

Seismic-Experimental Study of Bonding Steel Reinforced Beam-Column Joints

【作者】 樊玲

【导师】 熊丹安;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 节点是两种构件连接的公共部分及相邻区域。在钢筋混凝土框架结构中,节点是关键的部位之一,一旦发生震害影响较大。因而,研究节点抗震性能和及时对节点补强加固是很有必要的。 本文通过对5个足尺梁柱中节点试件的低周反复荷载试验,较全面地分析比较了非抗震梁柱中节点、抗震梁柱中节点和粘钢加固非抗震梁柱中节点的滞回曲线形状、屈服荷载、极限荷载、曲率变化、塑性铰转动能力、刚度变化及破坏特征等抗震性能的差异。通过对比试验结果,表明了粘钢加固法应用于加固梁柱中节点的可行性。结合理论分析与试验结果,本文还分析了影响粘钢加固梁柱中节点抗剪承载力的因素,从而推出了粘钢加固梁柱中节点抗剪承载力的计算公式。由于在试验中使用了光纤光栅传感器这一较为新型的测试方法,本文还通过比较光纤光栅传感器与电阻应变片所测的应变值,得出了其应用于土木工程检测上的可行性。 本文的主要成果如下: 1.对比研究了三种梁柱中节点(非抗震非加固节点、抗震节点、非抗震加固节点)的抗震性能。 2.通过对比试验,分析了光栅的布拉格波长变化与应变的关系,探讨布拉格光栅传感器用于土木工程检测的可行性及实现途径。 3.推导了适合于粘钢加固节点的抗剪承载力公式。

【Abstract】 Joints are the conjunct part and adjacent segment connecting two components in RC structure, which are one of key parts. Once the earthquake occurs, the influence of these joints on the structure is serious. So it is necessary to research on their seismic-capacity and to reinforce them.Based on the tests of five full-scale beam-column joints under cyclic load, difference of seismic capacity among three beam-column joints, non- seismic, seismic, and bonding-steel reinforced non-seismic, has been analyzed in the terms of hysteretic curve, plastic hinge, rigidity variation, curvature variation, and failure characteristics. The results of comparison tests show it is feasible for the way of reinforcing beam-column joints with bonding steel. The factor was found out by experimental and theoretical analysis, which effected sheer resistance of bonding-steel reinforced beam-column joints, and the formula of sheer capacity for bonding-steel reinforced beam-column joints had been deduced. Compared with the strain value from Fiber Bragg Grating and from resistance stain gages, it is feasible for FBG to be used in civil engineering.The major job was done hi this paper:(1) Comparison research seismic on three beam-column joints, non-seismic beam-column joints, seismic beam-column joints, and bonding-steel reinforced non-seismic beam-column joints.(2) Through comparison experiment, relationship between stain and wavelength of FBG was analyzed, the feasibility and realization of FBG used in detection of Civil Engineering is discussed.(3) The formula of sheer capacity suit to bonding steel Reinforced beam-column joints was deduced.

  • 【分类号】TU317
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】255

