

Application Research with GIS on Site Selecting of Landfill of City Life Waste--A Case Study on Wuhu City

【作者】 蔡爱民

【导师】 查良松;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济发展和人民生活水平的提高、城市人口的急剧膨胀,城市的垃圾问题日益成为困扰世界各国城市发展的显要问题。目前,城市的生活垃圾处理有很多方式:焚烧、填埋、堆肥等,卫生填埋作为为一种有效的消纳城市垃圾的处理方式,是世界各国垃圾处理的主要方式。 垃圾填埋场会对周围的土壤、地下水、大气造成现实的影响和潜在的危害,不合理的填埋场址其后期对周围的环境影响将是灾难性的,所以,选址工作在垃圾填埋场的整个建设中的地位显得尤为重要。 垃圾填埋点选址比一般选址所要考虑的因素更多,工作更困难,囊括了自然、经济、社会各方面的因素,因而处理起来非常复杂,稍有疏漏容易造成严重后果。单一传统的垃圾场选址工作是进行资料研究和实地踏勘的方式,由于各种因素的复杂性,很难考虑周全,甚至于造成人力、物力的浪费。 本文将GIS技术引入城市生活垃圾填埋点的选址研究。GIS技术不仅可以满足人们对地理信息进行可视化表达和空间查询,更重要的在于其空间分析与模拟能力。RS能够方便的获取适时的数据,将GIS与RS相结合,RS可以为GIS提供方便准确的数据源。通过拟选出的空间分析指标,用AHP方法确定分析因子的影响权重,利用GIS的空间数据与属性数据的整合能力和空间数据处理功能,得出客观、快速的分析结果。整个研究分为数据准备与处理,空间分析和后期分析三个阶段。 最后得出3个候选场址。其中一个正是现在的填埋场所在地,这说明了两点:现如今的填埋场址基本上是合理的,利用GIS的分析结果是可信的。 通过本研究,给当今城市垃圾处理的选址问题提供一个新的思路。

【Abstract】 With the development of economy, the improvement of people’s life and the rapid increasing amount of the population of cities, the problem of waste become more and more important to the sustainable development of cities of every country. There’re many ways to deal with the city’s life waste at present. Such as set on fire, landfill, and compost etc. As an effective means to deal with the city’s waste, landfill is the primary method to deal with the city’s waste.Around the sites of landfill the soil, groundwater and atmosphere will be set in potential dangerous environment. The imperilment of an incorrect site of landfill to the environments will be catastrophic in the future. So the sites selecting is very important to the whole construction of landfill.The factors of sites selecting of landfill should be considered more carefully than common sites selecting. Landfill sites selecting is more difficult. The factors should be considered include every aspect of nature, economy and society. So it is very complexity to deal with. A careless omission is easy to lead to a severity result. General sites selecting is to study data and sites exploration. It is difficult to consider the factors entirely due to the complex factors. Even lead to waste a great deal of manpower and material resources.This paper will introduce GIS technique to sites selecting research. The technique of GIS can not only fulfill people’s visual expression and space query to geographic information. The more important is the ability to spatial analyzes and simulate. The technique of RS can get timing and veracious data of the earth’s surface. RS can provide convenient and veracious data to GIS on the Combination of RS and GIS. Upon the indexes of spatial analyze to be study out the indexes’ weightiness of environments affection can be worked out through AHP arithmetic. The objective and quick analysis result can be got from the integration of spatial data and attribute data which GIS can deal with particularly. The research can be divided to data preparation and disposition, spatial analysis and result analysis.There’re three alternate sites in the result. One site is the landfill which is using now. This can prove two viewpoints: firstly, the location of the landfill which is using now is reasonable. Secondly, the analysis result on GIS is authentic.This research can provide a new method on the sites selecting of the city’s waste disposition at present.

【关键词】 GIS生活垃圾卫生填埋场选址芜湖市
【Key words】 GISLife WasteLandfill Sites SelectingWuhu City
  • 【分类号】X705
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】771

