

The Study of Drug Market in the New Environment

【作者】 邓飞翔

【导师】 程艳霞;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着医药产业的高速发展,医药市场已成为买方市场,市场竞争日益激烈。医药市场营销正面临变革:一方面国家针对医药市场的法律、法规日益完善,我国加入WTO后,医药企业间大规模并购、重组成为大势所趋;另一方面医药消费者素质逐渐提高,消费心理和行为日趋成熟。旧有的营销活动在新环境下将很难生存,市场营销创新将决定着医药企业生存和发展。本文借鉴国内、外医药企业在营销活动方面成功经验,通过对新的市场环境研究和医药消费者心理和行为分析,围绕着“基于客户满意”医药市场营销观点和“以客户为中心”营销体系构建这两个创新主题,从理论和实践两方面进行全面,系统的分析和探讨。 本文从市场营销角度对新环境医药市场营销的内涵和现实意义进行阐述,从企业战略管理、市场营销学、网络建设、消费心理学等方面对新环境下营销战略制订,品牌建设,营销方式和流通渠道创新提出具有建设性意见及相应对策,并结合实际案例进行分析总结。希望籍此,能够探索出新环境下适合医药企业发展和满足消费者需求的营销模式,为医药市场营销创新做出贡献。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the drug industry, the competitions in the drug market are increasingly drastic. The marketing in the drug market is hi face of change: on one hand, more and more laws and regulations toward drug industry are published by government. The acquisition and the reorganization are getting prevalent between the drug enterprises after china became a member of WTO; on the other hand, the qualities of drug consumers are gradually improved. The psychology and behaviors in consumption of the consumers are also getting ripe. As a result, the old marketing methods can’t meet the requisition of the new marketing environment. The innovation of marketing will closely relate the existence and development of the drug enterprises. Having studying the successful marketing experiences of domestic and foreign drug enterprises and analyzing people’s psychology and behaviors in drug consumption hi the new environment, this paper analyzes and explores two innovative themes: "customer satisfaction" and "putting customers in the center"The paper elaborates the connation and the realistic meaning of the drug marketing in the new marketing environment from the angel of marketing. Meanwhile, the paper also presents some suggestions and countermeasures to the working-out of marketing strategic, to the construction of brand, to the methods of marketing, to the circulating channel hi the new environment through the analysis of the real case. I hope what I have done can contribute a lot to the exploration of the marketing model that can suit the new environment well.

  • 【分类号】F723
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1251

