

Development and Estimation of Eui-P(T)GMS Line X07eS1

【作者】 吴爽

【导师】 杨仁崔;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 用核辐射诱变方法,育成光温敏核不育系X07S的两个长穗颈eui不育系。对这两个长穗颈光温敏核不育系进行遗传研究和育种利用评价,包括eui基因的等位性测验,株高、节间与解除包穗状况,生长发育特性,育性转换,花器性状,异交特性及对“九二0”的敏感性,品质性状及配合力等。获得如下初步结果: 1.两个突变系分别同带有eui1、eui2基因的协青早eB1、协青早eB2杂交,结果表明两个突变体均含有eui1基因,这两个株系暂定名为X07eS1-1、X07eS1-2。 2.通过9期播种可以看出,X07eS1的花粉育性表现同X07S一致,说明eui1基因同花粉育性独立遗传,eui1基因的长穗颈表达过程不影响花粉育性。X07eS1的播始历期少于对照1~2d,X07eS1的育性转换期要迟于对照5~9d。 3.分期播种的研究表明X07eS1-1、X07eS1-2株高分别比对照高2.7~26.6cm、1.8~16.1cm,在不育期三者差异不显著,育性转换后X07eS1的株高比对照有显著地提高。X07eS1株高的增加主要来源于倒1、2节间的伸长。由于倒1叶鞘的伸长,比对照多伸长2.6~5.7cm,致使在不育期解除包颈效果不明显。在可育期,X07eS1的穗颈伸出度极显著增加,能够完全解除包穗,而对照仍包穗6.1cm。通过对8期的叶龄动态调查,可知X07eS1与X07S差异不显著,分蘖动态表明突变体的分蘖能力较弱,X07eS1-2最弱,X07eS1在移栽10d以后苗高均高于对照。 4.X07eS1-1、X07eS1-2的穗总粒数比对照有显著性增加,幅度在20粒左右。X07eS1的穗长、颖花长度和长宽比均有增加的趋势。柱头生活力三者差异不显著,到第7天柱头活力全部丧失。三者的柱头外露率都比较低,在第Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅶ期,两个突变体的柱头外露率显著地高于对照。X07eS1-1、X07eS1-2的开花习性都比对照差,表现为无明显开花高峰,且每日开花数少。三者的开颖角度没有显著性差异,但突变体的开颖时间短于对照。 5.X07eS1-1、X07eS1-2对“九二0”的敏感性提高,施用少量的“九二0”能够有效地缓解包穗,且杂种的种子质量也得以提高,在制种生产过程中可少用“九二0”。在制种上要针对这些特点,合理安排花期,且要合理施用少量的“九二0”以提高制种产量。 6.采用不完全双列杂交设计,用3个不育系同6个恢复系配组得18个组合进行配合力分析。X07eS1在株高、穗实粒数这两方面的一般配合力较好,X07eS1-2单株穗重的一般配合力比较大,说明用X07eS1-2配组可以获得高产,而有效穗的增多起了主要作用。株高与特殊配合力有密切关系,而单株穗重与特殊配合力关系不密切,亲本的一般配合力对单株穗重的作用更大。组合的各主要性状的一般配合力方差都比特殊配合力方差大,在这些性状中以加性效应为主,非加性效应较小,穗总粒数、实粒数、结实率、千粒重等遗传力较大,由亲本直接传给杂种的能力强。 ’ 7.XO7esl一1、XO7eSI一2的碾米品质高于对照,其中整精米率提高20多个百分点,但所配组组合无规律性。三者的外观品质都比较差,至白米率都大于80%,在配组时要求父本的外观品质优良,奎白要小、少。三者的直链淀粉含量都比较低,组合含量高低主要取决于父本。三者的胶稠度都比较大,父本的值与组合的胶稠度含量关系密切。在糊化温度上,组合与亲本间没有表现出规律性。 本文还对XO7esl在杂交稻种子生产中的应用作了讨论。

【Abstract】 Two elongated uppermost internode mutants were obtained from P(T)GMS line X07S by v -ray of 60Co irradiating it’s dry seed. Genetics and breeding evaluation of the two mutants were studied, which included allelism test, plant height and internodes, growing traits, panicle exsertion, fertility altering character, floral and cross-fertilize characters, rice quality, analysis of combining ability and so on. The primary results were as following:1. Crossed with XQZeBl with euil and XQZeB2 with eui2 can know the two mutants are controlled by euil gene. The mutants were named as X07eSl-l and X07eSl-2 respectively.2. The pollen fertility of the mutants were the same as X07S. The result indicates that the expression of eui\ gene is independent of the male sterility gene. Moreover, the expression of euil gene does not affect pollen fertility. Compared with the original S line, X07eSl headed about l~2d earlier, the sterility period was longer about 5~9d.3. The plant height of X07eS1-l and X07eS1-2 were higher than control about 2.7-26.6cm and 1.8-16.1cm respectively. There hadn’t significant difference of plant height between them in sterile period. After sterility alteration, X07eSl was higher as a significant level. The two mutants exhibited higher plant height because of elongation of uppermost and 2nd internodes. Because the uppermost sheath of X07eSl elongated 2.6-5.7cm more than that of X07S. The effect which euil gene getting rid of poor panicle exsertion wasn’t significant in its sterile period. X07eSl released from panicle enclosure in fertilizable stage, whereas the panicle exsertion of X07S was about -6.1cm. During eight phases’ survey, the two mutants were different slightly with control in dynamic expression of leaf age. The tiller ability of X07eSl seemed weak. The seedling height of X07eS1 was always higher after 10 days transplanted.4. X07eS1-1 and X07eS1-2 had increased remarkably about 20 spikilets per panicle. In addition, eS line had a tendency to increase its panicle and spikelet length as well as length-width ratio at a significant level. There didn’t have significant difference among the three S lines in stigma vigor, they all losed stigma vigor at 7th day. They had low rate of stigma exsertion, the mutants were higher than X07S at some phases significantly. X07eS1-l and X07eS1-2 were inferior to X07S in flowering habit, they hadn’t flowering peak apparently, and the total amounts of flowering spikelet were very few. The angles of opening spikelet among them had no significant difference. Opening periods of spikelet of the mutants were shorter.35. In hybrid seed production with X07eSl, using fewer GA3 had a satisfied result, that is to say, euil showed increased sensitivity to GA3. The quality of hybrid seed with eui\ was enhanced.6. Through incomplete diallel cross using 3 P(T)GMS lines and 6 restorer lines, combining ability was analyzed with 18 combinations. X07eSl-l and X07eSl-2 showed higher gca in plant height and filled grains per panicle. X07eSl-2 had greater gca in yield per plant. Using X07eSl-2 as female line could get higher yield, the increase of effective tillers per plant made the primary role. Plant height had close correlation with sea value. Yield per plant was related to sea, it seemed that the parents’ gca were more important. The variances of gca were greater than those of sea in most characters of all combinations, indicating additive effect is dominant, the roles of dominant and epistatic effect are unimportant. The heriabilities of spikelets per spanicle, grains per panicle, ratio of seed setting and 1000-grain weight were large, which indicates the ability of transmitting from parents to offsprings is powerful.7. Milling qualities of X07eSl were better than that of X07S. They had more head rice. There was not regularity between the combinations whether concluding euil gene or not. All the three line’s appearance qualities were inferior. The rate of chalky grain exceeded 80%. To get good appearance quality of combinations,

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