

The Balance between a Crime and a Punishment in Criminal Law of Chinese

【作者】 任彦君

【导师】 栗克元;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 刑法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 作为世界各国刑法基本原则之一的罪刑均衡经历了刑事古典学派的一元均衡,刑事实证学派的一元均衡,发展到一体论的二元均衡。罪刑均衡的内涵随着刑法价值观念的发展变化也逐步演进,其价值内容也更加合理。罪刑均衡追求的罪刑之间的价值(质与量)上对称关系,折射出深广而雄厚的社会历史价值。罪刑均衡只有在立法中得到确认,才能落实在司法活动中。我国现行刑法贯彻体现了罪刑均衡原则,成为以报应为基础,兼顾功利的二元罪刑均衡的刑法典。当然,在一些微观层面上的不足,也是以后的刑法立法所要解决的问题。全文共分以下七个部分:第一部分,引言。这一部分对罪刑均衡原则的基本含义作出阐释,并界定本篇论文的研究范围。第二部分,罪刑均衡的历史发展。这一部分从对罪刑均衡之理论基础的源头——报应主义开始,到一般预防主义,个别预防主义,最后到一体论的介绍中,揭示出它们各自不同的罪刑均衡,或者说揭示了罪刑均衡之内涵发展演变的历程, 也为论题的充分展开奠定了基础。第三部分,罪刑均衡的价值分析。这一部分将报应刑论,一般预防论,个别预防论和一体论都置于既定的法律价值框架之中,以人权保障和社会保护为 视角对它们做一番价值论的审察,以便系统地认识它们及其主张的罪刑均衡所蕴含的刑法价值。第四部分,罪刑均衡原则与刑罚个别化的关系。这一部分简介了关于罪——刑的刑法逻辑结构的争议,并对本文中的罪刑结构作出界定。阐述了罪刑均衡原则与刑罚个别化的关系,提出刑罚个别化是罪刑均衡原则的题中应有之义。第五部分,罪刑均衡在我国刑法中的体现。这一部分介绍了我国刑法贯彻罪刑均衡原则的情况,指出我国刑法从总则到分则,从宏观层面到微观层面的制度设计都充分体现了刑罚与犯罪行为的社会危害性和犯罪人的人身危险性相适应的原则。<WP=4>第六部分,我国刑法中罪刑均衡之不足及立法研究。我国刑法立法在贯彻罪刑均衡原则上已做得相当不错,但是在一些微观层面及纵横协调上仍存在一些不足,本部分旨在找出这些不足之处,并提出一些完善的建议。第七部分,结语。这一部分从认识论的角度来审视立法上的罪刑均衡。

【Abstract】 As one of basic principles of criminal laws all over the world, the balance between a crime and a punishment has been going through three stages, which include that of the classical school, the positivist school and comprehensive school. The connotation of the balance between a crime and a punishment has been gradually developing with the concept of value of criminal law, the value and the content of which has also been rationalizing .The symmetry relation in value (nature and quantity) of crimes and penalties which is purchased by the basic principle reflect the profound social history value. Only established in legislation, can the principle be implemented in justice. The Chinese criminal law which embody the principle of balance between a crime and a punishment has become a code which is based on retribution, and give consideration to utility. Of course, the flaws in microcosmic level of Chinese criminal law are also problems needing tackle in legislation in the future.This article consists of seven parts.Part one, introduction. The basic signification of the principle of the balance between a crime and a punishment is explained and the research range of this article is limited in this part.Part two, historical evolution of the balance between a crime and a punishment. From the introduction of retribution which is the source of theoretical foundation of the basic principle to the general prevention, the individual prevention and the comprehensive doctrine, this article indicate their respective balance between a crime and a punishment, or show the evolution of connotation of it, and also lay a foundation for further spreading out of proposition.Part three, the value analysis of the balance between a crime and a punishment. In this part, the retribution, the general prevention, the individual prevention and the comprehensive doctrine are all put in fixed law value frame to be observed<WP=6>carefully in guaranteeing human rights and defending our society, so that we can know systematically the values of their views on the balance between a crime and a punishment in criminal law.Part four, the relation between the principle of suiting punishment to crime and the criminal individualization. In this part, the argument about the logical structure of the crime-penalty is introduced briefly, and the structure of the crime-penalty in this article is illustrated. The relation between the principle of suiting punishment to crime and the criminal individualization is explained, and the author think that the signification of penalty individualization is included in the principle of the balance between a crime and a punishment.Part five, the reflection of the principle of the balance between a crime and a punishment in Chinese criminal law. In this part, the author introduced the implement circumstances of this basic principle, and think that Chinese criminal law embody that penalty suit for social harmfulness of crime conduct and possibility to convict a crime of criminal not only from General provisions to Specific provisions but also from macroscopic level to microcosmic level.Part six, the unbalance between a crime and a punishment in Chinese criminal law and study on legislation about it. Although the criminal legislation has done better in implementing the basic principle, some flaws in microscopic level and the coordinate in length and breadth still exist. The aim of this part is finding these drawbacks on it, and do propose to improve them.Part seven, conclusion. The balance between a crime and a punishment in legislation is observed from the angle of theory of knowledge.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D924.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】246

