

【作者】 许寒

【导师】 刘希顺;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学 , 电路与系统, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机辅助的医学图象三维重建技术——医学可视化是科学计算可视化的一个具体应用,也是科学计算可视化的最活跃的领域之一,它运用计算机图形学和图象处理技术将来源于CT、MRI、生物组织切片等医学二维图象数据重建成三维图象,在屏幕上显示出来并可以进行交互处理。它对医学教学、临床诊治、远程医疗等都有深远的意义。 医学可视化基本流程实际上可以归结为三维空间数据场的可视化的过程。可视化算法可分为表面重建算法和体绘制算法。体绘制算法是本文的研究重点,本文介绍了体绘制算法的光照模型、算法分类和发展方向,并以光线投射算法为例,详细的论述了体绘制算法的原理、流程、关键技术。 在文章的最后介绍了一种基于体绘制算法的可视化系统的设计和实现。该系统能较好地演示对一些由CT、MRI或组织切片等堆叠构成的数据场的重建,并具有一定的交互性。

【Abstract】 The Computer aided medical image 3-D-Reconstruction technologies--MedicalVisualization is one of the most active fields of Scientific Visualization. It reconstruct 3D-Regular Data Sets conies from the CT, MRI or Slice to 3D-Image which can be viewed interactively on the screen. The technologies has a great significant in medical teaching, medical diagnosis N therapy planning and Telemedicine.Medical Visualization is a course of visualization of SD-Regular Data Sets. There are two different visualization approaches of 3D-Data Sets, one is Surface Rendering algorithm, the other is Volume Rendering algorithm. The latter is the emphasis of the paper. The paper describes its optical modeK algorithm classification and discusses its future applications and problems to besolved.A visualization systems based on volume rendering algorithm is introduced at the end of the paper. It has the function to reconstruct 3D-images from 3D-regular data sets and has fine interactive capability.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】329

