

Studies on the Dendrocola Fungi of Chinese Fir Plantation

【作者】 陈文相

【导师】 郭文硕; 朱建华;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 森林保护学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 杉木是我国南方重要的用材树种,生长快,材质好,单产高,分布广,人工林的栽培已有上千年的历史。杉木在我国南方林业生产中具有举足轻重的地位和作用。树栖真菌是杉木人工林生态系统的重要有机组成部分,在整个杉木人工林生态系统中占有十分重要的地位。在杉木体表上有许多真菌,它们有的是具有很强的致病性,可使健康杉木感病,影响杉木的生长甚至引起死亡,有的具弱的或不具致病性,有的对病原菌有较强的抗生作用,可以抑制病原菌的生长。有鉴于此,本论文针对这一研究薄弱环节,以生态学的原理为基础,采用真菌学、林木病理学和群落学的研究方法,对杉木人工林生态系统中树栖真菌的种群数量、年动态和物种多样性进行研究,以了解杉木树栖真菌在不同环境条件下的种群动态变化,以便为了解杉木真菌病害的发展规律,寻找有益真菌类群,并为有益类群创造有利的发生发展的生态条件,从而为杉木体表创造良好的微生态环境,为杉木病害的生态防治提供理论依据。主要研究结果如下: 1、杉木人工林芽栖真菌:经分离培养共获得42种芽栖真菌,优势种群为Cladosporium herbarum、Pestalotiopsis apiculatum。其中芽体栖真菌31种,优势种群为Cladosporium herbarum;芽鳞栖真菌35种,优势种群为Aspergillus terreus。芽栖真菌10月份18种,优势种群为Fusarium oxysporum;1月份12种,优势种群为Colletotrichum gloeosporioides;4月份15种,优势种群为Cladosporium herbarum;7月份21种,优势种群为Aspergillus terreus。芽体栖真菌31种,优势种群为Cladosporium herbarum,其中10月份14种,优势种群为Nigrospora sphaerica;1月份8种,优势种群为Haplosporella sp.;4月份9种,优势种群为Cladosporium herbarum;7月份16种,优势种群为Aspergillus terreus。芽鳞栖真菌35种,优势种群为Aspergillus terreus,10月份15种,优势种群为Haplosporella sp.;1月份12种,优势种群为Colletotrichum gloeosporioides;4月份13种,优势种群为Cladosporium herbarum;7月份16种,优势种群为Aspergillus terreus。不同冠层芽栖真菌也有差异:上冠层23种,优势种群为Cladosporium herbarum、Penicillium Sp.;中冠层29种,优势种群为Cladosporium herbarum;下冠层28种,优势种群为Colletotrichum gloeosporioides。 通过对杉木芽栖真菌组成的研究证明,在解剖学上作为两种不同器官的芽体与芽鳞上真菌组成与数量有明显的差异,即芽鳞上多于芽体上,组织表层多于组织内层。 物种多样性分析表明:芽鳞栖真菌群落的丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数较大。7月份芽栖真菌丰富度指数、均匀度指数较大,10月份芽栖真菌多样性指数较大。中冠层芽栖真菌丰富度指数较大,下冠层芽栖真菌多样性指数和均匀度指数较大。 2、杉木人工林叶栖真菌:经分离培养共获得32种叶栖真菌,优势种群为Pestalotiopsis apiculatum、Colletotrichum gloeosporioides。叶栖真菌10月份15种,优势种群为PestalotiOI”15 aPiculat“m;1月份12种,优势种群为Colletotrichum脚eosPortoides;、4月份12种,优势种群为PestofotioPs括opiculatum;7月份20种,优势种群为尸estalotiopsisaP勿封左血m.上冠层叶栖真菌23种,优势种群为万叩勿,口想Ila sP.;中冠层19种,优势种群为PestatotioPsis aPi门latum;下冠层26种,优势种群为pestatot才opsis aPicula咖。 物种多样性分析表明:7月份叶栖真菌丰富度指数、多样性指数较大,1月份叶栖真菌均匀度指数较大.上冠层叶栖真菌丰畜度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数较大. 3、杉木人工林枝栖真菌:经分离培养共获得37种枝栖真菌,优势种群为尸e‘tato打opsis aPiculatu加、几‘哪i娜印娜,。邝m。枝栖真菌10月份16种,优势种群为pestalotiop夕15 opiola细m;1月份10种,优势种群为colletotrichum加eosPortoides;4月份13种,优势种群为尸“tatotioPsisaPiculatum;7月份23种,忧势种群为AsPe馆illu,terreus。上冠层枚栖真菌25种,优势种群为Alternaria动‘尹刀口匆;中冠层27种,优势种群为优势种群为Pestalotiol方15 aPiculatum。opiculatum;下冠层20种, 物种多样性分析表明:7月份枝栖真菌丰富度指数、多样性指数较大,1月份枝栖真菌均匀度指数较大。上冠层枝栖真菌丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数较大. 4、杉木人工林干栖真菌:经分离培养共获得22种干栖真菌,优势种群为Pestaletiopsis aPiculatum、c公由毕口rium herbarum.干栖真菌10月份6种,优势种群为Pestatotiol”15 aPicula枷;1月份9种,优势种群为Ph口ma betae;4月份5种,优势种群为。“由印orium herbar封m;7月份12种,优势种群为Penicillium介岁‘nta月s。 物种多样性分析表明:7月份干栖真菌丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数较大. 5、衫木人工林树栖真菌:经分离培养共获得54种树栖真菌,优势种群为尸estalotiopsis aPiculatum、CladosPorium herbarum、卢公‘哪ium山拼毕orum、Colleto例chum gloeosPorioides。树栖?

