

Modeling and Simulation of Container Terminal Logistics System Based on WITNESS

【作者】 高玮

【导师】 周强;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 集装箱码头物流系统,是指在一定的集装箱码头空间里,由集装箱、船舶、装卸搬运机械、泊位、堆场、道路、人员以及通信联系等若干相互制约的动态要素构成的有机整体。集装箱码头,作为集装箱运输系统的枢纽,对加强国内、国际间的贸易往来与提高集装箱运输系统的运输效率具有极其重要的作用。本文结合教育部重点科技项目“基于无线局域网的集装箱堆场机械调度与监控系统的研究”,对集装箱码头物流系统进行了深入的研究,揭示了集装箱码头物流系统内部元素之间的关系,提出了增强港口生产能力的一些新措施。 本文首先回顾了国内外集装箱码头物流系统的研究动态,分析存在的一些问题,并结合集装箱码头物流系统的特点,提出采用Petri网对集装箱港口物流系统进行整体建模的思路,接着系统地介绍了集装箱码头的基本组成、布局、装卸工艺、作业流程后,评估了集装箱码头物流系统的相关性能指标,并结合实际码头的历史数据,介绍一些相关的经验公式。 在讲述了Petri网的一些理论基础后,分析了基本Petri网存在的“封闭性”等问题,并结合集装箱码头物流系统的内部功能,引入复合建模的概念,建立了集装箱码头物流系统及集箱、卸船、装船、提箱四个子系统的层次模型和动态模型,归纳了它们的变迁事件表。 根据集装箱码头物流系统的层次模型和动态模型的思路,以实际码头的数据为原型,根据集装箱码头生产作业的特点与仿真目标的要求,在对码头物流系统进行合理的简化之后,借助现代离散事件动态系统仿真语言WITNESS,建立了集装箱码头物流系统的计算机仿真模型,并利用码头的实际营运数据验证了仿真模型的可靠性。最后对实际码头当前的生产能力和未来扩建后的生产能力做了仿真实验分析,指出码头潜在的作业“瓶颈”。为生产实际提供了决策基础。

【Abstract】 Container terminal logistics is an organic system, made of interactive and dynamic components, such as containers, ships, berths, yards, tracks, quay cranes and yard cranes, trucks, labors and communications, in a limited terminal space. Since container terminals play a fundamental role in the container transportation to ensure a smooth transfer between different modes of transport, it is very important in internal and international trade. Because of the fast-developing global containerization, most of container ports are facing great challenges and chances.Combined with Ministry of Education’s important scientific and technological project "Research on the Machinery Allocation and Supervision System of Container Yards Based on Wireless Local Networks", this paper does research on the theoretical methods on the scheduling and simulation of container terminal logistics systems, and put forward some methods to improve the operational efficiency of this system.At the beginning of the paper, a literature review on the domestic and abroad researches of container terminal logistics system is provided; A Petri-net based idea to model the whole container terminal logistics system is put forward; then the paper introduces the basic components, layout, loading and unloading process flow of container terminals, evaluates the related performance parameters and at last introduces some related experience formulas based on the historical data of an actual terminal.After going over the basic theoretical principles of Petri-net, the paper analyzes the exiting problems such as "block" of basic Petri-net, then introduces a compound modeling idea, makes a hierarchical and dynamic model of container terminal logistics system with the four sub-models of collecting containers, unloading ships, loading ships and picking up containers, and summaries their events-changing list.According to the idea of the finished Petri-net model and the process characteristics and simulation aims of container terminals, a computer simulationmodel of container terminal logistics system is made based on the software of WITNESS and is validated by the data of an actual terminal. At last the model is used to analyze the present productivity of an actual container terminal and the bottleneck of its logistics system after the terminal is expanded, and provides the decision support for the terminal.

  • 【分类号】U693
  • 【被引频次】51
  • 【下载频次】1280

