

Study on Quantitative Environmental Impact Assessment in Chemical Process Synthesis

【作者】 彭文平

【导师】 姚克俭;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 化学工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在综述目前各种环境影响量化评价方法研究成果的基础上,对姚克俭等提出的绿色指数法做了改进。 该法从过程系统设计的基本原理出发,将过程系统对环境的影响分成两部分考虑,一部分是工艺流程系统,另一部分是能量产生系统。对于工艺流程系统,将其对环境的影响分为温室效应、臭氧层破坏、酸雨效应、富营养化、光化学氧化、水生生态毒性、陆生生态毒性和人体毒性这八种环境影响类型考虑,对每一种环境影响类型进行了当量评分。对于能量产生系统,以煤燃烧为例,对燃烧后的主要污染物进行了详细地分析和计算,并利用工艺流程系统中的当量评分来计算环境的影响。最后,用关联表达式将这两个部分进行关联,得出一个总的评分。 以安徽丰原生化有限公司的燃料酒精精馏系统作为工程实例,通过AspenPlus软件对两塔流程进行了模拟,用绿色指数法和EPS方法进行环境影响分析后,发现两塔流程的能耗较大,对环境的影响也较大。改用双效精馏流程后,能够明显地减少对环境的影响。实例结果表明,绿色指数法能够很好地指导化工分离系统的优化。

【Abstract】 In this paper, current research achievements of quantitative environmental impactassessment are overviewed. On the basis of the research, a quantitative method-Chemical Green Index which was proposed by Prof. Yao Ke-jian is improved.Starting from the basic principle of process system design, the system can be divided into two parts: one is chemical process system; the other is energy generation system. The environmental impact of the chemical process system is classified eight categories: global warming potential, ozone layer depletion potential, acidification, photochemical oxidation or smog formation potential, eutrophication, aquatic ecotoxiciry, terrestrial ecotoxiciry and human toxiciry, every of which is evaluated equivalently. As to the energy generation system, taking coal combustion as an example, after combustion the main pollutants are analyzed in details, and then the environment impact is evaluated with the equivalent evaluation in the chemical process system. Finally, a total estimation is obtained after using the correlation related the two parts.Taking an ethanol refinery system of Anhui Fengyuan Biochemistry Co., Ltd. as an engineering instance, the Two Towers flow is simulated with the software -Aspen Plus of Aspen Technology. After analyzing the environmental impact with Chemical Green Index and EPS method, the result indicates that the energy consumed in the two towers is large fairly and the effects to the environment are large too. However after replacing by the double-effect refinery process, the environment impact is decreased evidently. The above instance indicates that Chemical Green Index is a good guidanceto optimize the chemical separation system.

  • 【分类号】TQ018
  • 【下载频次】236

