

Study on the Measure to Strengthen the Effectiveness of PoliticalIdeological Education of College Students

【作者】 吕英建

【导师】 马树功; 孟彩云;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 思想政治工作是中国共产党的优良传统和政治优势,新时期高校学生的思想政治工作在培养无产阶级事业的建设者和接班人方面起着极其重要的作用,它直接关系到国家的前途和未来。近年来,高校在加大对思想政治工作硬件投入的同时,在思想政治队伍建设、运作机制的构建、学生管理等方面,都取得了相当成绩,使高校学生思想政治工作的实效性得以提高。但随着国内外形势的变化,高校学生思想政治工作的环境、渠道、对象、手段等都发生了变化,这一系列变化给高校学生思想政治工作带来的深刻影响,在某种程度上,造成了学生思想政治工作效果弱化。为了进一步提高高校学生思想政治工作的实效性,本文拟用理论与实践相结合的方法,首先对高校学生思想道德状况与特点进行了概述和分析,然后对造成高校学生思想政治工作实效性弱化的原因进行了初步分析,最后对增强高校学生思想政治工作实效性的对策,尤其是具体措施进行了探讨。笔者作为一名学生政工干部,希望拙文能对高校思想政治工作实践有所裨益。全文分三个部分:第一部分:高校学生思想道德状况及其新特点。随着国内外形势的变化,大学生生活在极其复杂的社会环境里,他们的思想无不打上时代的烙印,其思想道德观念呈以下特点:大学生具有政治参与热情,但又缺乏明辨是非的能力;大学生虽有远大理想,但又过于追求个人价值;大学生对新事物虽富热情,但心理困惑较多;大学生注重竞争与参与,但又具投机取巧心理;大学生文化水平较高,但文明素质较低。第二部分:高校学生思想政治工作实效性弱化的原因。本文从五个方面进行分析:(一)国内外环境中的不良因素对高校学生思想政治工作的消极影响:包括国际环境对思想政治工作的不利影响及国内社会转型和文化嬗变对高校学生思想政治工作的不利影响。(二)教育体制改革有些措施滞后对高校学生思想政治工作的<WP=3>不利影响。首先是与实行学分制匹配的思想政治工作新模式尚未完全构建;其次是后勤社会化改革对高校学生思想政治工作的冲击。(三)高校学生思想政治工作队伍总体素质不够高,影响到思想政治工作的实效性。包括领导重视不够,高校缺乏全员育人意识;辅导员队伍素质有待提高;后勤服务人员缺乏对学生教育的参与意识。(四)思想政治教育的内容、方法、手段滞后,直接影响到思想政治工作的实效性。 包括“两课”教学内容陈旧、方法呆板,没有充分发挥主渠道、主阵地的作用;高校思想政治工作缺少德育实践环节,大学生知行相悖。(五)评价学生综合素质的标准有失偏颇。现实中,评价学生综合素质标准存在重智育轻德育的倾向。第三部分:增强高校学生思想政治工作实效性对策探讨。(一)营造家庭、社会和学校共同参与的三维育人环境。家庭应继续发挥对大学生的教育作用;社会上各行各业,包括各种宣传教育媒体,文化艺术行业要给大学生提供健康的精神食粮,发挥正面教育作用;学校应优化校园文化环境,对大学生起到潜移默化作用。(二)推进教育体制改革,努力完善各种配套措施。一要构建立体、多维的学生思想政治工作模式。二要坚持学校是学生管理的责任主体,建立多重覆盖的学生思想政治工作机制。(三)坚持社会主义办学方向,全面提高思想政治工作队伍素质。(四)建立主渠道与多渠道相配合的学生思想政治工作机制,全方位加强思想政治工作。(五)构建科学、合理、全面的学生综合素质测评体系。

【Abstract】 Political Ideological Education(PIE)is a fine tradition and political advantage of Communist Party of China(CPC). The PIE of the new era of colleges plays a very important role in the fostering of the builders and successors of the proletarian cause, which is of importance to the future of our nation. In recent years, colleges have, in addition to the hardware input into the PIE, achieved greatly in the construction of PIE personnel, the building of operation system and the management of students, which improves the effectiveness of PIE at colleges. Changes have taken place in accordance of national and international situation in the environment, channel, object and means of the PIE of college students. These changes have had great impact on the college PIE. In a sense, they have weakened the effectiveness of the PIE at college. The present paper studies the improvement of the effectiveness of college PIE. The paper, by the means of the integration of theory and practice, does three things: ①giving an account of the ideological condition of college students; ②analysing the causes that have led to the weakening of the effectiveness of college PIE;③putting forward some measures to improve the effectiveness of college PIE.This paper covers three parts.Part I :ideological condition and new characteristics of college students in the new era. College students living in the very complicated social surroundings are influenced the changing national and international situation. Their ideology bears the following features: lack of the ability to tell right from wrong in spite of their warmth in political participation, successive eagerness in the pursuit of personal values in spite of their high motivation, psychological perplexities, their attachment of importance to competition and participation, opportunism, low quality of public morality in spite of their relatively high academic qualifications.Part II: the causes leading to the weakening of the effectiveness of college PIE.<WP=5>There are five causes.(I) National and international factors have negative effects on PIE of college students:①International effects;②National effects.(II)The defects in educational reform have negative effects on PIE of college students:①the new PIE mode doesn’t go with credit system;②The social reform of rear service has bad impact on PIE.(III)The low quality of the PIE personnel lowers the effectiveness of PIE. ①The leadership doesn’t attach due importance, lacking in the sense of whole-staff education.②The quality of political tutors awaits improvement.③The rear-sevice personnel lacks the sense of participating in PIE of college students. (IV)The stagnation of PIE content, method and means, harms the effectiveness of PIE. ①The "two courses" have failed to exert their chief-channel function, their content being old and method being inflexible.②college students can not put what they learn into practice for lack of practice links in PIE.(V)There is a tendency of emphasizing wisdom and belittling ideology in the evaluation of the comprehensive qualities of college students.Part III: The measures that strengthen the effectiveness of college PIE in the new era. (I) Creating the atmosphere of three-dimension education: family, society and college. Families should continue their education for college students; All walks of life including mass media, cultural and art circles should provide healthy spiritual food for college students; colleges should optimize campus environment in order to exert an imperceptible influence on their students. (II)Deepening education reform and perfecting auxiliary measures: ①constructing three-dimensional working mode for the PIE of college students; ②insisting that colleges are the main body of students management, (III)Clinging to the socialist guiding principle and upgrading the quality of PIE personnel, (IV)setting up the PIE system of main channel harmonizing with multi-channels, and strengthening PIE in all dimensions (V) Building scientific, reasonable and all-round evaluation

【关键词】 高校思想政治工作大学生实效性
【Key words】 college PIEcollege studentseffectiveness
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】700

