

Dynamic Changes on the Landscape Structure of Hunshandake Sands and Analysis on It’s Forming Factors

【作者】 王牧兰

【导师】 秦树辉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 作为内蒙古高原自然生态景观单元的重要组成部分,浑善达克沙地在自然地理上有其独特的空间分布格局,在生态上具有显著的脆弱生境特征和演化规律,在环境保护上具有重要的作用。 RS、GIS技术在信息获取方面有量大、及时、准确等特点,景观生态学的应用为定量监测景观现状及动态提供了有效方法。 本文选取80年代末期与2000年的TM卫星影像为信息源,利用GIS的图像、数据处理功能,获取景观的空间属性数据库,并在此基础上运用景观生态学的基本理论与方法对该区域景观格局及景观动态变化进行了分析研究,结果表明,研究区荒漠化现象严重,草原景观和固定沙地景观面积明显的减少,半固定沙地景观和流动沙地景观面积明显的增加。 景观尺度上,景观多样性、均匀度和优势度的分析得出,景观多样性和均匀度减小,表明景观的组成趋向简单,同时优势度增加表明景观中占主导地位的半固定沙地景观、流动沙地景观的支配能力和影响力在增强,反映出整个景观向荒漠化景观方向发展。景观破碎度变大,说明人类活动对景观的干预作用不断增强。 分析该区景观动态变化的影响因素可知,气温升高和降水量减少是荒漠化景观发展的基础和背景条件,超载过牧是荒漠化景观发展的主要原因,至于其他因素如滥砍、滥伐、滥垦、滥挖药材、搂发菜、樵采等起了推波助澜的作用。 最后提出恢复和改善浑善达克沙地景观生态的对策。

【Abstract】 Hunshandake sands which is the important component of natural ecological landscape hell in Mongolia tableland, has unique spatial distribution pattern, obvious frangibility and evolvement rule in ecology, and has important function in environment protection. The data can be collected enormously, quickly and precisely under the support of RS and GIS. The applicant of landscape ecology provides us with an efficient way on quantitatively monitering landscape current and dynamic situation.In this paper, we saw TM image from late 1980s to 2000 -as data sources and using GIS data pnocessing function got landscape spatial attributive database. By doing so, analyze the landscape structure and its dynamic changes with the fundamental theories and methods of landscape ecology. As a result, the desertification is serious, the area of grassland and immobile dune is obviously on the decrease. In counter the area of semi-immobile dune and mobile dune is on the increase.On the landscape scale, the lees diversity and equality of landscape indicates thata landscape-s make-up becomes simpler. In the meanwhile, the more superiority indicates that the dominance and influence of the components (semi-immobile, mobile ) which are the main make-up of the landscape are increasing. From this we can see that the landscape develops toward desertification.The break up of landscape indicates that the influence of human activities on landscape is increasing.Analyzing the forming factors of dynamic changes in this area, we can see that temperature increase and rainfall decrease are the basic and background conditions of development of desertification, overgraze is the main causes, other causes such as misuse denudation, hew, estrepement and herb......give a hand to it.At last, put forward some countermeasures for how to recover and improve the landscape ecology in Hunshandake sands.

  • 【分类号】P901
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】336

