

The Theory, Method and Practice of Car Camping’s Developing & Operating in China

【作者】 张宪洪

【导师】 肖星;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,在中国观光旅游取得了不俗的成绩的同时,我们也看到了度假休闲旅游开发的广阔前景;而由于汽车行业的大发展,使自驾车旅游正逐步成为一种新的消费时尚;基于在这样的背景,再通过严谨的市场调查和分析,中国汽车营地开发运作的理论、方法和实际操作便初现端倪了。 本文借鉴国外汽车营地的相关资料,运用旅游学和旅游地理学的相关理论,并结合大量商业理论和管理方法,对汽车营地旅游项目在中国本土开发的市场前景、产品类型、项目设计、规划布局、管理运营及可持续发展等方面做出了深入的理论探讨和实务研究。 本文结构共分5个部分: 1.在中国度假休闲旅游开发展现了广阔的前景,汽车保有量的不断增加和自驾车旅游正在成为种新的旅游消费时尚的背景下,通过市场总量、目标市场定位、客户群个性等方面的分析,提出了引入汽车营地项目,并对其本土化进行了阐述。 2.运用旅游需求理论、旅游区位论和旅游产品生命周期理论等相关理论,为中国汽车营地的开发运作搭建了理论框架,并对汽车营地的产品创新开发、项目选址和战略转轨进行了理论指导。 3.对汽车营地的定位、分类、功能区划、投资分析及中国近期的汽车营地规划做了相关论述。 4.汽车营地的管理和运营方面,包括汽车营地的项目运营的战略方针、管理组织结构、俱乐部式营销模式、特许连锁加盟商业经营模式、产业关联及国际组织等。 5.从可持续旅游发展角度谈汽车营地与环境保护的关系。 总之,本文是在大量市场调查和分析基础上,借鉴国外成功经验,综合运用旅游学和商业的相关理论和方法,提出汽车营地本土化的发展模式,从开发、规划、设计、运营、管理、发展等各个方面进行了综合的论述,对汽车营地的在中国推广将起到一定的指导和借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, Chinese tourism has gained a great achievement and this we also realize the developing of holiday and leisure are failing a big foreground. As the automobile industry developed rapidly, the self-driving tourism has become a new consumption style in China. Based on this background, through precise market investigation and analysising, the theory, method and practice of the car camping’s developing and operating have appeared in China.Being based on the large information of car camping in foreign countries, and the theories of tourism and business, the paper gives a deep study on product style, project design, programming, management, tourism sustainable development, and forecast of the development of car camping in China.This paper can be devided into five parts:1. On the background that the developing of holiday and leisure has a big foreground that the self-driving tourism has become a new consumption style and that the number of owning car has been increasing, through the precise investigating and analysising on the whole market capacity, the orientation of object market and the individuality of the clients,the author introduce the project of car camping into China,and makes a illumination of its indigenization.2.By employing the theories of tourism requirement, tourism region and the life cycle of tourism product, the author builds a theoretical frame of car camping’s -development and operation in China and makes a theoretical direction to product’s development, position choosing and strategic transfer.3.this part is the illumination about car camping’s orientation, classification, functional programming, investment analysis, and the programming of car camping in China in recent years.4.This part is about the management. It contains the strategic guideline, management structure, club-sell-mode, catenation-business-mode, industry conjunction and international organization of car camping.5.The last part is about the relationship between car camping’s and the environmental protection from the sustainable development angle.In a word, based on a lot of market investigation and analysis, absorbing the successful experience of foreign countries, using the theories and means of tourism and business synthetically, this paper is discusses the development of car camping’s indigenization, and makes a illumination on developing, programming, design, management, expanding of car camping. It will have some guidance function on car camping’s extending in China.

  • 【分类号】F592.3
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1320

