

【作者】 迟丽华

【导师】 王立军;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 果树学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 果树的菌根,即果树感染有有益的真菌并相互共生的根。果树根的组织与真菌形成双重的有机体,真菌依靠果树供给碳素营养,果树依靠真菌从土壤中吸取果树根系不能吸收的水分和养分。一般果树的根系都和真菌共生。菌根对于增加果树矿质营养,提高果树抗旱、耐盐碱、抗病等抗逆能力,促进果树生长具有重要作用。菌根除显著提高果树叶片的N素、P素营养外,还可显著提高K、Mg、Cu、Zn、Ca、Fe的营养。在抗旱方面,菌根一方面能显著地提高土壤的供水能力,另一方面菌根还能通过帮助植株建立发达的根系来提高树体的吸水能力,使植株避免干旱的威胁。菌根还能提高果树抵抗土传害虫的能力,又可促进果树生长几倍至几十倍。由此可看出,菌根在生产实践中具有广泛应用前景。因此,开发利用菌根真菌,将成为今后果树生产上高产、优质、高效建设的重要新技术。 本实验以吉林省野生果树根系为实验材料,采用石蜡制片、光学显微技术及Phillips和Hayman的染色方法,对其进行结构植物学研究。结果发现,直径>2mm的木质化根系即根的次生结构中不存在VA菌根。也就是说,VA菌根不能侵染木质化的粗根。显然是由于皮层细胞的木质化阻碍了真菌的侵染。 通过对吉林省18种野生果树菌根的解剖研究,论述了它们在形态结构上的特点,并调查其侵染率。 根据菌物寄生的部位不同,目前的研究将菌根分为三类,即外生菌根、内生菌根和内外生菌根。外生菌根是指菌物的菌丝只寄附于植物根部的皮层外表,并不深入皮层以下的柔膜细胞中;内生菌根是指菌物的菌丝深入到皮层下的柔膜细胞之中,并长成许多分枝状的菌丝,它又可分为VA菌根、杜鹃类菌根和兰科菌根;内外生菌根则兼有外生和内生菌根的特点。本实验调查的吉林省18种野生果树菌根大多属于内生菌根中的VA菌根,即泡囊—丛枝菌根。VA菌根在形态结构上既具相同点,又有各自的独特之处。研究发现,在树莓、杨梅、沙棘菌根中可观察到泡囊。泡囊形成在初生皮层的细胞间和细胞内,形状通常呈卵形、椭圆形、圆形。沙棘泡囊形状比较特殊,多为纺锤形、球形。在蓝靛果忍冬、山杏中既可观察到菌根的泡囊,又可观察到菌根的丛枝。丛枝是由菌丝侵入寄生细胞经过连续的二分叉而形成的一种树枝状结构。在杨梅中可发现带有泡囊的内生菌丝。内生菌丝无隔,在根的皮层细胞内为纵向或横向伸延,形成大量的分枝。泡囊、丛枝、内生菌丝均是存在于皮层组织内。不同果树的菌根泡囊形态有差异,说明它可能被多种V人菌根真菌侵染。不同菌种对不同果树的作用效果不同,因而菌根形态各异。各种果树菌根的相似之处在于,大多数菌根多存在于皮层细胞内,形状多为球形、椭圆形、不规则形。菌根数目也不尽相同,且在山梨和山葡萄中发现有晶体的存在。在山梨皮层薄壁组织中是簇状晶体,山葡萄中是针簇状晶体,这两种晶体在形态上易区别,以此作为区别植物的解剖特征之一,棒子中没有发现VA菌根的存在。vA菌根侵染率是菌根化的一个重要指标。本实验对吉林省野生果树VA菌根自然侵染率进行调查。结果表明:不同果树种类的VA菌根侵染率相差极大。其中以沙棘、蓝靛果忍冬、软枣桥猴桃的侵染率较高,在60-700/6左右,沙棘的侵染率达到76.67%;越桔、树毒、山梨、山杏、山萄萄、杨梅、山喳海棠、黑加仑、稠李、山丁子次之,在30一50%左右;山里红、山樱桃、五味子较低,只占10一20y0左右。结果还表明:同一品种的果树的不同地点取样,\’A菌根侵染率也存在差异。山里红、山杏、稠李在靖宇取样的侵染率高于左家,证实了菌根侵染率除与种类不同而异外,还有地域性的差异。这种差异与立地条件有关。即使是同一地点同一果树的不同品种,它们侵染率也存在差异。越桔6个品种中,北空越桔比H。越桔高于20%以上,证实了菌根真菌对不同品种的果树侵染有所不同。了解果树各种和品种菌根侵染率,以此作为应用菌根可能性的前提。 本文针对各种野生果树菌根的结构特征,进行综合比较研究。研究结果,一方面为菌根资源的发现提供了依据。另一方面也为果树菌根的分类、发展规律的研究莫定了基础,对于从事菌根形态功能相关及菌根应用研究具有一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Mycorrhizas of fruit-trees, which are the roots that fruit-trees infect some valuable funguses & grow with them symbiotically, Organizations of fruit-trees & funguses can form organism; funguses rely on fruit-trees to provide carbon nutrition; accordingly, fruit-trees rely on funguses to absorb water & nutrition that the roots fail to. Generally speaking, the root family of fruit-trees & funguses co-exist. Funguses can raise nutrition of K, Mg, Cu, Zn, Ca, & Fe as well as that of N element & P element, can gain mineral nutrition of fruit-trees, improve resistance to drought salinization & diseases& promote the growth of fruit-trees. As far as the resistance to drought is concerned, funguses can, on one hand, enlarge providing-water capacity of soil; on the other hand, raise absorbing-water capacity of trees by helping the trees develop perfect root families against threat from drought. Also, funguses can improve the ability of resistance to insects, mean while, promote the growth of fruit-trees several even dozens of times. In one word, funguses application in production & practice has insignificant prospect. So, to develop & make the best of funguses will be a prominent