

The Multiple Intelligences and the Children Art Education

【作者】 刘金华

【导师】 李永长;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 美术学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 美国心理学家加德纳教授于1983年提出的多元智力理论携着强大的生命力和冲击力袭入世界各国的教育界,成为世界各国推动教育教学改革的理论基础,其影响势必波及到儿童美术教育领域。本文从多元智力理论的角度来审视我国现阶段儿童美术教育的改革和发展,以期有所促进。 文章第一部分概括分析了国内外对智力研究的概况,并对智力概念的演变进行了总结与分析。第二部分为多元智力理论及其艺术教育思想,在这一部分中,首先分析了多元智力理论产生的根源:一是科技竞争的结果,二是传统的智力理论及智商测验的局限性,尤其是在此基础上的教育观不适应人的全面发展,是多元智力理论提出的根本原因;文章进一步对多元智力理论的涵义进行论述,同时分析了以多元智力理论为指导的教育观及其艺术教育思想。第三部分主要探讨了多元智力与美术教育之间的关系,明确了他们之间的密切相关性,它们相互联系、彼此促益、共同服务于人类社会的各种活动。第四、第五部分是论文的重点部分,主要通过对以单一智力理论和多元智力理论为基础的教育观的比较和对儿童美术教育现状的调查,重点探究和分析了我国现阶段儿童美术教育中存在的一些问题。同时,针对这些问题,以多元智力理论为依据提出了九点建议:1、提高认识、转变教育观念;2、优势智力的迁移;3、以游戏为手段、以兴趣为动力、全面发掘儿童的智力潜力;4、拓展美术教学内容和丰富教学形式;5、完善评价机制;6、教师角色的转变;7、提倡学科综合;8、面向全体学生、重视个性发展;9、弘扬民族美术、理解多元文化。文章最后指出,随着国内外对多元智力理论及其指导之下的教育观的不断研究,我国的儿童美术教育也将会得到进一步的完善。

【Abstract】 Howard Gardner, American psychologist, put forward the Theory of Multiple intelligences in 1983. The theory influences the educational field with strong strength and becomes the theoretical basis of the educational and teaching reform in the world, and it certainly will influence the domain of children art education. This thesis examines the reform and development of children art education of China, hoping to help it.The first pan of the article analyses generally the study on intelligence at home and abroad, and summarizes the evolution process of the definition -"intelligence". The second part describes the Theory of Multiple intelligences and its ideas about art education. In this part, the origin of the theory is analyzed firstly: the result from the competition of science and technology, and limits of the traditional intelligence theory and test of IQ, especially whose educational perspectives is not adaptable to the overall development of students, which is the essential reason of emerging of the theory. Forthmore. the article expounds the theory, and discusses its perspectives on education and art education. The third mainly discusses the close relationship between multiple intelligences and art education, which benefits each other and serves a variety of activities. The fourth and fifth pans are the most important, which discuss and analyze the problems in children art education of China at present by comparing the educational views of the monointelligence theories and multiple intelligences theory and investigating the state of children art education. Meanwhile the thesis puts forward nine suggestions based on Multiple intelligences Theory in view of existing problems: 1. Promoting corresponding recognition and changing the educational concept; 2. Transferring dominant intelligence; 3. Exploiting children’s intelligent potentialities by means of games and interest: 4. Enriching the contents and ways of art education: 5. Perfecting evaluation mechanism: 6. Changing teacher’s role; 7. Advocating synthesis of subjects; 8. Emphasizing development of personality of all students; 9. Granding national art and understanding multiple cultures. In the end, the thesis concludes that with the continuous study on the theory of multiple intelligences and its view of education, our country’s children art education will be more perfect.

  • 【分类号】J20-4
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】697

