

Correlation and Path Analysis of Traits Related to Drought Resistance and Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci for Root Traits under Lowland and Upland Ecosystems in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)

【作者】 李春平

【导师】 姚源松; 李自超;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以旱稻品种IRAT109和水稻品种越富杂交的DH群体为材料。在水田、旱田和管种植条件下,研究水稻的形态、生理性状与抗旱性的关系以及根系QTL的定位。通过不同抗旱指标与性状的相关关系进行对比选择可靠指标,鉴定性状与抗旱性的关系以及不同环境下,性状变化与抗旱之间的关系。通过抗旱相关发现:不同的抗旱指标中,综合指数合理的反映性状与抗旱的关系。株高、有效分蘖、根长、根粗、根系干重与抗旱呈正相关。根粗变化率、株高的变化率、有效分蘖的变化率与抗旱呈极显著负相关。生理性状中,水势与抗旱作用明显,而渗透势对抗旱作用不明显。不同种植条件下和生育期内,根系性状与生理性状的相关关系有所不同:水田条件下,根数与渗透势变化呈极显著相关,在旱田条件下,根数与渗透变化相关不明显;分蘖期的根粗与水势极显著相关;生育后期,根粗与水势相关不显著。通过对抗旱、敏旱材料的性状进行对比发现:抗旱具有较高的株高;有效分蘖数多;较大的地上生物产量,长的叶片,比较高的渗透势,较粗的茎粗,地下部分表型的特征:根系较长,根系较粗,具有多的根数和大的根物质含量。后期产量性状表现:较高的结实率,高的千粒重。利用通经分析发现各性状的贡献大小顺序:根粗>根长>根含水量>根数>根茎干重比>根鲜重>下午渗透势>水势>根干重>根茎鲜重比>根冠比>上午渗透势。利用以构建好的水稻分子连锁图,用QTLMAPPER定位根系性状的QTL。从定位结果发现:根干重的一个主效QTL,其贡献率为18.54%,在分子育种中可以通过对这些QTL 的选择,来筛选抗旱材料。水田条件下,根粗定位1个加性效应QTL,和9个上位性互作QTL,其中7号和11号染色体上的互作QTL贡献率为9.76%,与环境互作的贡献率达到11.31%;旱田条件下,根粗定位4个加性效应QTL和6个上位性互作QTL。在根管条件下,根粗定位3对互作QTL,其中3号和11号染色体上位互作QTL的贡献率达到11.03%。水田的根数定位两个加性效应QTL。旱田条件下,根数定位一个加性效应QTL和一对上位性互作效应QTL.根管条件下,定位4对上位互作QTL.根管条件下,根长定位两对上位性互作QTL,其中3号和8号染色体的互作效应为21.51%;根干重定位7个加性效应QTL和3对互作QTL,其中9号染色体加性效应贡献率为18.45%,11号和12号染色体互作效应的贡献率25.64%

【Abstract】 Using 116 DH(Double Haploid) individuals derived from the cross of upland rice IRAT109(Japonica)with paddy rice Yue Fu(Japonica), correlations of the different index of the drought resistance and the different traits were compared to select credible indexes measuring the drought resistance and to identify traits. The relationship of the drought resistance and traits under different conditions was obtained. Contribution of traits was identified by path analysis. It studies relationship among the different mechanism of drought resistance including root traits and physiologic traits. Using a constructed linkage map of rice,QTLs controlling root number and root thickness were obtained.Correlation analysis indicated that plant height, root length, root thickness, root dry matter and rate of root thickness change, rate of plant height change, rate of tiller change in rice had positively and significantly correlation with the drought resistance under both upland and lowland ecosystems. Water potential in rice had positive and significant correlation with drought resistance. There are no correlation evident between Osmotic potential and the drought resistance. Drought-resistant individuals showed higher 1000-grain weight, seed-setting ratio than susceptive -drought ones. Path analysis indicated that root thickness gave the biggest contribution to drought resistant all of traits; root length is the second.We have identified one QTLs controlling root dry matter. The QTLs explained 18.54% of phenotypic variance. It was located at chromosome 9.

【关键词】 水稻陆稻QTLs抗旱性
【Key words】 Paddy riceUpland riceQTLsDrought resistance
  • 【分类号】S511.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】194

