynasty, and the summarize.In the preface, the author simply analyze the poem circles in the former of the Yuan Dynasty, introduce the trend of poem -making and its position in the historic of ancient poem’s development.The main part lf this paper discuss the reason and the implication of the trend of poem-making by degrees:Firstly, the proper analyze how the trend came into being, the author view that there was the main aspect led to the common social psychological atmospheres of reviving the classic doctrines after the Yuan’s unite., that is, the psychology of admiring the administer of Han and Yang Dynasty and eager to adopt the method of administration as the primitive society which spread among the upper-class or the out of office scholars.. The kind of social psychology gave the trend of poem-making the significant psychological foundation. The abolishing of empirical examination boomed the poem-making again. The scholars by different identification and characters anticipated in society for their common cultural background, and their respective tragedies of missing families. They imitated ancestor and illustrated the ideal in poems, their open mental made the trend the proper atmosphere and social aesthetic leading. In addition, poem’s development and implication by itself was the inner-motive of the trend’s<WP=7>came into being. Then, the paper deeply explores the content of the former period’s poem reviving classic doctrines and pursuing new style in Yuan Dynasty, and simply delineates the development and evolution of the trend of poem-making’s "imitating poems of the Tang Dynasty and reviving the poem’s style in Han and Wei Dynasty", and objectively evaluates it position and function in the Yuan poem’s history and in the whole classic poem history. The study combines the specially social background of its immerging and was the social-psychology method, researches from the angles of content and antic form. Finally, the briefly draws the outline of the Yuan poem’s development ,and concisely explains the positive influence of the forming of "imitating poems of the Tang Dynasty and reviving the poem’s style in Han and Wei Dynasty "in former Yuan Dynasty to the poem’s development in the late period of feudal society.In this paper the author made every efforts t

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【下载频次】223

