

Research into the Attacking Speed of Chinese Basketball Team in the ~14(th) World Championship

【作者】 周珂

【导师】 杨改生;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 攻守对抗是篮球运动发展的内部动力。比赛双方在同一场地上、规定的时间内进行着心理、技术、战术等全方位的对抗,其中速度的竞争是很重要的一部分。在强对抗、高速度的基础上争取高的进攻成功率是现代篮球运动发展的方向。而在我国不同时期篮球运动的指导思想中“快速”总是占有非常重要的位置。“快速” 突出了我国运动员的优势,弥补了我们队员在身体素质、对抗能力的一些不足。伴随着我国篮球指导思想的发展,我国的篮球运动水平也经历了从低水平到较高水平的发展过程。1996年亚特兰大奥运会以后,姚明、巴特尔、王治郅三位身体条件好,技术全面的优秀中锋进入国家队,高度不再是我国男篮的劣势,国人对新的国家队寄与厚望,但是近几年国家男篮2000年悉尼奥运会、2002年世锦赛和2003亚运会上成绩确实不够理想。特别是2002年世锦赛上中国队仅取得了1胜7负的战绩,并被世锦赛官方网站评论为“速度最慢的球队”,在投篮次数上与其它参赛队的平均水平差距很大。这些都说明中国男篮在进攻速度上出现了问题。本研究运用文献资料法、录像观察法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法对第14届世界男篮锦标赛上的中国队及与赛队7场比赛的进攻速度进行统计,并与国外球队和历史上的中国队进行比较,找出差距,深入分析我国男篮进攻速度慢的原因;并提出提高进攻速度的方法与对策,为中国男篮的发展提供借鉴。研究结果显示:1.本届世锦赛中国队7场比赛的平均进攻速度为12.40s/次,与对手的整体水平相比差距较大;在与对手分别比较后发现:与美国队、德国队相比,差异高度显著;与阿根廷、阿尔及利亚、俄罗斯、土耳其和新西兰相比,没有显著性差异;2.参加14届世锦赛与12届世锦赛的中国男篮进攻速度之间没有显著性差异。3中国队获前场篮<WP=5>板球后进攻速度最快,前场界外球次之,再次是抢断球。获后场篮板球、后场界外球、跳球后进攻速度较慢;4.传球、运球次数与中国队进攻速度呈高度正相关;不同结束方式对中国男篮的进攻速度没有影响。 从表面上看,本文认为造成本届世锦赛上中国男篮进攻速度慢的主要原因有:1.前场篮板球、抢断球数量太少。2.获后场篮板球、抢断球后推进速度太慢。3.发动快攻次数少。通过进一步分析可以发现,造成中国男篮进攻速度慢的深层原因是:1.防守观念落后、攻击性差。2.进攻战术单一,阵地战以通过中锋进攻为主。3.身体素质差、基本技术不够扎实。4.攻守转换慢,快攻、抢攻意识差。依据篮球运动的基本理论,结合中国男篮的实际情况,本文提出了提高中国男篮进攻速度的对策:1转变观念,处理好速度与高度、成功率的关系。2 发挥原有优势,坚持“快、灵、准”的风格。3 立足联赛、增加交流,提高自身水平。

【Abstract】 Attack and defense antagonism is the internal drive of the development of basketball. The two sides of the competition carry out an overall violent antagonism on psychology, skills and strategy in a specified time, in which the competition of speed is an important part. A high attacking success average is the orientation of modern basketball, which is based on the hard antagonism and quick speed. In China, speediness has always been the guideline of basketball in different periods. Speediness highlights the advantages of Chinese players, mean time it makes up some shortcomings of physical condition and antagonism ability. With the development of the guideline of our country’s basketball, the undertaking also experienced a course of development from a low to a relative high level. After the Olympic Games of Atlanta in 1996, Yao Ming, Barter, and Wang Zhizhi entered the national basketball team as the center forwards with their good natural condition and overall skills. Height is no longer a disadvantage of our National Team. The people placed great expectation on the national team. But, its achievements in the Olympic games in 2000, the world championship in 2002, and the Asian Games in 2003 are not so ideal. Esp., in the world Championship in 2002, our national team won only once and lost seven times, and was commented on as the "slowest team" by the official net of the world championship. There was a large gap between our team and the average as far as the shooting times concerned. These all show that there are some problems in the attacking speed in our national team. With the methods documents, tape-records, statistics and Delphi, the research makes an statistics on the attacking speed of Chinese team in seven competitions in the 14th world championship, a comparison between our team and foreign teams, and between our teams in different periods, an analysis on the reasons for low speed in attack of our team. Then it suggests some methods and strategy on how to improve the speed for the<WP=7>development of our basketball undertaking.The result of the research shows: 1. The average attacking speed of Chinese basketball team is 12.4seconds per time, which is much lower than the whole level. Compared with U.S. and German, the gap is rather obvious; compared with Argentina, Algeria, Russia, Turkey and New Zealand, the gap is not of a quality one. 2. There is not much difference in the attacking speed between the 12th national team and the 14th national team. 3. The attacking speed is fastest and the offensive rebound, the offensive out comes the next, and the snatching attack comes the third; the attacking speed of defensive rebound, defensive out and that after jump are slower. 4. The times of passing and dribbling is in positive proportion with the attacking speed; different finishes of attack have no influence in the attacking speed of Chinese national team.Superficially, the paper seems to attribute the low attacking speed of Chinese basketball in this championship to: 1.Few offensive rebounds and snatchings; 2. The low speed of break through after the defensive rebounds and snatchings. 3. Few times of fast break.A further analysis shows that the deep reasons for the low attacking speed of our national team are: 1.Backward ideology in defense, lack of aggressiveness; 2. The monotony of strategy, position attack is mainly carried out by the center forward. 3.The incapability of accomplishing the skills in antagonism and movement. According to the basic theories of basketball, in light with the situations of Chinese man basketball team, the paper proposes some strategies to improve the attacking speed of Chinese man basketball team: 1.Improve the ideology, deal well with the relationship between speed and height and success average.2. Exert the advantages of the team, adhere to the style of " speediness, agility, preciseness. 3.Take the association as the basis, exchange more with the foreign teams and improve itself.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】G841
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】616

