

Study on Utilization of Different Fiber Resources for Geese

【作者】 赵立

【导师】 娄玉杰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以吉林农大Ⅰ号白鹅(肉用品系)为试验动物,以草木樨、籽粒苋和玉米秸作为三种纤维源,通过饲养试验、代谢试验、屠宰试验以及微生物测定等研究了不同来源粗纤维对鹅的生长性能、养分代谢率、消化道、肉质以及鹅肠道内微生物变化等的影响,探讨了鹅对粗纤维利用的机理。本试验分为两期,分别研究了不同日龄肉鹅对不同日粮养分代谢率的影响。为生产实践中利用各种纤维源以及研究有关鹅对粗纤维的利用提供了可靠的理论依据。 试验结果表明: 不同来源纤维对鹅生长性能有一定的影响,日粮中添加适量的纤维有助于提高肉鹅生长性能。三种纤维源以籽粒苋组对鹅的增重效果明显,玉米秸组料重比最低。籽粒苋组全期总增重为2914.03克,料重比为2.808;玉米秸组总增重为2665.25克,料重比为2.705;草木樨组总增重为2429.42克,料重比为2.859;对照组总增重2650.13,料重比达3.348。平均日增重两期的高峰期分别在4周龄和8周龄。 不同来源纤维,由于其所含的NDF和半纤维素的含量不同,所以鹅对其利用情况也不同。草木樨、籽粒苋和玉米秸的NDF和半纤维素的含量分别为:30.99%和14.77%;67.99%和35.71%;65.50%和34.85%。饲养试验结果表明,鹅能很好地利用籽粒苋,证明NDF和半纤维素的含量越高,鹅对其的利用越高。本试验中,鹅对纤维类成分的消化率,前期粗纤维17.77%~33.18%,ADF 12.94%~14.59%,NDF 31.82%~40.93%,半纤维素37.78%~48.59%。后期粗纤维为23.71%~35.54%,ADF为16.09%~18.35%,NDF为35.28%~43.80%,半纤维素为39.43%~50.53%。其中NDF和半纤维素的消化率都以籽粒苋组最高。 粗纤维含量的增加,降低了鹅的腹脂率(P<0.01),降低了胸肌和腿肌的粗脂肪含量。吉林农业大学硕士学位论文肉鹅对不同来源纤维利用的研究 鹅盲肠总菌数为2.4xlo7一5.4xlo7,梭菌数为l.69x一06一7.6sxlo6,类杆菌数为1.2oxl了~1.57x104,总菌数和梭菌数与兔盲肠中的数量相近。粗纤维可显著提高总菌和梭菌的数量,以籽粒觅组为最高(P<0 .01),5.4xl了和7.68xl护。类杆菌含量低,含纤维组间与对照组间差异不显著,故认为类杆菌不是鹅盲肠中的优势菌群。 纤维能刺激鹅肌胃的生长,以及小肠、盲肠相对重量和厚度,并且以籽粒觅组最为显著(入0.05),分别为3.77%、1.63%、3.35%、0.24%、3.13%,但长度与对照组相比无显著差异(P>0.05)。直肠的相对重和长度在各组间无显著差异,但厚度仍以籽粒觅组为最大,7.62%。小肠和盲肠食糜量在籽粒觅组为最少,直肠食糜量在各组间差异不显著。 肉鹅在利用粗纤维方面,7周龄以前,鹅对粗纤维的消化主要是靠肌胃对细胞壁的崩解作用。7周龄以后,粗纤维的消化主要是肌胃和盲肠的共同作用的结果。

【Abstract】 This paper was carried out to study the effect of different fiber resources on gro-wth performance, metabolic rate, digestive tract, meat quality and the change of micr-robes in intestine of geese. The mechanism of utilizing crude fiber for geese was disc-ussed. In the paper, the JL AU I (meat linebreeding) geese were selected as experime-ntal animals, while Sweetclover, Amaranthus and Corn stalk were considered as three kinds of fiber resources. The test was divided into two periods. The influence of diff-erent-day geese on the metabolic rate of different diet nutrition was studied, respectiv-ely. In production practice, the paper supplied the reliable bases for utilizing various fiber resources and studying utilization of fiber in geese.The results showed as follows:Growth performance of geese was influenced by different fiber resources to some extent. It was beneficial to increase the growth performance of geese that suitable fiber was added into the diet Among three fiber resources, Amaranthus promoted most significantly the body weight gain of geese, and the ratio of meat production to feed was lowest in corn stalk group. Among the total experimental period, the total weight gain of geese in Amaranthus, Corn stalk, Sweetclover and control group was 2914.03g, 2665.25g, 2429.42g and 2650.13g, respectively. The ratio of meat production to feed was 2.808,2.705,2.859and 3.348, respectively. In two periods, the peak period of average daily weight gain was at the age of 4-week and 8-week.Due to different contents of NDF and hemicellulose in different fiber resources, they were utilized by geese differently. Contents of NDF and hemicellulose inSweetclover, Amaranthus and corn stalk were 30.99% and 14.77%; 67.99% and 35.71%; 65.50% and 34.85%. Feeding experiment showed that Amaranthus could be well used, so it is possible that we considered that the more fiber resource contained NDF and hemicellulose, the better it was used. In the experiment, for the former period, digestibility of fiber components in geese were: CF 17.77%~33.18%, ADF 12.94%-14.59%, NDF 31.82%-40.93%, hemicellulose 37.78%-48.59%; for the latter period, metabolic rates of fiber components was: CF 23.71 % -35.54%, ADF 16.09%-18.35%, NDF 35.28%-43.80%,hemicellulose 39.43%-50.53%. Among them, digestibility of NDF and hemillulose were highest in Amaranthus group.While content of crude fiber was increase, belly-fat rate of geese was reduced and fat contents of chest muscle (CM) and thigh muscle (TM) were decreased.In cecum contents of geese, the total number of bacteria was 2.4xl07-5.4xl07; the number of clostridium was 1.69xl06-.68xl06; the number of bacteroides was 1.20xl04- 1.57x104. The total number of bacteria and clostridium were close to that of rabbit and they were increased in fiber groups, especially in Amaranthus group(P<0.01), being 5.4xl07and 7.68xl06.The number of bacteroides of geese was low and was not significantly different between control group and fiber groups, so we could regard that bacteroides was not the main microflora for geese.Fiber could promoted the growth of gizzard, relative weight and thickness of intestine and cecum. Among groups, the above items of Amaranthus group was highest, being 3.77%, 1.63%, 3.35%, 0.24% and 3.13%, respectively. However, the length of intestine and cecum was not significantly different (P>0.05). The relative weight and length of rectum was not significantly different between each group, butthe rectum in Amaranthus group was thickest, up to 7.62%. There were fewer contents in intestine and cecum for Amaranthus group, while contents in rectum were not significantly different between groups.In terms of utilizing fiber for geese, the breakdown of cell wall by gizzard was main before 7 weeks; gizzard and microbes in cecum functioned together after 7 weeks.

【关键词】 纤维源代谢率纤维利用
【Key words】 geesefiber resourcesmetabolic ratefiber utilization
  • 【分类号】S835
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】432

