

【作者】 刘娟

【导师】 韩星焕;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 吉林省所处的松辽平原是世界三大黄金玉米带之一,具有发展玉米种植业得天独厚的自然优势。多年来,吉林省玉米的商品量与人均占有量均居全国首位,玉米生产作为吉林省农业发展的支柱,曾经为促进吉林省农业经济的发展、增加农民收入和稳定全国商品粮供给做出了突出贡献。但在中国农业发展进入新阶段以及中国加入WTO以后,农业领域中各种矛盾日渐显现,玉米市场的供求格局发生了根本性变化。面对玉米供给相对过剩和买方市场形成的基本现实,吉林省需要及时把玉米生产由过去的数量型增长转变为质量型增长。加快玉米产业开发,将玉米资源优势转化为产业竞争优势,是吉林省摆脱农业困境、加速农村经济发展的必然选择。 借鉴世界农业发达国家及国内其它省份的发展经验,农产品加工业在农业发展过程中起着举足轻重的作用,农产品加工业的发展状况已经成为不同地区农业发展水平的判断标准。玉米作为可再生的工业原料和能源资源被誉为“软黄金”,同时,作为大宗农产品,具有多次加工增值的潜力。玉米转化增值的途径有两条:一是过腹转化,发展畜牧业、养殖业;一是发展玉米加工业,通过玉米变形、变性实现增值增效。吉林省玉米加工业发展较早,经历了起步阶段、停滞发展阶段、迅速壮大阶段,现已经逐步发展为吉林省的支柱产业之一。本文就是在这样的背景之下,以吉林省除饲料加工业以外的玉米加工业为研究对象,将吉林省玉米加工业效益作为论文着力点,深入分析将吉林省玉米资源优势转化为竞争优势,提高玉米加工业效益和产业竞争力的途径。 本文以波特的竞争优势理论为主要理论依据,结合产业经济学中的主导部门带动经济增长理论、市场营销学中的产品寿命周期理论、以及交易费用等理论,运用实证研究与规范分析相结合的方法展开研究。实证研究是本文的研究重点,分析数据包括对吉林省典型的玉米加工企业调查所得到一手资料,以及通过期刊文献和网络等媒介获取的二手资料两部分,分析方法主要采用对比方法。将吉林省玉米加工业发展状况与美国、山东、河北等省进行横向比较,从玉米原料生产、相关支持产业发展、企业发展战略、企业结构与同业竞争力、政府政策等角度的分析入手,对吉林省玉米加工业发展概况进行总体描述。 论文核心部分是对吉林省玉米加工业效益的实证研究。研究选择四个具有代表性的玉米加工企业(吉林黄龙工业食品有限公司、长春大成实业集团、吉粮曙光变性淀粉有限公司、吉林双飙薪玉米加工有限责任公司)的实际生产资料为效益分析依据,阐述了吉林省玉米加工业目前的技术条件和生产可行性。文中定量分析了吉林省玉米加工业主要产品,玉米原淀粉、玉米特强粉、麦芽糊精的加工增值情况,结合实际分析玉米加工业的劳动力吸纳能力,得出结论:随着玉米加工层次的逐渐加深,玉米加工业的经济效益和社会效益均会得到较大提高。按照吉林农业大学硕士论文吉林省玉米加工业效益研究技术经济学项目效益评价方法,从经济效益、社会效益、生态效益三个方面对吉林省玉米加工业进行综合效益评价,评价结果为:吉林省玉米加工业经过了几十年的发展,形成了一定的加工能力和产业基础,但与发达国家、发达省份相比,吉林省玉米加工业的综合效益较低,其中经济效益呈现下降趋势,社会效益尚未充分发挥和体现,生态总体表现为负效益,具有明显的负外部性。 根据实证分析所得结论,本文对吉林省玉米加工业进行了全面、系统的分析和研究,从促进因素、障碍因素两个方面探讨影响吉林省玉米加工业效益的主要因素。重点以政府、企业、农户、产业组织为分析主体,指出了吉林省玉米加工业效益低下的症结所在,为明晰提高吉林省玉米加工业效益和产业市场竞争力的具体思路做出了重要的铺垫。其障碍因素主要包括:生产环节原料生产结构不符合加工业发展要求,专用型玉米种植没有形成规模;加工环节产品结构单一、产品开发层次低,生产增值幅度小,加工企业管理制度不够完善;而且,玉米产业链条的整合度不高,产业化经营刚刚起步,没有形成合理的利益共同体,造成产业内部各环节的利益流失,导致加工环节对农业风险应有的缓解作用没有充分发挥;政府工作中同样存在诸多不足,产业布局不够合理,重复性建设导致吉林省玉米加工产业成为长线产业,初级加工产品供过于求,而玉米深加工品的供求缺口较大,没有形成市场有效供给。此外,吉林省玉米加工业的科研力量分散,没有形成科研合力,造成现有资源配置不合理。 最后,提出了吉林省提高玉米加工业效益的相关建议。重申玉米加工业将成为吉林省农业发展的一个亮点,而吉林省玉米加工业自身的高效益是提高其市场竞争力的突破口,是吉林省玉米加工业在国际、国内两大市场立足、发展的保障,更是吉林省发展农村经济、活跃农村市场、加强农村产业升级、增加农民收入、促进农村城市化的必然选择。

