

Research and Practice on Optimizing and Integration of the Curriculum Project of the Functional Experimentation

【作者】 韩虹

【导师】 朱佐江;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民解放军第一军医大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 医学基础实验教学改革是高等医学教育改革的重点内容。将生理学、病理生理学和药理学的实验教学内容通过整合,形成一门《机能实验学》课程的改革研究已成为一种趋势,机能实验学内容整合是医学机能实验学教学改革的核心和难点。本研究将以往各相关学科相互分割、相互封闭的实验教学内容进行合理设置和优化整合,形成机能实验学内容整合的方案。采用专家咨询法---特尔斐(Delphi)法论证确立一套比较完整、系统、科学的课程整合实施方案,经运用实践教学,显示此课程方案所确立的以“三基”内容为基础,“三类”实验为核心的实验教学内容是较为全面、有效的实验教学改革方案,在组织实施中显示出运转计划的可行性及教学内容设置的合理性特征。通过收集授课教员、学员、教学督导组对方案的认可态度以及教学效果评价,使用目前国际上公认权威的统计软件(SAS)对实测结果进行分析,结果显示,整合方案后,精简了不必要的知识重复,节省了学时数,大大增加了学员实际动手操作机会,不仅使教员在实践教学中得到锻炼和提高,也使学员在独立分析问题和综合运用所学知识的能力等方面得到锻炼和提高,真正起到了教学相长的作用。

【Abstract】 The reform of fundamental and experimental medicine teaching is the principal content of the reform in an academy of medicine. It has become a trend to study the reform to reorganize the teaching contents of experimental courses in physiology, pathological physiology, and pharmacology and form a course called functional experimentation. Reorganization in content of functional experimentation is the nucleus and tough part in the reform of an experimental teaching. The purpose of this study is to set up and reorganize the contents of the related experimental courses reasonably and optimally, which were separated and isolated mutually, to form an executive scheme for functional experimentation. Using an expert consultant method, Delphi method, the study deduced and established a systematic and scientific executive scheme for the courses. The functional experimentation has been applied to the students at three different grades for six years. A survey was given to evaluate the teaching effect and attitude to the scheme from lecturers, students, and teaching supervisory group. According to the survey and the analysis of the experimental results by using the statistical software, SAS, which is known as powerful software internationally, it was shown that after the reorganization unnecessary overlapping courses can be eliminated to save the teaching time thus increasing the ability of students in practical operations. As a result, not only the faculty members improved their teaching skills but also the students improved their ability to perform experiments skillfully, to solve problems independently, and to apply what they learnt in related fields synthetically. It really benefits in teaching and learning mutually.

  • 【分类号】R-4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】252

