

Research and Practice on Reality Design Based on Virtual Environment

【作者】 林丰

【导师】 方兴;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 工业设计工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 虚拟环境仿真技术(Virtual Reality,简称VR技术),是20世纪末才兴起的一门崭新的综合性信息技术。VR技术的特点在于,由计算机产生一种人为虚拟的环境,这种虚拟的环境是通过计算机构成的三维空间,或是把其他现实环境编制到计算机中去产生逼真的“虚拟环境仿真”,从而使得用户在多种感官上产生一种沉浸于虚拟环境仿真的感觉。 虚拟环境仿真技术实时的三维空间表现能力、人机交互式的操作环境以及给人带来的身临其境感受,将一改人与计算机之间枯燥、生硬和被动的现状。VR技术一经问世,人们就对它身临其境的真实感和对超越现实的虚拟性的追求,以及建立的个人能够沉浸其中、进出自如并具有交互作用的虚拟世界,产生了浓厚的兴趣。20世纪80年代是个人计算机的时代,90年代是网络、多媒体的时代,而21世纪初则将是VR技术的时代。由于交互性是虚拟环境仿真技术的一个关键,因而这一个交互性游戏的开发具有重要的意义。通过这种开发,取得了令人瞩目的研究成果,从而引起了人们对虚拟环境仿真技术的广泛关注。图像的实时动画制作成为可能,越来越多的新颖、实用的输入输出设备相继进入市场,而人机交互系统的设计也在不断创新,这些都为虚拟环境仿真系统的发展打下了良好的基础。 如果将人类的思维划分为艺术的、宗教的、实践精神的和理论的(科学的)四种方式掌握世界,那么,艺术掌握世界的方式,可以理解为人类以心灵观照世界整体的方式,同时也是人类进行艺术生产的方式。艺术,是人类感受、体验、认识美的规律,并按照美的规律创造世界,按照美的规律创造自身的实践活动。一方面,艺术是社会审美观念,社会意识和社会文化的产物,具有精神生产的特征;另一方面,艺术的创造也在改变自然界物质存在的形式,也具有物质生产的某些特征。随着人们的生活水平日益提高,对精神文明的需求也日益提高,这就要求我们在进行虚拟环境仿真设计的时候,要注意处理好艺术设计与虚拟环境仿真技术的关系,即要把这两者有机的结合起来。总的说可以从这几方面入手:从虚拟环境仿真艺术的基础入手;从虚拟环境仿真艺术设计的关键入手;从开拓虚拟环境仿真艺术的工作途径入手。 随着科学技术的飞速发展,虚拟环境仿真技术出现了多样化的发展趋势,它不仅仅是指那些戴着头盔和手套的技术,而且还应该包括一切与之有关的具有自然模拟、逼真体验的技术与方法。液晶显示光闸眼镜等一些廉价的设备,就可以产生一种三维空间的幻觉来增加沉浸的感觉;视觉是人类从客观世界获取信息的最主要的传感渠道,因而三维场景的实时动态显示可以说是VR中一项最重要的技术。虚拟环境仿真技术的软件有很多,如使用编程的方法直接生成,常用的程序设计语言有vRML和openGL等;基础建模的有3DS MAX、AUTOCAD、MULTIGEN等。MUTIGEN国内还属于刚起步阶段,了解它的人并不多。MUTIGEN可以调用3DMAX的模型,也可以调用CAD的模型,也可以直接在MUTIGEN里建模。同时,可以压缩文件的大小,为以后能够顺利的在电脑中运行打下基础。

【Abstract】 The conjecture environment imitates the true technique( Virtual Reality, brief name VR technique), and is 20 century the end just rise a brand-new synthesize the sex information the technique.VR technique of the characteristics consist in, and be produced by calculator environment that an artificial conjecture that environment, this kind of conjecture pass the calculator constitute of three space, or arrive the calculator the other and realistic environment establishment to inside go to produce the lifelike" the conjecture environment imitate true", from but make the customer to produce on various sense organses a the kind sink to immerse in the conjecture environment to imitate the true felling.The conjecture environment imitates three of solid hour of true technique space performance the ability, person’s machine hand over with each other the type’s operation environment and its of body bring to personning feels, will on changing of the person and calculator the present condition for lifelessly, not smoothly with passively .Reality that VR technique as soon as publish, people to the actuality that its of of its body feel with right overstep individual of conjecture pursue, and establish to can sink to immerse among them, pass in and out from such as and have to hand over with each other the function’s conjecture world, produced the thick and thick interest.lt is network, the times of multi-media that 80 ages of 20 centuries is a personal the times of calculator,90 ages, but 21 century it be ages of technique VR that beginning will be then.Because of hand overing with each other the conjecture environment that sex is a development imitate a key of the true technique, because of the meaning that but this hand over with each other the sex game have the importance.Pass this kind of development, and obtain the ream person the research result that focus attention, from but caused extensive concern towards conjecture environment imitate true technique of people.The solid hour that diagram resemble animation the creation make possible, more and more of novel, practical importation output the equipments is successive into the market, and the person’s machine hand over with each other the system’s design too at continuously creative.If divide the line mankind’s thought as the art of, religion of, practice four kinds of method that spirit of control the world with theories, so, the art control the world’s way, and can comprehend the humanness to shine on the way of the world the whole with the mind , and also is mankind to proceed art of way that produce.Art, is mankind to feels, experience personallies, beautiful regulation of cognition, and creates according to the beautiful regulation world, creates according to the beautiful regulation the oneselfs fulfillment activity.On the other hand, the art is a social esthetic sense, social consciousness with ofculture society thing, have the full of energy the characteristic that produce;On the other hand, the art’s creation too in the changes nature material form that exsits, also have some characteristics that produces of materials.Increasingly increase, need spiritual civilization to also increasingly increase along with people’s living level, and this will beg us at the time that proceeding conjecture the environment imitate to really design, want the attention to handle the good art design and conjecture environment knot that imitate the true technique that relation, then want to is both organic this to put together.Totally saying can commence from this several aspects:From the foundation that the conjecture environment imitate the true art to commence ;From the key that the conjecture environment imitate the true art design to commence;From expand the work path that conjecture environment imitate true art to commence.Not only and only point those to wearing the helmet along with the development trend, it that flying to soon develop of science technique, conjecture environment imitated the true technique to appear the diversification with the gloves’s techn

  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】294

