

Aesthetics Characteristic of Chinese Ancient Ship

【作者】 程雯慧

【导师】 朱明健; 顿贺;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 船是一种利用水面沟通地域的运载人与物的工具,为人类便利日常生活、从事水域作业与物资交流、发展社会经济做出了历史性的贡献,这是为大家所共识的。但作为延续几千年以至近万年历史的中国古船,它的独特意义更加深刻——具有丰富的深层次高品位的历史文化的内涵,也就是说它还承载着历史,是体现特定时代的一种文化标志,即便从制造角度来考察,也处处闪耀着劳动人民的智慧,是特定时代科技、工艺以及建筑学、美学、民俗学的集大成者。 船舶是运动在水上的建筑物,如果说“建筑是凝固的音乐”(谢林语),那么船舶则是流动着的乐章。它同陆上建筑一样,有着不同的形式、风格和美感。 不同版本研究船史的论著,从技术的角度系统、全面的论述了我国古代各个时期出现的一些船型及其特点。遗憾的是没有从审美的角度去探讨船舶造型给人们带来的美感。虽有的书籍谈到了一些形式美法则,但没有全面的深入分析,特别是对中国古代船舶的审美特征缺乏系统的研究与分析。祖先为我们留下了这一无比丰富的遗产,我们有责任去发掘、整理,并使之发扬光大。 船舶虽然不是艺术品,但是优秀的造型设计也能创造具有艺术美的形象。从中国古代船舶发展的进程中可以看出:不同地域,不同使用目的,不同民俗传统,不同技术水平,不同审美观念,形成各种各样不同的船型。概括起来可以说,决定船型的主要因素是功能、技术与审美观。我国古代的船舶具有自己的独立性和创造性,形成了优秀的传统工艺与独特的风格。其造型按上层建筑的构造大体可分为宫殿式、城堡式和板篷式三种。宫殿式的船舶,一般为帝王将相享乐游玩的工具,比如隋代的大龙舟。城堡式通常为格斗的战船,如春秋战国时期的斗舰、隋代的五牙舰等。板篷式最为普遍,是民间常用的水上运载工具,明代江汉运输税银的课船,浙江绍兴的乌篷船等。除此外,还有造型奇特的仿生船、双体船等。 船舶作为一种造型艺术,有它自己独特的审美创作规律,这个规律又受制于一定的造型观念,而这种观念是有民族、地域、历史文化传统、哲学观 武汉理工大学硕士学位论文念、民俗民风、生活生产、情感气质、审美观念等因素所决定。 本文以船舶的整体造型为角度,探讨了古代船舶所体现的形式美学风格,并从审美的角度分析了船舶推进工具一一帆的美感。船饰文化使船舶具有艺术的外观形象,并使船舶艺术具有了思想内涵的表现力。它是中国古代船舶艺术的一个重要组成部分。文章从船舶彩绘、雕刻艺术、船旗和风俗等方面对船饰文化进行了较为全面的分析、探讨和研究。 本文研究过程中,在已有的材料的基础上力求分析得客观、全面和深入一些,以此抛砖引玉,这样做将会有利于对中国古代船舶,对它的历史、文化、艺术等方面的价值的认识更加具体和深化。

【Abstract】 The ship is a transportation tool navigating by water. It is known to all that the ship has historic contribution to people’s daily life, material exchange on the water and social economic development. Chinese ancient ships continued several thousands or approximately ten thousand years. So it has distinctive and fine quality historical cultural connotations. That is to say, it is a kind of cultural mark of some era. From the perspective of manufacture, it shows the wisdom of working people and is a comprehensive entity of science and technology, crafts, architecture, aesthetics and folk customs.The ship is the building navigating by water. As architecture is static music, ship is flowing one. Like the building on the land, the ship has different form, style and aesthetic feeling.From the perspective of technology, lots of different books expound some ships’ shape and special feature of each period. Regrettably, they haven’t explore the beauty sense of ships’ shape. Even if some books expound some laws of form beauty, they haven’t explored them comprehensively and deeply, especially the aesthetic characteristics of Chinese ancient ships. Since our ancestor has left the unparallel heritage, it is our responsibility to excavate, arrange and develop it.Though the ship is not work of art, excellent mould design can also create the beautiful image. From the perspective of the development of Chinese ancient ship, the ship’s shape is determined by different area, useful aim, folk tradition customs, technique level and aesthetic concepts.Generally speaking, the ship’s shape is determined by main factors like function, technology and aesthetic concepts. Chinese ancient ship has own dependence and creation that forms excellent traditional crafts and unique style.The ship’s shape is divided by palace form, castle form and covering form. The first is usually a tool playing by aristocrat, like the dragon-boat of Sui Dynasty. The second is used to fight, like Dou naval vessel of Spring and Autumnand Warring period, Wu ya naval vessel of Sui Dynasty. The third is ordinary toolused by common people, like the black-covering boats of Shao xing, Zhe Jiang province. Furthermore, there are two kinds of distinctive mould ships. One is the ship which created by imitating animals, such as the dragon-boats, phoenix-boats and centipede boats etc.As a plastic art, the ship has own unique aesthetic creation law, controlled by mould idea that is determined by nationalities, area, historic cultural tradition, philosophy thought, folk customs, life and production, sentiment and temperament, aesthetic concept.From the perspective of the ship’s shape, this thesis expounds form aesthetic style reflected by ancient ships. And from the perspective of aesthetics, it explores the sense of beauty of sails that are the ship’s driving force.The ship’s decoration culture makes the ship own artistic outward appearance and manufacture of thought connotations. And it is an important component of Chinese ancient ship art. The thesis analyses and researches the ship’s decoration culture according to colorful paintings, carving art, ship’s flags and customs etc.During the research, this thesis expounds the material objectively, comprehensively and deeply. It brings a good base to expound the ship’s aesthetics more concretely and deeply. It will help understanding history, custom, art of Chinese ancient ship.

  • 【分类号】J509.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】412

