

Testing and Its Strategies in EFL Teaching & Learning

【作者】 高淑玲

【导师】 王惠玲;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 英语语言文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 考试是教学过程中十分重要的环节,它不仅要完成对学生在经历一个教学过程后的学习情况的评价任务,而且还要检查教师的教学效果与水平,诊断教学中存在的问题,反馈教与学过程中的各种信息,对学生的学习起到重要的激励作用。 中国是考试的故乡。但是,现代教育评测则是引进的概念。语言测试的目的及其对教学的反拨作用仍然没有得到完全的认可。在语言教学过程中,语言测试及其策略没有给予足够的重视,反而与应试教育等同起来,与素质教育对立起来。如何正确处理语言测试与语言教学的关系是当前语言测试研究的重点。探讨语言测试及其策略对于语言教与学的作用是本文的研究重点。 目前,我们有很多教师已经意识到语言测试及其策略在语言教学和二语习得中的重要作用,但教师如何科学的命题、施测?如何通过测试结果分析积极有效地指导自己的教学?学生如何避免误入应试的圈子?如何不再为考试所累,而把考试当作检测自己学习的有效手段,变为自己学习的强大动力?为此,作者认为:学生和教师应该掌握语言测试及其策略的有关知识,同时才能在教和学的过程中充分发挥他们积极有效的反拨作用。 通过问卷调查、面谈和两个实验班的对比,本文作者认为,教师应掌握语言测试的相关知识,才能更好地发挥他们在语言学习过程中的主导作用。学生只有通过掌握一定的语言测试知识,才能有效地提高自己的学习效果。 同时由于实验班采样有限,对比时间相对较短,文中所述难免不妥,抑或有的问题还未述及。对此,笔者愿与学界同仁共同探讨,为不断完善该领域的研究而努力。

【Abstract】 It is a fact that many language tests have been administered and are still being used by the EFL teachers every academic year in China, but it is doubtful whether the purpose of using tests and testing strategies in the teaching and learning process and the impact that they have on language teaching and learning have fully been recognized. In the language teaching and learning context, it is not difficult to find that language testing and testing strategies have not been placed in an important position in the language teaching-learning process. The great impact that testing has on the overall quality of student learning and instructor’s teaching has long been neglected. CFLTR Center (2002) listed the four most popular and heated projects, among which assessment and testing is one of them. The study of testing and its strategies brings great, realistic significance to both teaching and learning in EFL.Aiming at such situations, the current study intends to study the influence of testing and its strategies on EFL teaching and learning. Specifically, Chapter I serve as the general introduction. The author devotes great attention to review of related literature, pointing out their contributions and limitations as well. In Chapter II, the author places great emphasis on testing, and states the relationship between testing, its strategies and language teaching and learning . In Chapter III the author makes great efforts to deal with testing strategies in construction and evaluation as well as strategies in test-taking situations, giving a brief account of the historical trends in language testing and talking about the essential qualities of a good test and something related to the scientific, well-designed tests. Chapter IV discusses the uses of language testing and its strategies in College English Teaching and Learning. In order to examine whether testing and its strategies had positive effect on language teaching and learning, an empirical study was conducted in Chapter V, which consisted of a questionnaire survey among both teachers and students, interview with some teachers and students, and different treatments for the experimental class andthe control class. The experimental class was instructed through a succession of lectures on testing knowledge and test-taking strategy development in a term’s time while the control class was not given any instruction of the above content during this period. After a careful analysis of the data from the study, the hypothesis put forward earlier in the thesis have been, to a certain degree,testified--testing and its strategies development do have positive backwash onlanguage teaching and learning. In Chapter VI, the author comes to her conclusion that both the teachers and students should be well armed with testing knowledge; consequently, both teaching and learning are to be improved.The method used in the research is a combination of qualitative and quantitative studies, in which empirical study is dominant and descriptive study serves as an important supplement Three approaches are adopted in the research: empirical study, questionnaire and interview.The author conducted an empirical study to 120 students from two different departments and the same university and sharing same English learning background and similar learning experience , among which 60 samples are from two groups respectively: experimental class and the control class. The results are further tested with two questionnaires and two interviews to both the students and the teachers.These efforts result in some findings: First, testing and testing strategies development have positive backwash on students’ learning. Secondly, it is a priority to EFL teachers to receive professional training in language testing to make good use of test information as a reference to plan their instruction to achieve the ultimate goal of assisting teaching. Finally, it is beneficial for students to know something about testing and its strategies, with a view to use it as the most effective means of promoti

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】786

