

A Survey Study on the Practice of Humanistic Education in College English Teaching

【作者】 胡新云

【导师】 刘旭东;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 高等院校为了培养底蕴丰厚的高素质人才,就要将科学教育和人文教育相互融合,有机结合到学科课程的教学中,实行文理交叉,学科渗透,进行人文素质教育,培养和谐的全面发展的人。融人文教育于大学英语教学,不仅能极大促进学生学习,提高教与学的效率,而且有利于学生充分发挥其个性和潜能,从而具有较好的英语知识和技能,能适应未来社会对人才的外语要求,同时又具有较好的自我意识和修养,具有主动服务于社会的意识和能力,集知识、能力和品德于一身。这些人才将来走上社会,参加工作,其潜在素质具有极强的感召力和模范作用,对于潜移默化地改善社会风气、提高全民素质都将大有裨益。因此,本研究有着十分深远的现实意义。 首先,本论文回顾了人文教育的渊源及其发展演变,总结了国内外复兴人文教育的发展历程,提出了时代赋予我国高校人文教育的新的要求,从而对人文教育做了比较全面的概述。 其次,通过回顾西方外语教学发展的历史,揭示了西方外语教学及其研究的人文化的发展趋势,总结概括了我国关于在大学英语教学中实施人文教育的研究,指出人文教育与外语教学以及外语教学研究相联系的发展历程、现状及其发展方向。 再次,通过个案调查与访谈,了解了在大学英语教学中实施人文教育的有关情况,明确了高校人文教育的宣传力度仍需进一步加大。调查从大学英语课程与其它学科及课程的联系、大学英语学习与提升学生综合素质的关系、学习目的、教材、教与学的实践环节、师生关系、考试与评价七个方面展开,较为详细地分析了大学英语教学的现状、存在的不足以及学生的愿望与要求。 最后,论文针对调查中发现的问题提出如下建议:1、坚定地树立在大学英语教学中进行人文教育的正确理念与目标;2、树立正确的课程观,促进学生全面发展;3、教师要善于挖掘英语教学中的人文因素,努力提高教师专业化水平;3、灵活采取教学方法,不断改进教学手段;3、建立多元评价观,正确发挥考试与评价的功效,以确保人文教育在大学英语教学中的成功实施。

【Abstract】 In order to provide students with all-round education and enable them to be highly qualified, universities and colleges should practice humanistic education, organically blend scientific education and humanistic education into the teaching of disciplinary courses, and thus achieve the intersection of science with liberal arts, as well as the infiltration of disciplines. The practice of humanistic education in college English teaching will not only promote learning, improve the efficiency of teaching and learning, but also help students to give full play to their personality and potentials, so that they can be better armed with English knowledge and skills, and also have improved self-consciousness and morality. With good learning, ability and morality, they will be willing and able to serve our motherland. In addition, their potential qualities will do a great deal of good to the whole society after they graduate and hold jobs. So, this study is of great significance.In the first place, the thesis gives a review of the origin and development of humanistic education, followed by a summary of its revival both at home and abroad, and its enriched meaning and updated task for current institutions of higher learning, so that a comprehensive understanding can be got about it.Secondly, the history of foreign languages teaching in the West indicates the trend towards humanism. Then, a summary of the research on the implementation of humanistic education in college English teaching is presented. Together, they provide a clear picture of the relationship between foreign languages teaching, research and humanism.Thirdly, case investigation and interviews show that universities and colleges are still in great need of humanistic education and await more propaganda. Besides, the thesis focuses on seven aspects closely related with college English teaching, and gives a detailed analysis of current situation and deficiencies in college English teaching, as well as the desires and requests of students.Finally, in view of the investigation, the thesis puts forward that: first, we should have correct ideas and aims as to the practice of humanistic education in college English teaching. Second, we should have correct ideas as to curriculum, and try to promote students’ all-round development. Third, college English teachers should make good use of humanistic education in the course of teaching, and improve the level of teachers’ specialization. Fourth, teachers should adopt flexible teaching methods and always keep them in improvement. Last, a multiple appraisal system should be set up to make the most of exams and appraisals, so as to achieve the successful implementation of humanistic education in college English teaching.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】951

