

Studies on the Application of Microwave-Heating Technique on the Processing of Oolong Tea in Southern Fujian

【作者】 罗丽

【导师】 郭雅玲;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 茶学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 系统应用微波加热技术于乌龙茶初、精制加工,与传统烘炒加热技术进行对比试验。毛蟹品种在不同初制工艺中生化成分与品质的变化规律如下: (1)方差分析结果表明,C或D单独对茶叶水浸出物含量的影响差异未达显著,C×D的影响差异在a=0.05水平上达到显著,C1×D2的水浸出物含量较低。与固定样相比,处理样的茶多酚和水浸出物均减少。 (2)通过GC-MS方法分析,各季节毛蟹共有成分是苯甲醛、3,7-二甲基1,6-辛二烯醇、苯乙醛、a-法呢烯、3,7-二甲基2,6-辛二烯醇、苯甲醇、苯乙醇、苯乙腈和橙花叔醇,说明这些香气成分为毛蟹品种的基本赋香组分。以橙花叔醇为毛蟹品种香的主体香气成分,毛蟹的品种香主呈清花香。经方差分析,在a=0.10水平下,认为C方式对茶叶香气成分中橙花叔醇含量的影响达显著水平。不同工艺处理方式产生的毛蟹香气趋势是:C1处理产生的较高含量的橙花叔醇等萜烯类醇系香气成分;C2的醛类物质含量较高;D1处理形成多种类含量较高的芳香族酯类物质;D2处理产生香气浓度较高的β-紫罗兰酮、3-己醇,吲哚等物质。C和D在毛蟹初制中的不同组合应用,形成的茶叶香气有差异。 C1D1、C1D2、工艺制得茶样香气清纯,外形色泽青褐转较翠润,滋味转醇和鲜爽,与传统的C2D2处理茶样品质等级相当或略有提高。微波干燥时,排气方式和叶量对茶叶单位耗电失水重影响达显著水平,以尾部抽弱风10kg的T4处理和双排抽弱风10kg的T6处理的茶叶单位耗电失水重较高,分别为263(g/kw·h)和220(g/kw·h)。 水仙、佛手、毛蟹等乌龙茶的微波炉复火试验,采用远红外测温仪和点温计同时测温。(1)不同微波强度处理的茶样升温速度存在群组分布趋势,P7至P10升温速度快,升温曲线分布靠近,成较密集的分布群;P4至P6的升温曲线分布也接近成群组:P3、P2与Pl曲线相互间距离较大。茶样失水速度与茶样品质也存在相似的群组分布。(2)与未处理样相比,毛蟹、水仙复火处理茶样的茶多酚总体呈减少趋势,春佛手呈增加趋势,滋味转醇和至醇厚;春佛手、夏水仙处理茶样的氨基酸含量比未处理样增加20一一40%,滋味转鲜甜。(3)水仙、佛手与毛蟹经微波复火处理后,品质变化规律相似。经新复极差测验,除Pl处理样外,其它微波处理茶样的品质与未处理样的差异均达到极显著:Pl处理样与未处理样的差异达到显著;微波功率处理中,以P3连续处理方式得到的品质最好,与其它处理方式的差异均达到极显著。Pl连、P4至P6方式处理茶样品质与烘箱处理接近。色种、黄楼的大型微波机复火试验结果表明:远红外处理或微波间歇加热处理所得的茶样品质约比微波连续烘焙茶样提高0.5一1个等级。茶样水分在某一临界含水率以上时,水浸出物有增加趋势,黄枝这一临界含水率为4.0%左右,色种约为4.5%。

【Abstract】 Microwave technique was applied to oolong tea processing, in comparision to the traditianal firing techniques. The variation of chemical components and quality of Maoxie cultivar during the tea processing showed as follows.First, the effect of fact C or fact D on tea soluble substances was not significant, the effect of CXD indicated significance at P=0.05 level , C1Xd1samples achieved less amount soluble substances. Compared with the original samples , the contents of soluble substance and polyphenols of the treated -samples were lessen .Second , the variation of aromatic consitituents of Maoxie cultivar during the tea processing was studied by gas chomatography and mass spectrograph (GC/MS). The common aromatic constituents in Maoxie cultivar were l,6-Octadien-3-ol,3,7-dimethy, Benzaldehyde Benzeneactaldethyde, a-Famesene , 2,6-Octadien-l-ol,3,7-dimethyl , Benzyl Alcohol , Phenylethy Alcohol , Benzeneacetonitrileand and nerolidol ,which were the basic aromatic constituents of Maoxie cultivar. The highest content of aromatic constituents was nerolidol .whose content could reach 40% to 80%, showing that nerolidol was the main aromatic constituent of Maoxie cultivar ,which made Maoxie smell like purely flowery note .The result of F test indicated that the effect of factor C on nerolidol came to be significant at P=0.10 level. The variation of Maoxie aromatic costituents during the tea processing was showed as follows.C1 process formed more aromatic terpenoids such as nerolidol 1,6-Octadien-3-ol,3,7-dimethy and 2,6-Octadien-l-ol,3,7-dimethyl and so on ; the contents of aldehyde was highly formed in C2 process than in C1 process ; D1 process came up with more kinds of aromatic esters ; D2 process had higher content of p-inone, 3-Hexen-(1)-ol and Indole, whose aromatic feature was rich .So the combination of facter C and D could form different characters of tea fragrance .Microwave technique was suitably applied to oolong tea heating in in-bag-rolling and firing process .The tea which made by C1D1 or C1D2 process smelled pure .tasted sweet ,the colour of tea turned green and bright .The quality of C1D1 and C1D2 tea was the same as or better than C2D2.When Microwave technique was applied to firing oolong tea , the air-discharged way and the weight of tea have a prominent effect on water- discharged weight of tea per kw ?hour . The T4 process and T6 process had higher water-discharged weight, whose water-discharged weight3of tea was 263 (g/kw.h) and 220 (g/kw.h) respectively .The factors of T4 treatment were back-aperture air-discharged way and 10kg tea , factors of T6 were both-aperture air-discharged way and 10kg tea . Different processes had a great effect on water- discharged weight of tea.The culivars of Shuixian, Maoxie and Foshou were used in the tea refiring test .The rate of heating showed a groop-scattered tendency . P7 to P10 Microwave power make tea’s temperature raise quickly, whose temperature-ascending curve was dinged together , P4 to P5 temperature-ascending curves also close to P6 cuve ,but P3, P2 and PI cuve seperated distantly .The rate of tea water-losing and quality have same tendency .Compared with the original samples , suitable time and microwave power contributed to oxdatation and transformation of polyphenols . The continuous treatment of Microwave could increase the content of amino acids .which made tea taste sweeter .The quality variation of Shuixian, Maoxie and Foshou culivars were similar. The results of Duken’s test showed the quality diffirence between all processed tea samples exclude PI samples and original tea samples indicated sigificane at P=0.01 level, the quality difrrence between PI samples and original samples indicated sigificane at P=0.05 level . The continuous P3 treatment of tea achieved best quality, the difrrence between P3 sample and the others indicated sigificane at P=0.01 level. The quality of tea by the P4 to P6 treatment and PI continuous-treatment was similar to hot-air-treatment samples.The refiring test of Sezhong and Huangdan cul

【关键词】 乌龙茶微波加热技术品质
【Key words】 Oolong teamicrowavefiring techniquequality
  • 【分类号】TS272
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】398

