

The Cultural Differences and the Cultivation of Cross-Cultural-Awareness in English Study of College Students

【作者】 张天虹

【导师】 徐继存;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在大学英语教学中,屡见不鲜的东西方文化差异现象,经常成为困惑学生的难题。这种文化差异使得学生对所学内容不理解,不容易接受,严重的阻碍了学生二语习得的进程。产生这些问题的原因,也许并不止一两个,但至少有一点是可以肯定的,即学生缺乏“跨文化意识”,缺少对英、美文化的了解,这种文化差异上的贫乏直接影响了对英语语言本身的习得。因为语言本身属于文化范畴,语言和文化紧密地交织在一起。从语言和文化的关系来看,语言既是整个文化的产物或结果,又是形成并沟通文化其它成份的媒介,语言即是文化的一部分又是文化的载体,每一种语言都与某一特定的文化相对应,外语为别国语言,学习外语就必须了解与这种外语有密切关系的别国文化,熟悉有关的文化知识有助于保证外语学习的整体性,因此学习第二语言的过程也就成了了解和掌握该语言的文化的过程。那么正确认识中西文化的差异,在中国学生学习外语的过程中,就显得十分重要了。因为,只有了解到此种差异,才能更有效地学习和理解该种语言。这就要求教师有意识地培养学生的跨文化意识。培养学生对于其所学习的英语文化具有较好的知识掌握和较强的适应能力,能像英美本族人一样来思考问题并作出反应,以及进行各种交往活动。本文从比较文化学入手,应用学习迁移理论和认知结构学说,来阐明东西文化差异对大学生外语学习的影响,进而突出了跨文化意识培养的重要性。并对此培养目标拟定了理论模式和教学策略,同时提出可行性的教学设想和方案。具体内容如下: 1、对中西外语学习中文化差异现象的研究概况与发展现状进行了比较和分析。进行了一些调查,发现了普遍存在的忽视现象。 2、通过英汉词汇,句法和语用上的文化差异的对比分析,阐明了文化差异的对大学生英语学习的影响。 3、通过探讨大学英语教学中,跨文化意识的启迪和培养,确定了跨文化意识教育的重要性和必要性,提出了理论教学模式。 4、提出了跨文化意识的培养策略,确定了目标、内容、方法、原则、步骤、分析了所带来的影响。并对以上问题提出了自己的若干意见。

【Abstract】 During the English teaching in university, we find more and more problems around the cultural awareness have appeared and puzzled students.For a long time, since the influence of the traditional approaches, English learning only takes note of the cultivation of linguistic competence, meanwhile disregards that of communicative competence.Thus the languages used in commuication maybe faultless, the same words or expressions may not mean the same things to different people. The reason for such different reactions is that each is interpreting what the other says according to his or her own customs.habits or culture,and doesn’t care that inside languages esixts lots of differences.which is called here-cultural differences.Culture consists of all the shared products of human society, including things such as ideas, customs, languages etc. Language is a part of culture and plays very important role in it. Without language, culture would not be possible. On the other hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture, it reflects culture. In the broadest sense, language is the symbolic representation of a people ,and it comprises their historical and cultural back-ground as well as their approaches to life and their ways of living and thinking.Cultures differ from one another, and each culture is unique. As cultures are diverse, languages are diverse too. It is only natural then that with differences in cultures and differences in languages, difficulties often arise in communicating between different people. So learning English well means more than merely mastering the pronunciations grammars words and idioms.When a native speaker learns his or her own language, he or she naturally acquires its culture. Because of the lack of the real, natural language contest, when English is studied in colleges, our students can not naturally acquire its culture .This is the reason why the author here has made a study on the cultural-awareness of the university students in the study of English and its cultivation.In this thesis, by exploring the historical devlopment of the studies of cultural differences in the west and China, analyzing the college students, defining the conception of the cultural-awareness, the author makes thinking about presenting a design of the approach of English study in universities with the combination to both the developing ofthe linguistic competence and the cultivating of the cultural-awareness,only in this way would the communicative competence be obtained in universities in China. The thesis is divided into four parts:1 .The comparison and the analysis on the cultural differences in study of foreign languages in both the west and China.2.The influential elements of the cultural differences upon the study of English for college students as well as a lot of examples.3.The definition of the conception of the cultural awareness and its function,and a design of the approach of English study in universities.4.The cultivation of the cultural-awareness of the college students and some suggestion on it pointed with practice,including its psychological readiness,contents and levels,basic stages,general principles and methods.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2291

