

A Three-Dimensional Investigation into Learning Styles of University English Majors in China

【作者】 刘全国

【导师】 陈冠英;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 作为学习者个体差异研究的一个重要分支,学习风格近年来成为外语/二语教学研究的学术热点。本文从感知学习风格、歧义容忍度和场独立性等三个维度调查研究了235名高校英语专业本科生的学习风格。 与大多同类单维度研究相比,本文从三个不同的维度探讨了英语专业学生的学习风格差异以及学习风格与高校英语专业四级考试成绩的相关程度。本项研究旨在通过对被试的学习风格特征的研究,促进英语课堂上学习风格和教学风格的适配,为优化外语教学效果探讨新的思路。 本文共由六部分组成。第一部分介绍了本项研究的目的和意义,解释了学习风格及相关重要术语的概念。第二部分介绍了学习风格研究的代表性理论和国内外学习风格的研究现状。论文在第三部分是本项研究的理论基础,主要介绍了Curry的“洋葱头”理论、感知学习风格、歧义容忍度和场独立性等学习风格理论。第四部分详细介绍了本项研究中被试、测量工具和调查操作步骤的等情况。 论文第五部分报告了数据统计分析的结果及相关的讨论。数据分析和讨论分五步进行:1)为了解所采集到的数据的总体分布趋势,论文首先对学习风格的数据和英语专业四级考试成绩的进行了描述性统计分析;2)用独立样本T检验分析了男女生在学习风格上表现出的性别差异;3)使用单因素方差分析探讨歧义容忍度和场独立性的差异是否对英语专业四级考试成绩有不同的影响;4)用线性回归分析确定对英语专业四级考试各项成绩有显著影响的学习风格变量;5)对本研究所涉及的三个学习风格维度进行相关分析,以探讨各个学习风格变量之间的相互关系。每一项统计分析后都对其结果进行了解释和讨论。 基于以上统计分析和发现,本文得出了以下结论:1)我国英语专业大学生最喜欢体验型和个人型学习风格,最不喜欢小组型学习风格;2)就感知风格而言,男生比女生更倾向于个人学习;3)歧义容忍度的差异对专业英语四级考试各项成绩都没有显著影响,而场独立性的差异则对英语专业四级考试听力、听写和总分有不同影响;这些不同影响来自于低度场独立性和中等场独立性之间的差异以及低度场独立性和高度场独立性之间的差异,与中等场独立性和高度场独立性之间的差异无显著相关性;4)场独立性与英语专业四级考试写作,听写,听力和总分呈正相关,小组型学习风格与写作与完形填空呈负相关;动手型学习风格与听写,阅读和总分呈负相关;5)歧义容忍度与小组型学习风格呈负相关,与个人型学习风格呈正相关。以上结论与本项研究的对外语教学的启示、本项研究的局限性以及对今后相关研究的建议一起构成了本文的第六部分。

【Abstract】 As one of the principal branches of learner’s individual differences in EFL/ESL learning, learning styles attract more and more academic concerns of foreign or second language teaching worlds. This thesis investigates into the learning styles of 235 undergraduate English majors from three dimensions: perceptual learning styles, tolerance of ambiguity and field independence.Different from previous researches most of which merely examine one dimension of learning style, this thesis approaches the subject matter from three dimensions to have a more profound and extensive knowledge of the subject matter. We want to find out in the investigation how learners differ in their learning style and to what extent their learning style is related to their achievements of Test for English Majors Band 4 (TEM-4). Based upon the results of the investigation, the investigation aims to find out the features of the subjects and to facilitate the matching of learning styles with teaching styles, and to promote the EFL learning achievement.There are six parts in this thesis. Part One starts with a brief introduction to the aims and significance of this investigation, followed by the clarification of the constructs of learning styles and other key terms involved. In Part Two, we present the representative theories of learning styles and a survey of research in this regard at home and abroad. The third part introduces the theories involved in this investigation. Based upon the Curry’s three-layered "Onion Model," three theories are proposed for an extensive and deep understanding of learning styles: theories of perceptual learning styles, tolerance of ambiguity and field independence. In Part Four, we first advance the hypotheses, then provide some information concerning the subjects, instruments as well as the procedure of the investigation.Part Five concerns itself with data analysis and discussion which falls into five steps: at the outset, to understand the general distributive tendency of the data involved, descriptive analysesare made of the data concerning learning styles and TEM-4 achievements; then anindependent-sample T-test is made to find out the gender variation in learning styles; in what follows, one-way variance analysis (ANOVA) is made to identify whether the variance of ambiguity tolerance and field independence exert different influence upon TEM-4 achievements; a fourth analysis is designed to find out how learning styles contribute to TEM-4 achievements. Linear regression analysis is made to serve the purpose. Finally, correlation analysis is conductedto understand the relationship between the three style dimensions under discussion. Each analysis is followed by the discussion in respective regard. The thesis ends with Part Six which contains the conclusions and implications of the investigation as well as the suggestions for further research in this regard. Limitations of this investigation are presented in this part.Based upon the results of data analysis, we conclude that: 1) the university English majors in China prefer kinesthetic and individual learning most and group learning least; 2) male learners demonstrate more preference for individual learning than their female counterparts; 3) the variance of ambiguity tolerance has no significant impact upon TEM-4 scores, while the variance of field independence produces different influences upon TEM-4 dictation, listening and total scores; the differences of the scores result from the variance between low and medium field independence as well as between low and high field independence, not from the variance between medium and high field independence; 4) field independence is positively correlated to TEM-4 writing, dictation, listening and total scores; group learning is negatively correlated to writing and cloze scores; and tactile learners score poorly in dictation and reading; 5) with regard to the interrelationship between the three dimensions of learning styles involved in this investigation, tolerance of ambiguity is negatively correlate

  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】841

