
氯酸钾诱导龙眼(Dimocarpus longan Lour.)成花及其生理生化变化的研究

The Studies on the Floral Bud Formation of Longan (Dimocarpus Longan Lour.) Induced by Potassium Chlorate

【作者】 李松刚

【导师】 陈清西;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 果树学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 研究了用氯酸钾(KClO3)诱导龙眼树成花,使其在6、7月份也能进行花芽分化并开花,在诱导成花过程中观察了龙眼成花的情况及新梢长度和粗度的变化,测定了龙眼叶片中各种生理生化指标的动态变化,结果表明: 1.KClO3与其它药剂混合使用诱导龙眼成花的过程中,诱导效果最好的是B(KClO3+CTK),D(KClO3)次之,即药剂中加入了植物细胞分裂素比单独用KClO3的诱导效果更好,而KClO3加入多效唑(PP333)后诱导效果降低。 2.龙眼正常的花芽生理分化期一般为3个月左右,而经过诱导的龙眼树,生理分化期只要40d左右,也就是说用KClO3处理龙眼,花芽生理分化期大大缩短。 3.KClO3不但可以诱导龙眼成花,而且可以促进龙眼新梢长度和粗度的增加,有望成为来年理想的结果母枝。 4.KClO3诱导龙眼成花的过程中,B和D处理的结果母枝叶片中淀粉的含量在诱导过程中呈下降的趋势,在形态分化开始时,淀粉的含量达到了最低值;总糖含量在生理分化期呈逐渐上升的趋势;果糖含量的变化更明显,含量在生理分化期一直呈上升的趋势;蔗糖的含量在处理后先升后降,B和D处理最大值分别出现在处理后47d和41d。 5.B和D处理以后,结果母枝叶片中DNA含量的变化基本一致,随着处理时间的推移呈缓慢上升的趋势,到36d达到最大值,而后下降,而对照树结果母枝叶片中的DNA含量的变化不明显;RNA的变化趋势和DNA的很相似,从诱导至花芽形态分化前呈急剧上升的趋势,B和D处理分别比处理前增加498%和518%,RNA的峰值的出现比DNA晚10d左右,而且B和D的趋势也基本一致;RNA/DNA的比值诱导后一直呈上升的趋势,在花芽形态分化前达到了最大值;总的核酸在诱导的过程中一直呈上升的趋势,到47d达到最大值,对照核酸的含量基本没有明显的变化。 6.B和D处理后,结果母枝叶片蛋白质的含量在诱导过程中迅速增加,分别于处理后47d和36d达到最高值,比处理前分别增加145.17%和88.05%,而后逐渐下降,而对照处理(CK)蛋白质的变化不明显,且含量始终保持在较低水平。 7.龙眼结果母枝叶片中ABA含量在B和D成花诱导后25d内均保持在较高的水平,而后逐渐下降,此阶段对照树的叶片ABA的含量较低,说明生理分化期,较高的ABA有利于花芽分化,处理树进入形态分化后,ABA的含量呈逐渐减少的趋势,对照树ABA变化没有规律。GA1+3含量在B和D诱导后的生理分化期一直保持在较低的水平,诱导树进入形态分化以后,GA1+3含量直线上升,到幼果期达到最大值。B和D处理结果母枝叶片中的IAA含量在花芽生理分化期内表现不一致,B处理IAA呈现先升后降,D处理为先降后升,,诱导树进入形态分化和幼果期,IAA的含量保持在较高的水平而对照树叶片中的IAA含量变化不明显。龙眼叶片中的ZRs的含量一直都比较高,为对照的2~3倍,在整个诱导的过程中ZR呈缓慢下降的趋势,另外,iPA的含量比较少,只有ZRs的1/7~1/10,且含量的变化没有规律性。 8.各种激素的相互关系在龙眼的成花过程中也起着很重要的作用。较低的IAA/ABA,有利于龙眼花芽的形态分化;较高的IAA/GA1+3,ZRs/ABA也有利于花芽分化;较低的IAA/ZRs对花芽的分化有促进作用;较高的ABA/GA1+3,ZRs/GA1+3有利于龙眼花芽的生理分化,ZRs/GA1+3的值为1可能是龙眼花芽分化的临界期。

【Abstract】 Longan trees were applied with potassium chlorate (KClO3) in soil in June and July 2001 and 2002, and the effects on inducing floral bud formation were investigated. The fluctuations of the length and diameter of summer shoots were measured, the changes of total protein, nucleic acid, starch, soluble carbohydrates and endogenous hormones in the leaves were also determined in period of floral bud formation. The results were as follows:1. Treatment B ( KClO3-K:TK)showed the best result on induction, and D (KClO3) is the second, that is to say, KClO3 added with CTK had better effects, but added with PP333, had poor effects.2. In general, the process of physiological differentiation in longan may lasts about 3 months, however, treated with KC103, the process was shortened to about 40 days.3. Treated with KC103, can not only induced floral bud differentiation in longan, but increased the length and diameter of the summer shoots which intended to be bearing shoots in the coining year.4. The content of starch in longan leaves decreased in the induction phase. At the start of morphological differentiation phase, the content of starch came to the minimum. The content of soluble carbohydrates increased gradually during the physiological differentiation phase, at the same time ,the content of fructose increased sharply. The content of sucrose increased, reached the peaks 47 and 41 days after treatment in B and D, and then declined.5. Contrast to CK, treated with KClO3, the content of RNA and the ratio of RNA/DNA in leaf increased significantly in period of induction. The fluctuation of RNA in the leaves of treatment B was similar to D, increased dramatically at first and then fell down, in CK the level of RNA was very low and didn’t vary notably during the period. The content of DNA was similar to RNA but didn’t change much between treatments and CK. The ratio of RNA/DNA increased during induction period and reached the peak before the morphological differentiation. The content of nucleic acid was continuously increased and reached the peak 47 days later, and in CK didn’t vary obviously during the period.6. The content of protein in the leaves increased sharply, reached the peaks 47 days after treated with B and 36 days after D treatment, increased 145.17% and 88.05% of the content prior to treatment, respectively. Then the level of protein decreased gradually. In CK the content didn’t change obviously and was in a lower level.7. ABA in the leaves was in a high level for 25 days, then fell down, the content of ABA in CK leaves was lower, in physiological differentiation phase and in morphological differentiation phase ,the content of ABA decreased, which suggested that higher level of ABA contributed to floral bud differentiation. The content of GA1+3 in the leaves was in a lower level in physiological differentiation phase and in morphological differentiation phase, increased to the peaks. The content of IAA in treatment B was different from D. In B, IAA increased at first and then declined in physiological differentiation phase, but in D it decreased at first and then rose. In morphological differentiation phase, the content of IAA kept in a high level. During the period, the content of IAA in CK didn’t vary significantly .The content of ZRs in the leaves of treated trees was 2-3 times to the CK, and gradually decreased in the induction period, the content of iPA was 1/7-1/10 of ZRs, and had no regularity.8. The balances between different endogenous hormones also showed important roles in the KC103 inducing floral bud formation. Lower IAA/ABA, lAA/ZRs: higher IAA/GA1+3, ZRs/ABA ABA/GA, ZRs/ GAH3 all contributed to floral bud differentiation.

  • 【分类号】S667
  • 【被引频次】5
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