

A Preliminary Study on Regional Systems of Bronze Cultures in Yunnan

【作者】 何建木

【导师】 赵丛苍;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 考古学与博物馆学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 中国青铜文化的发展过程表明它起源于本土,不过本土起源论并不排斥多源论。中原之外的边远地区,在不同的时期也纷纷进入青铜时代。相当于中原地区商代晚期,在云南剑川海门口遗址中出现了青铜器,这表明云南也已跨入青铜时代的门槛。到春秋战国以至秦汉时期,云南青铜文化渐趋繁荣,以其特有的风格跻身于中国灿烂的青铜文化之林,出现了以所谓“滇文化”为代表的高度繁荣的青铜文化。两汉特别是东汉时期,云南各地区的文化面貌也相应的汉化,曾经光彩照耀、辉煌灿烂了数百甚至上千年的云南青铜文化,逐渐走向衰落。 由于起源的多源和文化传统的不同以及自然地理环境的差异,不同地区形成了独具特色、自成系统的青铜文化。它们有的发展迅速,有的发展缓慢;它们之间互相影响、互相交流;有的相互融合,有的发生分化,从而构成了青铜文化非常绚丽多彩的发展图景。在云南,青铜文化的发展从一开始就表现出多样化,可以划分为若干文化区,代表若干不同系统;同一个文化系统内部,根据文化特征的不同,有些还可以划分为若干不同类型,并且它们分属于不同的民族群体。 本文第一章首先对研究的时空范围进行界定,然后对云南青铜文化区系类型的研究情况进行评述。 第二章则按云南的地理区域划分了六个区系类型青铜文化,分别阐述了滇西北地区、洱海—楚雄地区、怒江-澜沧江中下游地区、滇中地区、滇东南地区和滇东北地区共六个区系青铜文化的面貌特征,侧重于根据已有的考古资料,通过分析器物的特征来展示六个区系的主要差别。 第三章探讨这六个区系类型中与周边地区文化特征比较接近的几个类型之间的差别,从而探求不同区系形成不同文化面貌的深层原因。 最后是结论部分,分析了在云南地区青铜文化和新石器文化之间的渊源发展关系,指出:云南青铜文化区系类型格局的形成,早在新石器时代已经初露端倪,不同区系的青铜文化都能在当地或者周邻地区找到对应的文化渊源。还初步讨论了不同区系青铜文化所对应的民族系统或民族群体,认为由于不同民族系统文化传统的差异是导致云南青铜文化区系格局形成的重要原因。

【Abstract】 It has for some time been assumed that Chinese bronze cultures must have had a single source in the Central Plain, Northern China, from which metallurgy spread by migration and diffusion to the rest of China. Scholars working in different provinces in China have challenged the single center theory. With more and more continuous discovery of bronze cultures outside the Central Plains of China, abundant and expressive evidence shows that Chinese Bronze cultures originated from their cultural traditions, and bronze cultures in different regions had different origins, and each regional type has its regional sequence.In Yunnan, bronze culture began during the late part of Shang Dynasty, and the great surprise is the discovery of Haimenkou site, Jianchuan county. It was the earliest Bronze Age site in Yunnan. Then the bronze cultures flourished in Yunnan from the Spring and Autumn period to Han Dynasty, and reached its peak at Western Han Dynasty. For their obvious distinctions from the bronze cultures in inner China, the many glamorous and splendid bronze cultures in Yunnan always have been seen as a special cultural system. The objects getting from the Bronze Age tumulus in Yunnan exhibit an elegance, sophistication, and attention to decorative details that far exceeds mere utilitarian needs. The funerary wares clearly served as an art medium. Although stylistic treatments can be discerned which are characteristic of delimited time spans, the wares and cultural features as a whole are highly diverse, individualized, and resistant to simple categorization, so there are needs to make a reasonable classification of Yunnan bronze cultures.For the reason of complicate natural and ecological environment, the special geographic location, and different cultural traditions, as well as the nations’ migration and cultural exchanges, different regions’ bronze cultures in Yunnan showed diverse characteristics. The bronze cultures in Yunnan can be classified into six regional systems and many types.This essay focuses on the regions and stages of Yunnan bronze cultures. It includes four chapters:In Chapter 1 I outline the dimension of time and place of the study object in this article. Then I review the studies of other scholars on this topic.Chapter 2 is the main body of this paper. Different cultural traditions in Bronze Age in Yunnan have been analyzed and form the basis of this discussion. According to archaeological data, the bronze cultures in Yunnan can be divided into six regional systems, that is, 1 .North-western Dian (Yunnan, called "Dian" for short) Regional System; 2.Erhai-chuxiong Regional System; 3.the middle and lower reaches of Nujiang river and Lancang River Regional System; 4.Middle Dian Regional System; 5.South-eastern Dian; Region System; 6.North-eastern Dian Regional System. The first region includes Nagu type and Aofengshan type, which bears more relations with the bronze cultures in the Northwest China and belongs to the ancient Di&qiang Ethnic group. The second region located in the west part of Yunnan Province, surrounding the Er-hai Lake. As a medium of Northwestern Dian’s bronze culture and the culture of Middle Dian region system, its cultural features displayed great variety, and this system can be subdivided into Dabona type and Juli type. The third region’s bronze cultures belong to the native residents, showed strong local characteristics. The fourth one is Middle Dian Bronze Culture, which represent the most highly developed bronze culture, nowadays become better known. Plentiful contents have been getting from this region’s tumulus and sites in Bronze Age. The fifth region refers to the Southeastern part of Yunnan. Its bronze cultural characteristics share a little similarity as the fourth regional system and the Dongshan culture in Vietnam. The sixth region, for its geographic location, its nature of bronze culture falls into the same category of Guizhou Province.In chapter 3, I have particular attention to the comparison between the neighboring bronze cultures inside

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】K872
  • 【下载频次】565