【Abstract】 Chinese fir is an important tree species for timber in the south of China, which is fast-growth, good-timber, high-yield, and abroad-distribution, and the plantation of Chinese fir has over millennium history. Chinese fir has a very important status and function in the south forestry production of China. Dendrocola fungi are important parts in Chinese fir plantation ecosystem, which occupy very important status in the whole Chinese fir plantation ecosystem. There are a lot of fungi on the surface of Chinese fir: some have a strong pathogenic, and can make health Chinese fir sensed diseases and influence the growth even cause the death of Chinese fir; some have a weak or no pathogenic; some have strong resistance function to pathogens and can suppress pathogens. In view of this, aimed at the weak research points, this thesis is based on ecological principle, adopts basic methods of mycology, forest pathology and community ecology, in which the population quantity, annual trends and species diversity of the dendrocola fungi in Chinese fir plantation ecosystem are studied, understand the Chinese fir dendrocola fungi different populations dynamic change under different environmental terms, for finding out the development rule of Chinese fir fungal disease, looking for benefit fungi group, and create favorable emergence ecological terms for the development of the helpful groups, thus create good microecological environment for the surface of Chinese fir, provide some theoretical bases for ecological control of the disease of the Chinese fir. The main results are as follows:1. Chinese fir plantation bud dendrocola fungi: Through isolating and culturing, 42 species fungi were obtained from Chinese fir bud, the advantage populations are Cladosporium herbarum and Pestalotiopsis apiculatum. 31 species fungi were obtained from bud body, and the advantage population is Cladosporium herbarum; 35 species fungi were obtained from bud scale, and the advantage population is Aspergillus terreus. 18 species bud dendrocola fungi were obtained in October, and the advantage population is Fusarium oxysporum; 12 in January, and the advantage population is Colletotrichum gloeosporioides; 15 in April, and the advantage population is Cladosporium herbarum; 21 in July, and the advantage population is Aspergillus terreus. 14 species bud body dendrocola fungi in October, and the advantage population is Nigrospora sphaerica; 8 in January, and the advantage population is Haplosporella sp.; 9 in April, and the advantage population is Cladosporium herbarum; 16 in July, and the advantage population is Aspergillus terreus. 15 species bud scale dendrocola fungi in October, and the advantage population is Haplosporella sp.; 12 in January, and the advantage population is Colletotrichum gloeosporioides; 13 in April, and the advantage population is Cladosporium herbarum; 16 in July, and the advantage population is Aspergillus terreus. Different crowns of bud dendrocola fungi have differences too: 23 species on the upper crown, and the advantage populations are Cladosporium herbarum and Penicillium sp.; 29 species on the middle crown, and the advantage population is Cladosporium herbarum; 28 species on the lower crown, and the advantage population is Colletotrichum gloeosporioides.It is proved that components and quantities of fungi on bud scales are obvious different from those on bud bodies, the components and quantities of fungi on bud scales are more than those on bud bodies, and that out of tissues are more than those in tissues.Species diversity analysis indicated: bud scale dendrocola fungi community has a larger species richness index, diversity index and evenness index. Bud dendrocola fungi community in July has a larger species richness index and evenness index, and October has a larger diversity index. Bud dendrocola fungi community on the middle crown has a larger species richness index, and dendrocola fungi community on the lower crown has a larger diversity index and evenness index.2. Chinese fir plantation needle dendrocola

  • 【分类号】S718.8
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】102

