

Study of Sympthine and Betaine & Ricinine with Different Level on the Toxicity and Growth of Mouse

【作者】 唐新燕

【导师】 刘志强; 王加启;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 基础兽医学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 论文研究了三种常见的生物碱--聚合草碱、甜菜碱、蓖麻碱的基本提取、制备、测定方法,并以小白鼠为试验动物模型探讨了三种不同生物碱不同添加剂量对小白鼠毒性及生长作用的影响。 三种生物碱测定方法的探讨:本试验以聚合草碱、甜菜碱、蓖麻碱为例,试验中,聚合草碱采用质量法测得根中含生物碱总量为0.05克/100克,叶中含量为0.030克/100克,并得到聚合草碱与生物碱试剂的颜色反应和沉淀反应;蓖麻碱采用有机溶剂萃取及分光光度法测定得到去壳蓖麻籽、脱毒饼粕、未脱毒饼粕中蓖麻碱的平均含量分别为0.077%、0.224%和0.333%,同时得到蓖麻碱与生物碱显色剂的显色反应;甜菜碱的测定采用分光光度法得到甜菜碱盐酸盐浓度在0.2~1.0mg/ml范围内与其吸收度呈线性关系。三种生物碱对小鼠毒性及生长影响的试验研究:分别选择断奶后雄性小白鼠(体重为15~21克)72只,分4组(一组为对照组),每组18只,试验组为添加不同生物碱不同水平(高剂量HD、中剂量MD、低剂量LD)的日粮。聚合草碱的添加剂量分别为0.25g/kg、0.375g/kg、0.5g/kg;甜菜碱的添加剂量分别为2.5g/kg、3.75g/kg、5g/kg;蓖麻碱的添加剂量分别为0.05g/kg、0.10g/kg、0.30g/kg日粮。试验结果表明,添加聚合草碱组的小鼠四周总增重LD组(18.30±1.75)比对照组(16.96±2.67)增加8%(P<0.05),且在第一周体增重最为明显,但随着周数的增加呈下降趋势;总采食量HD组(143.76±1.22)、MD组(166.71±2.32)、LD组(169.24±4.66)分别比对照组(177.17±2.02)减少19%(P<0.05),6%和4%。小鼠的血液指标GOT(谷草转氨酶)值HD组(216.78±16.74)比对照组(100.33±9.22)增加116%(P<0.01);GPT(谷丙转氨酶)值LD组(30.11±5.19)、MD组(41.94±6.30)、HD组(112.22±9.08)分别比对照组(28.72±6.80)增加5%(P<0.05),46%(P<0.01),291%(P<0.01)。添加蓖麻碱组的小鼠四周总增重LD组(17.17±1.80)比对照组(16.96±2.67)增加1%(p>0.05),而HD(16.33±1.60)却比对照组减少4%(p<0.05);采食量方面LD组(163.05±1.93)、MD组(152.25±1.64)、HD组(147.75±2.16)分别比对照组(177.17±2.02)减少8%,14%(p<0.05),17%(p<0.05)。其血液指标GOT值LD组(119.56±9.73)、MD组(156.00±<WP=6>15.39)、HD组(163.11±9.16)分别比对照组(100.33±9.22)增加19%(p<0.05),55%(p<0.01),63%(p<0.01);GPT值LD组(31.78±3.19)、MD组(47.94±4.12)、HD组(60.39±5.23)分别比对照组(28.72±6.80)增加11%(p<0.05),67%(p<0.01)和110%(p<0.01)。添加甜菜碱组小鼠的四周体增重HD组(15.10±2.46)比对照组(16.96±2.67)减少了11%(p<0.05),采食量HD组(170.87±1.97)比对照组(177.17±2.02)减少了4%(p>0.05)。在做病理切片时,发现添加聚合草碱HD组40%的小鼠其肝脏边缘有肿胀现象;添加蓖麻碱的HD组60%的小鼠其肝脏边缘及肾小管上皮细胞均有肿胀现象;添加甜菜碱组的小鼠四周体增重及采食量虽也出现下降趋势,但GPT和GOT值却并无明显上升,病理解剖时肝、肾组织也无病理变化。以上试验结果表明:(1)就三种生物碱的提取、测定方法而言,聚合草碱的提取采用质量法简单可行;甜菜碱和蓖麻碱的测定采用分光光度法可取得理想的结果。(2)就三种生物碱不同添加剂量对小鼠的毒性及生长影响而言,聚合草碱低剂量组(LD组)对小鼠具有促生长作用,而剂量达到0.375g/kg日粮时小鼠出现中毒症状;蓖麻碱低剂量和中剂量对小鼠体增重及采食量均呈现负作用,当蓖麻碱添加剂量达到0.30g/kg日粮时,对小鼠肝、肾有毒害作用;而甜菜碱对小鼠几乎是无毒性的。

【Abstract】 This paper studied extraction, prepartion and determination methods of three kinds of common alkaloids(sympthine, betaine, ricinine)and determinated the effect of three alkaloids with different level on the toxicity and growth of mouse. Detemination’s explortion of three kinds of common alkaloids. The experiment took sympthine ,betaine and recinine as example. The results showed gross alkaloid in sympthine root and leaf were 0.05g/100g and 0.030g/100g respectively by the way of mass methods . At the same time , we obtained results about colour and sediment reactions of alkaloid agent and sympthine. We also acquired recinine in husking castor bean, detoxic cake dregs and toxic cake dregs being 0.077%,0.224%,and 0.33% respectively by the way of organic solvent extraction and spectrophotemetry and got colour reactions of alkaloid agent and recinine . Meanwhile, we found betaine hydrochloric acid salt gotten by spectrophotemetry had liner relationship to do with absorptivity in concentration scope of 0.2~1.0mg/ml.Study about the effect of three alkaloids on the toxicity and growth of mouse. Mouse(waned) was choosed as object( body weigh range from 15 to 21g) and parted into four groups (n=18,per group). The experiment groups were fed different alkaloids with different level of ration(HD,MD,LD) .Sympthine were fed into the experiment groups at the doses of 0.25g/kg, 3.75g/kg and 5g/kg,betaine were 2.5g/kg,3.75g/kg and 5g/kg and recinine 0.05g/kg, 0.1g/kg and 0.3g/kg. The results showed within four week there was significant difference of gross body weigh gains between the controlled class and HD group(p<0.01) and feed intake and feed efficiency of mouse showed decreasing tendency in betaine group and sympthine group. At the same time, with the increase of adding dose of these two alkaloids, GPT and GOT of all experimental groups showed increasing tendency and had significant differencebetween all experimental groups and the controlled class(p<0.05),especially between HD group and the controlled class. There were tumid phenomena in pathologico-anatomic liver margin and epithelial cell of renal tubles in these two alkaloids groups. However, there was no pathological change in betaine groups.The above results suggested : (1) As to extraction and determination methods of the three alkaloids, mass method, spectrophotometry and spectrophotometry were<WP=8>simple and fesible respectively. (2) As to toxicity and growth effect of three alkaloids with different level, sympthine at the lower dose level could promote the growth of mouse. However, when its proportion in fodder was more than 0.375g/kg,there was toxicity sign in mouse; ricinine at the middle and low dose level had a negative effect on the body weigh gains and feed intake of mouse. When its proportion in fodder was more than 0.3g/kg ,there was damage effect on the liver and renal of mouse. However ,betaine was not found toxicity on mouse.

【关键词】 聚合草碱甜菜碱蓖麻碱小白鼠毒性生长
【Key words】 sympthinebetainerecininemousetoxicity
  • 【分类号】S452
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】183