【Abstract】 Songliao Plain in Jilin province is one of the three gold corn belts in the world, so Jilin province has the natural advantage to develop corn planting. Both of the commodity volume and occupancy of corn per people of Jilin province have been the leader in China for many years. As an important department, corn industry had had an important role in developing Jilin’s agricultural economy, increasing boorish income and stabilizing the supply of commodity grain. With having entered in the World Trade Organization and agricultural economy being in a new phase in China, the relation between supply and demand of corn has changed radically. Facing this reality that corn’s supply is surplus relatively, Jilin province need to change quantitative growth into qualitative growth in corn production, in order to change the natural advantage into industrial competitive advantage. That can help Jilin province to get rid of agricultural difficulty and to strengthen the agricultural economy.According to the experience of some developed countries and provinces, process industry has an important role in developing agriculture. The status of process industry has become a normal of agricultural level among every area. As industrial material and energy resource, corn is named as "soft gold". Corn has the potential to increase its value by being processed several times. There are two paths to increase value of corn. One is developing livestock product, the other is developing process industry. Corn process industry of Jilin province emerged early. It went through starting phase, stagnancy phase and grandness phase in turn. Now corn process industry has been one of the support industries in Jilin province. Under this background, this dissertation takes corn process industry of Jilin as research object (not including feedstuff process), and keeps the benefit of corn process industry as the analyzing center. Some ways have been lucubrated which can increase the benefit and competitive power of corn process industry.This dissertation is based on some theories, including the theory of competitive advantage, the theory of dominant department bringing along economy, the theory of cycle of product of life, the theory of business costs and so on. During the research, this dissertation combines positive research with normative analysis, and the part that adopts positive method is the most important one. The analyzed data is made up oftwo parts, one part is the first-hand material that comes from several typical corn process corporations, the other part is a lot of the second-hand material that comes from periodicals, literatures and Internet. Compared corn process industry of Jilin province with the ones of U.S.A, Shandong province, Hebei province, the corn process industry of Jilin province is described as a whole from corn planting, relatively supporting industries to stratagem of corporations, competitive power, and policy of government.The core of this dissertation is the positive research about the benefit of corn process industry of Jilin province. The analytic basis is some real data, which comes from four typical corporations processing corn. This dissertation narrates the technological condition and product feasibility. After analyzing the increments of three main products (corn starch, corn meal, dextrin) and analyzing the ability of absorbing workers through an index, draw on a conclusion that with the depth of corn processed, both the economical and the social benefit can be increased. According to the estimation method of technology economics, draw on a conclusion that corn process industry of Jilin province has strong product ability after many years, but if compared with other developed countries and provinces, its all-round benefit is low. Concretely, the conclusion is that economical benefit has a tendency to decrease, social benefit hasn’t been embodied enough, and zoological benefit is negative.According to this conclusion, there is overall and systematic research. Discuss the factors that influence the benefit

【关键词】 玉米加工业企业效益吉林省
【Key words】 Corn process industryCorporationBenefitJilin province
  • 【分类号】F326.5
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】571

