

Analysis of Turnover of Talented People in State-owned Enterprises and Countermeasures

【作者】 程建君

【导师】 程森成;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国现在进入了一个新的历史时期:我们正为能在本世纪实现第三步战略目标而前进,与此同时,社会主义市场经济体系逐渐完善、全面建设小康社会、中华民族的复兴……这些既是一种挑战,又是一种机遇。要实现这些目标,就需要选中一个切入点、突破口:这就是人才!但随着我国加入WTO,面对外国企业不断涌入中国大陆引起的对各类人才,特别是高级人才的巨大需求,我国,特别是我国的国有企业势必遭遇到前所未有的人才危机。因此,研究国有企业的人才流失问题,做好国有企业人才的保留工作,无疑具有重要的理论与现实意义。 本文共分为四章。第一章介绍了国有企业人才流失的现状,对国内外人才流失研究现状进行了综述,指出了本研究的目的与意义,并对相关概念进行了界定。人才在企业层次的流动可以分为流入、流出和内部流动。本文将人才的自愿流出企业称为人才流失,因为人才的自愿流出对于企业来讲是一种损失。国有企业人才流失是指人才自愿流出所在的企业。 第二章对国有企业人才流失进行了分析。分析国有企业人才流失,有必要分析其流向何方,分析造成流失的影响因素,以及人才流失对国有企业产生的不良后果。分析国有企业人才流失的方向,有利于国有企业进行横向的比较。影响国有企业人才流失的因素有宏观的环境因素、微观的企业因素及更为微观的个人因素,但本文更多地从企业的角度来看待人才流失问题,微观的因素是企业所能够控制和把握的,不像宏观的影响因素,企业几乎是不可以控制的,所以本文只分析影响人才流失的企业因素与个人因素,虽然也偶尔提及宏观因素。国有企业的人才流失必然带来一些消极的影响。现在我国一些国有企业已经意识到人才的重要性,但还有相当多的企业对于人才流失给企业所造成的损失还没有清醒的认识。本文从人才流失的成本、人才流失对工作绩效的干扰,人才流失对士气的打击等方 武汉理工大学硕_卜学位论文面加以阐述。 第三章提出了国有企业留住人才的对策。分析问题的最终目的要落实到解决问题上来。针对国有企业的实际,本文提出了控制企业人才流失的对策。首先是观念更新,树立人本主义管理哲学。以人为本,意味着从人力资源管理的每一环节去寻找对策。本文也提出了一些具体管理的措施,如加强企业文化建设,思想政治工作等。 本文力求较全面地分析国有企业人才流失现象,运用理论与实践相结合,历史与现实相结合,定量与定性相结合的方法。本文研究的角度同过去的文献有所不同,过去的文献倾向于以流动代替流失,从广义上讲,这未尝不可,但这种研究过于泛化。另外,大多数研究从企业方面去找人才流失的原因,本文较多地从个人因素去分析人才流失的原因,并尝试着将二方面的原因结合起来分析。

【Abstract】 China has now entered a new stage of development. We are now striving to realize the third strategic goal by the middle of this century; we have implemented the strategy of national revitalization by building a socialist economy and exploring the West of China. All this has brought both challenges and opportunities. The only way out is to attract talented people for our purpose. With China’s entry into WTO and the increasing demand for talented people from foreign enterprises, Chinese state-owned enterprises will be confronted with the shortage of talented people. So it is of theoretical and practical significance to study the turnover of talented people and their retention.This paper is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter the existing turnover situation for the state-owned enterprises is introduced. The author then makes a brief account of the research achievements both in China and abroad. The research purpose and the definitions for some terms are also included in the chapter. The flow of talented people can be divided into flow-in, flow-out, and internal flow in an enterprise. The voluntary flow-out can be called turnover because an enterprise will suffer loss if talented person flow out of it. Turnover in state-owned enterprises refer to those who flow out of their enterprises voluntarily.The second chapter analyze the turnover of talented people in state-owned enterprises. When analyzing the turnover in state-owned enterprises, it is necessary to analyze where the talented people flow, what factors cause theturnover and the bad effects thereby. By analyzing where the talented people flow, a comparison can be made between the state-owned enterprises and otherkinds of enterprises. Factors affecting the turnover can be categorized into the environmental, the enterprise’ and the personnel factors. This article pays more attention to the enterprise factors, for they can be controlled. As for the environmental factors, they are beyond the control of the enterprises. So this article mainly analyzes the enterprise and personnel factors. Now only a small number of state-owned enterprises are aware of the importance of talented people, most of them have not fully realized the bad effects of turnover. This article analyzes the cost, the disturbance to performance, and the strike on morale concerning the bad effects.The third chapter puts forward some countermeasures. To analyze turnover in the state-owned enterprises is to solve the problem. Considering the current situation in the state-owned enterprises, this author puts forward some countermeasures to control the turnover. First, management ideas should be renewed, that is, humanism should be adopted. To carry out humanism, some links in the HR management process should be improved. The author also suggests some concrete measures, such as the enforcement of organizational culture and ideological and political education and etc.This paper tries to give a comprehensive analysis of turnover of talented people in state-owned enterprises. This paper combines the theory with the practice, the past with the present, quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis. This paper analyzes turnover in a different way from the past research. Apart from the enterprise factors, this author analyze more of the personnel factors, and tries to combine both of the two factors for turnover of talented people in state-owned enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F276.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1567