technique in high output, high quality & high efficiency. From the discovery, we can see that there aren’t any mycorrhiza in the woodized root family with diameter more than 2mm or in the secondary structure of roots, that is to say ,VA mycorrhizas can’t infect the thick woodized roots, Obviously,it is because the woodization of cortical cells keep funguses from being infected .The experiment has been done by using the root family of wild fruit-trees in Jilin province as experimental materials; paraffin wax-made slide technique, microscopy, Phillips & Hayman coloration are employed to carry out research into morphological botany.The thesis explores the formal characteristics of the mycorrhizas in Jilin province & infection rate through dissection research on them.According to the different parasitic parts of funguses, mycorrhizas can beIIIclassified into three parts, namely externally-born mycorrhiza, internally-born mycorrhiza and externally-born internally-born mycorrhiza. The first one refers to the hyphae attached to the cortex; the second one refers to the hyphae stretching into soft mucous membrance of cortex and forming lots of branch-like hyphae which can be divided into VA mycorrhiza. azalea mycorrhiza & orchid family mycorrhiza . The third one has the features of the former two. Most mycorrhizas of seventeen kinds of wild fruit-trees investigated in the experiment in Jilin province are VA mycorrhizas, that is vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas, which are similar to or different from each other in structure. From the discovery, vesiculars are found in mycorrhizas ofRubus idaeus, Hippophae rhammoides, which emerge in the cortical cells as well as between the cells with shapes in sphere.oval & ovum forms. Hippophae rhammoides has such particular shapes as spindle and ball forms. Vesiculars &arbusculars are found in Lonicera deulis, Armenica vw/gtfra,Arbusculars are a Kind of branch-like structure with hyphae infecting parasitic cells, which extend in length and breadth in the cortical structure of roots & form many branches Vesicuars, arbusculars & internally-born hyphae are in the cortical organization. The formation varies from one vesicular of mycorrhizas to another, which illustrates the fact that it may be infected by many kinds of VA mycorrhizas. The effect of different funguses on different trees varies,thus, they can’t have the same formation. The similarity of mycorrhizas of different fruit-trees is that. Most of them are in cortical cells of initial structure of roots, which are in such shapes as sphere, oval or irregular form. The number of them are different, besides, there exist crystals in pyrus betulaefolia Bge & vitis amurensis Rupr. There exist pile crystals in the cortical organization of Pyrus betulaefolia while pin-pile crystal found in Vitis amurensis.The two kinds of crystals are distinguished Easi

【关键词】 VA菌根野生果树侵染
【Key words】 VA mycorrhizaswild fruit-treeinfection
  • 【分类号】S660.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】382

