

The Effects of Capsicum、Alicin and Several Herbs on the Bacteria-Inhibiting in Vitro and the Growth Performance of Broilers

【作者】 杨红文

【导师】 雒秋江;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文应用药敏纸片抑菌方法研究了辣椒粉、大蒜素、常见抗菌中草药和新疆特有的几种植物以单味和配伍方式对大肠杆菌、副伤寒沙门氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草杆菌等的抑菌效果;并将选出的强抑菌中草药和相关促生长植物添加于艾维因肉仔鸡日粮以研究对动物生长性能和防病能力的作用,初步得出以下结果: 辣椒粉水煎剂对副伤寒沙门氏菌MIC(最小抑菌浓度)为12.5%;对金葡菌(葡球菌琼脂110)MIC为12.5%,表明辣椒粉对以上两种菌均有一定的抑制作用。 大蒜素粉乙醚制剂对大肠杆菌MIC为12.5%;对副伤寒菌MIC为3.13%;对金葡菌MIC<1.57%;对金葡菌(葡球菌琼脂110)MIC为1.57%;对枯草杆菌MIC为3.13%。表明大蒜素粉对各种培养基上的各种病原菌均有很强的抑制作用,其中对金葡菌抑制作用最强。 单味中草药水煎剂中,黄柏、蒲公英、黄芩对大肠杆菌抑制作用较强,MIC均为1.57%;黄芪、板蓝根对副伤寒沙门氏菌抑制作用较强,MIC均为3.13%;大黄、乌梅、黄芩对金葡菌(葡球菌琼脂110)抑制作用较强,MIC分别为:1.57%、<1.57%、<<1.57%;秦皮对枯草杆菌抑制作用很强,MIC<1.57%。 粗叶甘草地上部分对大肠杆菌和副伤寒沙门氏菌的MIC分别为12.5%、25%。苦豆子根对副伤寒沙门氏菌MIC为6.25%。醉马草地上部分对副伤寒沙门氏菌MIC为25%;醉马草根对金葡菌(葡球菌琼脂110)MIC为12.5%。可以初步确定以上植物对相应的病原菌都有较好的抑制作用,但对其它病原菌无抑制作用。 配伍中草药中,配伍2(蒲公英、乌梅、黄芩、板蓝根)对大肠杆菌MIC为3.13%;配伍6(黄芪、蒲公英、秦皮、乌梅)对副伤寒沙门氏菌和枯草杆菌的MIC均为3.13%;配伍8(秦皮、乌梅、黄芩、板蓝根)对大肠杆菌MIC为3.13%;配伍9(大黄、蒲公英、乌梅、板蓝根)和配伍10(大黄、蒲公英、秦皮、黄芩)对金葡菌(葡球菌琼脂110)MIC<<1.57%,远远小于其组成单味中草药MIC之和,可能与其成分的协同作用有关;配伍10对金葡菌MIC为3.13%。以上配伍中草药对相应各病原菌均有很强的抑菌作用。 添加0.5%辣椒粉、0.01大蒜素、2%配伍A组中草药、3.2%配伍B组中草药分别提高肉仔鸡体重8.45%(P<0.01)、5.65%(P<0.01)、6.12%(P<0.01)、0.64%(P>0.05);分别改变肉仔鸡采食量-3.06%、-6.28%、-7.95%、9.99%;分别改变肉仔鸡料肉比-11.47%、-11.9%、-14.04%、9.35%。以上单味或配伍中草药不同程度地改善了艾维因肉仔鸡的生长性能。

【Abstract】 In this paper, Capsicum powder Alicin several kinds of herbs and plants exiting mainly in Xinjiang are studied singly and in groups about their inhibiting effects on E.colK S.typhimuriunK S.aureus and B.subtilis by the method of drug-soaked paper (All of the bacteria grow on Nutrient Agar No.3 and S.aureus also grow on Staphylococcus Medium 110) and their effects on the growth and health performance of broilers. Several initial conclusions are as follows:Capsicum has inhibiting effect on S.typhimurium (MIC(minimum inhibiting concentration): 12.5%) and S.aureus (Staphylococcus Medium 110) (MIC: 12.5%).Alicin has great inhibiting effect on E.coli (MIC: 12.5%) . S.typhimurium (MIC:3.13% S.aureus (MIC:<1.57%), S.aureus (Staphylococcus Medium 110) (MIC:1.57%) and B.subtilis (MIC:3.13%).In the bacteria-inhibiting experiment of single-herbs, The following herbs are strongly effective in inhibiting corresponding bacteria. Bark of Chinese Corktree root of Baikal Skullcap and Taraxacum mongolicum Hand -Mazz on E.coli (MIC: 1.57%); Root of Membranous MilkvetclK Indigowoad root on S.typhimurium (MIC:3.13%); Rhubarb Smoked Plunu root of Baikal Skullcap on S.aureus (Staphylococcus Medium 110) (MIC:1.57%,<1.57%,<<1.57%); Ash bark on B.subtilis (MIC:<1.57%).As for the plants existing mainly in Xinjiang, the following ones are effective in inhibiting corresponding bacteria. Liquorice rhizome on E.coli (MIC: 12.5%); Liquorice rhizome and the upper part of herb of alabrous Grazyweed on S.typhimurium (MIC:25%); The root of herb of alabrous Grazyweed on S.aureus (Staphylococcus Medium 110) (MIC:12.5%).In the bacteria-inhibiting experiment of herbs in groups, the following groups have strong inhibiting effect on corresponding bacteria. Group 2 and Group 8 on E.coli (MIC:3.13%); Group 6 on S.typhimurium (MIC:3.13%); Group 10 on S.aureus (MIC:3.13%); Group 9 and Group 10 on S.aureus (Staphylococcus Medium 110) (MIC:<<1.57%). The inhibiting effect of Group 9 and Group 10 on S.aureus (Staphylococcus Medium 110) is much stronger than the sum of their members’ single inhibiting effect on the same bacteria , which tells us that coordinating effect exits in the experiment.0.5%Capsicum powder 0.01% Alicin . 2% herbs of Group A 3.2% herbs of Group B in their corresponding feed can respectively increase the weight of broilers8.45% , 5.65% 7.15%, 0.64%more than control group (P<0.01); Compared with control group, they repectively change the intake of broilers -3.06% , -6.28% . -7.95% 9.99%; They also repectively change the feed conversion efficiency of broilers -11.47% -11.9% -14.04%, 9.35%. From the above results ,we can conclude that these herbs can improve the growth performance of broilers to different extent.

  • 【分类号】S853.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】549

