

A Research on the Reform of Basketball Training System in China

【作者】 齐波

【导师】 杨改生;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,随着市场经济的逐步建立,体育事业面向市场、走向市场、以产业化为方向,已成为体育发展的必然趋势。我国的篮球事业随着改革开放的深化,为再创辉煌提供了良好的社会环境和机遇,它摆脱了过去几十年计划经济体制下形成的传统观念和原有管理体制、运行机制模式的束缚。我国篮球原有的训练体制在计划经济时期曾为我国的篮球事业作出了较大的贡献,但是,随着经济体制的转轨,在篮球体制改革的过程中,我国原有的训练体制会遇到一些新的问题。针对所遇到的问题该如何解决是其关键。我国篮球训练体制应如何改革,对我国篮球训练体制的改革进行研究,具有较强的现实意义。本文运用了文献法、专家访谈法和逻辑方法,系统的阐述了我国篮球训练体制的形成历史及现状,揭示了我国篮球训练体制现状的利与弊。通过与美国的篮球训练体制进行比较研究,有针对性的借鉴美国篮球训练体制的优势,探讨我国篮球训练体制改革的对策。研究结果表明:我国篮球运动训练体制在经济体制转型的过程中,有优势但也存在着缺陷。其优势为:(1)篮球管理中心的建立,有利于当前领导与推动我国篮球事业在改革中发展。(2)随着我国篮球职业化的改革,我国篮球运动竞赛制度开始与国际接轨,推动了我国篮球运动产业化的进程。(3)俱乐部正处于推向市场进行经营实体自主管理的尝试时期,前景广阔。其缺陷表现在:(1)体制不完全适应社会主义市场经济,国家对篮球管的过多过死,社会办篮球的积极性、创造性不能很好的发挥。俱乐部产权不清晰、法规不够健全。(2)企业、体委、篮管中心之间矛盾突出。(3) 后备人才培养体制单一,学校体育与竞技体育接不上轨。(4)教练员选拔与培养未能形成科学体系。(5) 职业联赛比赛场次少,强<WP=5>度不大。通过在管理体制、后备人才培养、教练员的任用、篮球竞赛制度、俱乐部运行机制五个方面对美国的篮球训练体制进行分析,结合我国实情和我国竞技体育体制现状,提出我国篮球训练体制改革的对策:(1)篮球协会应转变观念,理顺篮球协会与俱乐部的关系。(2)以学校为主,俱乐部为辅,多种方式并存方式发展,使我国篮球培养后备运动员走学训结合的道路。(3)改革运动员的选拔渠道。(4)加强教练员培训与考核,建立教练员培训制度。(5)增加甲级队数量,增加比赛场次。

【Abstract】 Since our country carried out the reformation and the open policies to the world, the sports commercialization has been the necessary tendency for the development of the sports with the market economic establishment. With the development of the reformation in our country, basketball sports provide us the good social environments and opportunities and has got rid of the old-fashioned management system formed in the past decades. The past management system had made a great contribution to the basketball sports in our country. But with the reformation of economic system, the old training system has met with the new problems. How to solve them is the key. How to reform the training system of the basketball sports here and how to study the reformation have their realistic magnificence. The assay is based on the theories of psychology, physical tactics and sports training. The documents, the way of interview, the systemic, scientific, logical and statistical ways are applied in the assay. It makes a systematical statement of the formation And has disclosed the advantages and disadvantages of the present basketball training system. By the comparison of our training system with that of USA, we make use of the superiority of the USA training system and discuss the reformation of the basketball training system. The research results suggest that our basketball training system has both advantages and disadvantages during the transition of our economic system. Its advantages are (1) that the establishment of the basketball management center benefits the development of the basketball sports in our country and (2) that with the basketball professional reformation in our country the basketball games begin to be in the line<WP=7>with the international ones, which has promoted the commercial course of the sports and (3) the basketball clubs are in the stage of being pushed into the markets and becoming the equivalent entities, which have the bright future. The disadvantages are (1) that the system can’t adapt to the socialist market economy. The country is too strict with the basketball games, which contuse the enthusiasms of basketball games sponsored by the clubs and their creativities can’t be brought into full play.The property rights of the clubs are clear. The rules are not as clear as a bell and (2) the contradictions between the enterprises and physical committee and basketball management center are distinct. The system of the trainee in support is not flexible. The school physical training and sports are in the line and (4) the selection and the training of the coaches are made in the scientific way and (5) the professional league matches are held less.Through the management system, the training of trainee in support, the use of the coaches, the system of the basketball games and the club operation, the assay analyses the system of the USA basketball training and combine the present situation in our country and put forward the countermeasures of the basketball training system in our country. (1) the basketball associations should change their mind and get on good terms with the clubs. (2) the university should play the main role and clubs should do the minor one. The basketball players in support should be trained and learn the new techniques. (3) the selection of players should be reformed. (4) the training and examination of the coaches should be strengthened. The training system of the coaches should be established. (5) the number of A class teams should be added and basketball games should be increased.

【关键词】 篮球训练体制改革
【Key words】 basketballtraining systemreformation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】G841
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】876

